Begonia X Semperflorens
Semperflorens Cultorum Group often called wax begonia is an extremely popular garden annual. The wild forms Begonia cucullata B. Fibrous Rooted Begonia Wax Begonia Begonia X Semperflorens Cultorum I Brought The Pot In Over The Winter Western New York Stat Flower Pots Begonia Plants 20 to 40 centimetres. Begonia x semperflorens . Its actually a tender perennial that will grow and flower year-round indoors. Their beautiful flowers can be in single or double form. X semperflorens-cultorum sem-per-FLOR-enz kul-TOR-um Info View all varieties of Begonias. Bee-GO-nee-uh x sem-pur-FLOR-enz-kull-TOR-um Common names. In full sun the red to bronze tinge grows to a rich blush. The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology lists this species as an allergy-safe pollen producing plant. Begonia x semperflorens variety flowers. Begonia be-GON-yuh Info Species. Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum is a popular annual with waxy green- to bronze- to red-colored foliage and small ...