African Leaf Fish Tank Mates
3 Firemouth Cichlid. This means that there are far too many species of fish to avoid when choosing tank mates for your African Cichlids. Leopard Ctenopoma Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium Catfish Aquarium Fish Here are his current tank mates. African leaf fish tank mates . Most other small and peaceful species of fish. There are almost no issues with the african leaf fish compatibility in a tank. The species preferred water hardness is between 8 and 8 dKH with a pH in the range of 68 to 78. Since Dwarf Cichlids are much calmer and more peaceful than the bigger breeds they can make great tank mates for your Congo Tetras. So the fish you choose as tank mates for your Angelfish must. The Nandus Leaf Fish needs A pH of about 65 to 75 with low hardness. Of course your tank size would have to be appropriate to house several of these fish together. I was looking into maybe adding 1 or 2 leaf fish. Like all Catfish theyre bottom feeders so they will make good tank mates ...