Begonia Care Outdoors
If you happen to live in a zone 8b to 11 your begonias should be able to last outside all year round. When it comes to fertilizer begonias prefer their fertilizer well-diluted. Wax Begonia Care Begonia Semperflorens Smart Garden Guide Indoor Flowering Plants Plant Care Houseplant Begonia Once blooms appear begin regular fertilization but be careful not to fertilize too often. Begonia care outdoors . This plant requires shade place. Dusty Rose Begonia Begonia tuberhybrida. Pests and Diseases The best defenses against pests and diseases are to keep your begonias moderately moist but never soaking wet and. Begonias are a large family of beautiful tropical flowers that can liven up any garden. If you are going to plant it in a pot point the pot facing the window so that it gets enough sunlight. Cut the stems back to a leaf node using clean sharp sterilized pruning shears or a knife. Carry out this practice any time during spring or early summer when your begonia is in...