Check out our collection of AAUP merch, membership materials, and free resources available to chapters for membership drives and outreach.
Request Buttons and Brochures
Chapters can request limited qualities of the following items for distribution to members and at campus events:
AAUP buttons in various styles
Copies of Academe magazine
Membership brochures (for nonunion chapters only)
Email [email protected] to request materials today. Please include an address where we can send the swag and quantities of the materials you’re interested in (if possible) in your request.
Download Posters and Handouts
We have a selection of free posters and handouts you can download for electronic distribution or printing.
AAUP posters (full-sized printing requires the use of 17" x 22" paper):
Handouts on AAUP principles:
Buy Shirts and Gear
We encourage chapters to buy AAUP T-shirts, pins, stickers, or other merchandise in bulk, which allows you to get lower prices and to buy from a union vendor. Many brokers work with both union and non-union shops, so be sure to specify what you want. You can work with the vendor of your choice; some options that we've had good experiences with are Ethixmerch and Financial Innovations, Inc.
For members who just want to purchase one or a few items, we also offer AAUP T-shirts and other merchandise through a print-on-demand service.