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contemporary (111)
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horror (93)
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mystery-thriller (70)
“because a rumor is like smoke. It will spread, it will seep through closed doors and latched shutters, and in the end the whole town will smell of it.
“We are very bad at scale. The things that live in the soil are too small to care about; climate change too large to imagine. We are bad at time, too. We cannot remember what lived here before we did; we cannot love what is not. Nor can we imagine what will be different when we are dead. We live out our three score and ten, and tie our knots and lines only to ourselves. We take solace in pictures, and we wipe the hills of history.”
― H is for Hawk
― H is for Hawk
“Don't think you haven't lived long enough to have a story to tell.”
― A Monster Calls
― A Monster Calls
“Too often we women try to tackle chaos that is not ours to fix”
“Is Zaddie Sapp deformed because she was born with black skin?” “Of course not—” “Are Grace and Lucille deformed because they have given up men and live out at Gavin Pond Farm together?” “No, Mama, that’s not—” “That’s how they were born, darling! Zaddie was born with black skin and Grace Caskey was born to dote on girls, and just because they’re different, do you think Creola Sapp should have said, ‘I’m not going to give birth to this child’? Do you think Genevieve and James should have said, ‘We don’t want a little baby if she’s not going to grow up to be just like everybody else in this town’?”
― Blackwater: The Complete Caskey Family Saga
― Blackwater: The Complete Caskey Family Saga
An annual reading challenge to to help you stretch your reading limits and explore new voices, worlds, and genres! The challenge begins in January, bu ...more
The next round of the Tome Topple Readathon will take place from midnight in your time zone on February 7th to 11:59pm in your time zone on February 2 ...more
A mostly monthly book club (February-November) focused on thriller/mystery/horror hosted by BooksandLala and a rotating set of wonderful co-hosts! li ...more
Nikki’s 2024 Year in Books
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