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Ms. Fortune
MJLovestoRead is currently reading
by Jay Crownover (Goodreads Author)
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Aly Martinez
“It was an impossible situation. Trying to hold on to the life you want, all the while hoping the world crumbles for the person you care about most. Who knew serendipity was such a masochist?”
Aly Martinez, When the Walls Come Down

J. Sterling
“Our scars don't point us in the direction were headed, Cass, they simply remind us of where we've been”
J. Sterling, The Perfect Game

Lynetta Halat
“That kiss...that kiss was exceptional, and I'll never forget it. As I stand here and as long as I live, it was the best I've ever had, the best I could ever have.”
Lynetta Halat, Everything I've Never Had

M. Mabie
“Because sometimes things happen that are so far past fantastic you have to do them again simply to see if they're as spectacular the second time. Those precious moments are almost as good as the next, when you learn sometimes the second-time moments are more.”
M. Mabie, Anchor

J. Sterling
J. Sterling, The Perfect Game

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