Michell Hall casper

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The Savage Rage o...
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Michell Hall casper Michell Hall casper said: " I always look forward to getting my hands on a K.C. Cross, (aka) JA Huss, book. For me, this book started off a little slower than the Saint Marks series, but I did end up loving it. Doors will open, magical things happen, new characters, and a whole ...more "

Sick Heart
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Michell Hall casper Michell Hall casper said: " WOW!!! Just WOW!!

Talk about a dark read. This book was that and then some. It was phenomenally written. I couldn't put it down. I think this was one of my favorites by JA Huss. After I finished the ebook, I grabbed a copy of the audio, and it was 1
...more "

Sick Hate
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See all 17 books that Michell is reading…
Katie Ashley
“For every tear you shed for someone else’s grief, it takes one off of their suffering.”
Katie Ashley, Music of the Heart

Katie Ashley
“Can I spoon you?”
My eyebrows shot up. “Can you what?”
The shadow of a smile fluttered on Jake’s lips. “You really don’t know what that is, do you?”
An embarrassed flush filled my cheeks as I ducked my head. “No,” I murmured.
Jake’s finger came under my chin and tipped my head up to look at him. “It’s okay. I’ll show you.”
Katie Ashley, Music of the Heart

Trisha Wolfe
“You're mine, London. We can dance this violent dance until we bleed each other dry, or we can surrender. Your choice. But I will have you.”
Trisha Wolfe, Born, Darkly

Katie Ashley
“I mean, your whole life you want to be older. Old enough to drive, to smoke, to drink, to graduate, and to go to college. Then when you finally make it, you find out it all kinda sucks!”
Katie Ashley, Don't Hate the Player...Hate the Game

Katie Ashley
“Sometimes we just have two sides to us, Noah. One that we're willing to let the world see, and then the other that we hide deep within ourselves.”
Katie Ashley, Don't Hate the Player...Hate the Game

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Join us on Wednesday, October 9th for a special discussion with author M. Leighton! M. Leighton will be discussing her book Everything For Us. Be ...more
157047 Words You Can Feel - Author Shari J. Ryan — 155 members — last activity Jan 20, 2021 06:10PM
A place to hang out and chat about my books. As a bonus, you'll receive early access to ARC's, giveaways, and cover reveals. ...more
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