Titania Remakes the World

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Titania Remakes the World Titania Remakes the World said: " I'm reading #1 right now. At first I'm like, WTF, the hero is too messed up, but then reconsidered. Both the main characters are super messed-up due to being raised by sociopathic, unloving parents. He acts like a neglected Russian Orphanage child, h ...more "

Aleister Crowley
“One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to take it seriously one must be already mad.”
Aleister Crowley, Magick: Liber ABA: Book 4

Edward R. Tufte
“Above all else show the data.”
Edward R. Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd Ed.

R.S. Grey
“Cue dream sequence of Liam running slowly on a beach carrying me in his arms. I love how he's strong enough to carry me with one arm while using the other arm to feed the seagulls. He's such an animal lover like that.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder

R.S. Grey
“His hand had been resting two inches above my shorts. Which is about five inches above my vagina. So... yeah, he was basically touching my vagina.”
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder

Yehuda HaLevi
“Tis a Fearful Thing

‘Tis a fearful thing
to love what death can touch.

A fearful thing
to love, to hope, to dream, to be –

to be,
And oh, to lose.

A thing for fools, this,

And a holy thing,

a holy thing
to love.

For your life has lived in me,
your laugh once lifted me,
your word was gift to me.

To remember this brings painful joy.

‘Tis a human thing, love,
a holy thing, to love
what death has touched.”
Judah Halevi

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