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The Paris Apartment
Amber is currently reading
by Lucy Foley (Goodreads Author)
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Jeri Smith-Ready
“Aura, I'm really patient, but I'm not a bloody saint.”
Jeri Smith-Ready, Shade

Jeri Smith-Ready
“So do you have a kilt?" Megan asked him. When I glared at her, she said, "What? He only said you couldn't ask." She looked at him. "So do you?"

Straightening up, Zachary rubbed the back of his neck and smirked. "I might, I might."

God, he was gorgeous. And Scottish. But maybe kind of an ass.”
Jeri Smith-Ready, Shade

Jeri Smith-Ready
“This was Bad with a capital Hell No.”
Jeri Smith-Ready, Shade

Sarah Rees Brennan
“Bros before hoes," said Jared. "By which of course I mean gardening tools, because I hold all the fine ladies of Sorry-in-the-Vale in the highest regard.”
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Michelle Krys
“And I just know that this memory will be forever burned into my brain, because this kind of magic - the kind that can't be conjured with a spell, where everything is just right, and all your problems vanish for three perfect minutes - doesn't happen everyday.”
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"She is too fond of books and it has turned her brain" - Louisa May Alcott We had so much fun doing this in 2010 that I'm doing it again! I'm challen ...more
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If you liked the City of bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass, and think April 5, 2011 is toooo long to wait for City of Fallen Angels then this gr ...more
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Megan McCafferty is the bestselling author of the Jessica Darling series and BUMPED, a satirical dystopian novel set in a world in which only teens ca ...more
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