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2024-read (117)
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series-to-finish (85)
2022-read (77)
“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book!”
“It was a lesson, Magnus thought, to love while you could, love what was fragile and beautiful and imperiled. Nobody was guaranteed forever.”
― Born to Endless Night
― Born to Endless Night
“Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human.”
― Vicious
― Vicious
“His head propped on a stack of poetry books he’d brought from the library. Almost all of them had been inscribed on the inside cover by a James Herondale, who had neatly written out his favorite lines.”
― Lord of Shadows
― Lord of Shadows
The plan is to read a few books a month! You don't have to read all of them if you don't want to! I hope you have fun with this reading group! ...more
Epic Reads Book Club is a discussion of one YA/teen lit title each month, across all genres. Here’s how it works: Read. Discuss. Repeat. Yup, it’s tha ...more
Hello everybody! Regan and I are teaming up and decided to make a book club where we can all read awesome books together each month! We will also hav ...more
The club where we embrace the love of books. Recommendations, discussions, fangirliing, and making friends. Woohoo! so please join :) “Sometimes, y ...more
PASSENGER by ALEXANDRA BRACKEN read-along! Liveshow will be January 30th at 7:00pm EST!
Brittany’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Brittany’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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