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its-in-his-kiss (74)
love-traingle (73)
sexy-as-hell (72)
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betrayal (66)
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girls-got-curves (51)
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orgasm-attack (50)
forbidden-love (61)
main-characters-with-personalities (61)
revenge (60)
marriage-of-convenience (59)
favourites (58)
super-hot-spontaneous-shags (58)
some-sex-scenes (55)
older-hero-younger-heroine (53)
girls-got-curves (51)
cheating-hearts (50)
orgasm-attack (50)
“That’s done then,” he said. “I’ve been inside you. You’re officially mine.”
ATheReader and 4 other people liked this
“Unable to perceive the shape of You,
I find You all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with Your love,
It humbles my heart,
For You are everywhere.”
I find You all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with Your love,
It humbles my heart,
For You are everywhere.”
“He is not a prince, and you are not a princess, and real life is not a fairytale. Happily-ever-afters are not handed out on silver platters. They have to be earned.” Grace”
― A Gentle Grace
― A Gentle Grace
“people can be two things at once. They can grow fond of you and think of you as a sweet person and still want to keep treating you like shit.”
― Never Sweeter
― Never Sweeter
“Nothing ever stayed the same. But tomorrow had to be better.”
― Devastation
― Devastation
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