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The Reigning and ...
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by Calia Read (Goodreads Author)
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May 27, 2020 02:25PM

Book cover for Under A Duke's Hand (Properly Spanked Book 4)
“That’s done then,” he said. “I’ve been inside you. You’re officially mine.”
ATheReader and 4 other people liked this
“Unable to perceive the shape of You,
I find You all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with Your love,
It humbles my heart,
For You are everywhere.”
Hakim Sanai

Stefan Emunds
“Don't lose heart, we're just rusty angels.”
Stefan Emunds

Jillian Eaton
“He is not a prince, and you are not a princess, and real life is not a fairytale. Happily-ever-afters are not handed out on silver platters. They have to be earned.” Grace”
Jillian Eaton, A Gentle Grace

Charlotte Stein
“people can be two things at once. They can grow fond of you and think of you as a sweet person and still want to keep treating you like shit.”
Charlotte Stein, Never Sweeter

M.J. Haag
“Nothing ever stayed the same.  But tomorrow had to be better.”
M.J. Haag, Devastation

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