Leonardo Patrignani

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Leonardo Patrignani

Goodreads Author

in Moncalieri (TO), Italy




Member Since
August 2012

Leonardo Patrignani was born in Moncalieri (Torino) in 1980.
Leonardo has been the singer and songwriter of a heavy metal band called Beholder (with the alias Patrick Wire). Beholder signed with Dragonheart Records in 2000 and released three records in the following 4 years (The Legend Begins, Wish For Destruction, Lethal Injection).
In 2005 Leonardo started studying as an actor and dubber, and now he's a professional dubber (involved in many famous videogames like Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed 2).
From 2009 to 2012, Patrignani has also been the official Italian live commentator in the EA Sports offline event concerning FIFA (world's most popular soccer simulation).

In 2011, Leonardo signes with Mondadori, the most important Italian publish

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Popular Answered Questions

Leonardo Patrignani Hi, Josefina.

Ediciones B announced that Memoria is going to be published in spanish next January. But that's the release date for Spain. I hope that …more
Hi, Josefina.

Ediciones B announced that Memoria is going to be published in spanish next January. But that's the release date for Spain. I hope that the book will arrive to South America within April 2015.(less)
Leonardo Patrignani Hi, dear Brenda. Really nice question!

Although I consider myself pretty versatile, I guess it would be difficult to write a novel like "50 Shades..." …more
Hi, dear Brenda. Really nice question!

Although I consider myself pretty versatile, I guess it would be difficult to write a novel like "50 Shades..." or stuff like that.

Anyway, as you know, I really like to mix different genres and put them into a story, so it's often hard to define a novel of mine with a single label.

Thanks for writing, and hugs from Milan!
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Lettori cari, come state?

Ci tengo a ringraziare ciascuno di voi, specialmente le ragazze e i ragazzi delle scuole coinvolte come giuria del Premio Bancarellino 2020, vinto proprio ieri dal mio Darkness.

È stato un cammino lungo e tortuoso, soprattutto per gli organizzatori, che hanno dovuto ripensare e rimodellare un'edizione compromessa dalla pandemia in corso. Ma ci sono riusciti, ce l'hanno fatt Read more of this blog post »
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Published on December 06, 2020 08:40 Tags: bancarellino-darkness-patrignani
Multiversum Memoria Utopia
(3 books)
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by Stephen King (Goodreads Author)
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Quotes by Leonardo Patrignani  (?)
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“La nostra mente è la chiave" (Multiversum)”
Leonardo Patrignani

“Allí fuera, en los caminos del mundo, había miles de millones líneas, de recorridos de vida. Miles de millones de direcciones. Calles enfiladas, desviadas por azar, a veces interrumpidas bruscamente. Pensó que dos enamorados no eran más que dos recorridos a merced del azar. Podían dibujar los trayectos más absurdos en el mapamundi, dirigirse a cualquier parte y no encontrarse jamás. O bien cruzarse también varias veces y no reconocerse. Podían tomar el mismo autobús todas las mañanas, sin saber nada el uno del otro. Así hasta el fin de sus días, sin relacionarse. Pero bastaba muy poco: un intercambio de frases, incluso casual, y las líneas se habrían mágicamente unido. Dos grises trazos de un solitario recorrido se habrían convertido en una sola calle compartida.”
Leonardo Patrignani, Multiversum

“Dovete crederci. Sempre. Anche quando il traguardo sembra un orizzonte lontano e irraggiungibile, e tutti gli altri sono davanti a voi. Qualunque sia la vostra destinazione, e per quanto violenta infuri la tempesta, ci arriverete. Stremati, sfiniti. Vincenti.”
Leonardo Patrignani

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Romance Readers R...: 2019 A-Z Author Challenge 71 186 Jan 09, 2020 07:33PM  
“Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.”
Robert J. Sawyer, Calculating God

“La nostra mente è la chiave" (Multiversum)”
Leonardo Patrignani

“Dovete crederci. Sempre. Anche quando il traguardo sembra un orizzonte lontano e irraggiungibile, e tutti gli altri sono davanti a voi. Qualunque sia la vostra destinazione, e per quanto violenta infuri la tempesta, ci arriverete. Stremati, sfiniti. Vincenti.”
Leonardo Patrignani

“The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn't real. I know that, and I also know that if I'm careful to keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my ankle.”
Stephen King, Night Shift

“It is the tale, not he who tells it.”
Stephen King

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