Rosey Mucklestone

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Rosey Mucklestone

Goodreads Author

Seattle, WA, The United States


Gordon Korman, Jennifer Nielsen, Josephine Tey, Mission Impossible, St ...more

Member Since
June 2017

Rosey Mucklestone is the oldest of nine crazy kids and the daughter of two awesome parents. She lives with her family and two dogs in Missouri, spending her time writing, reading, baking and waitressing. Topics she’s passionate about include: the ocean, the Bible, mountains, fandoms, stories and characters in general. She’s never gotten amnesia and doesn’t plan on it, but life is full of surprises, so who knows?

Average rating: 4.66 · 93 ratings · 34 reviews · 3 distinct worksSimilar authors
Blank Mastermind

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Odd Team Out

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2015
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Amazing Honesty

liked it 3.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2014 — 2 editions
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Shattered Castle: Book Review

Okay, this series really turned me onto how cool first-person narration can be, so I kind of owe the final installment a proper book review. Here we go.

Shattered Castle: Book ReviewSynopsis:

King Jaron has outwitted the Prozarians and returned to his own kingdom with one secret in his pocket that not even his friends know about. He’s hoping that secret will help him finally bring stability to Cart

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Published on November 11, 2021 16:42
Beware the Fish!
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Pride and Prejudice
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“A relieved grin filled up Thorne’s face. “We’re having another moment, aren’t we?”

“If by a moment, you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are.”
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41427 One Year Adventure Novel — 114 members — last activity Aug 14, 2019 05:52AM
If you are/ or have taken this class this is another hangout! Share thought, writing and more! And connect with fellow OYANers who are on Goodreads. F ...more

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message 3: by Rosey

Rosey Mucklestone Victoria wrote: "YOU EXIST."


Victoria YOU EXIST.

message 1: by C.B.

C.B. Cook Yay, you're here! :D

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