Scaylen Renvac

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Scaylen Renvac

Goodreads Author

in The United States


Member Since
August 2016


Welcome. You’ve found the home of a strange creature indeed. It is a creature trained for work in logic and practicality that has despite that, managed to maintain it’s youngling sense of wonder and creativity, and craves above all else to explore the many oddities of the world it lives in and the strangeness of others of its kind. It seeks to understand both the logical and the illogical, the cold, hard facts, and randomness of artistic expression.

The creature that lives here was fed nothing but good things while it grew from hatchling to fully-winged adult, but it wonders constantly about the darkness it has never tasted, hence that is where its mind wanders for its stories, exploring the many facets of the world of which it knows little

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Scaylen Renvac I jump to working on a different WIP, start on another story, or brainstorm ideas for new ones. I'm never working on just one project, I've usually go…moreI jump to working on a different WIP, start on another story, or brainstorm ideas for new ones. I'm never working on just one project, I've usually got dozens in progress, and if I get stuck on one, I just shift to another until my motivation comes back for the first one. (less)
Scaylen Renvac Being able to explore the complex topics that other's sometimes don't even consider, and then visualizing those ponderings for other people to experie…moreBeing able to explore the complex topics that other's sometimes don't even consider, and then visualizing those ponderings for other people to experience for themselves. (less)
Average rating: 4.75 · 4 ratings · 1 review · 4 distinct works
Its: A Short Story

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2015
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Dying Tigers: A Strange Lov...

4.50 avg rating — 2 ratings2 editions
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Dark, Difficult and Disturb...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings2 editions
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Dark, Difficult and Disturb...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings2 editions
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Dark, Difficult and Disturbing Writing Prompts (Vol 1) (Paperback) (eBook)

Its: A Short Story

Dying Tigers: A Strange Love Story

#wordporn #poetry

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Published on August 15, 2019 06:02
Dragon and Thief
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by Timothy Zahn (Goodreads Author)
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Quotes by Scaylen Renvac  (?)
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“Some people can change, others will always be the same. The difficulty is in figuring out which type they are. - The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

“Anger is not always bad, as long as it's directed at things that need changed and used in short doses so it doesn't consume your thoughts. - The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

“I grow spines when I'm sad. I don't like people trying to comfort me. It just makes me more upset. - The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

“My bones were made by being broken, after which I rearranged them to heal stronger than they started. -The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

“All dreams are valid and meaningful, the happy and sorrowful, the hopeful and doubtful, the dark and the enlightening, the logical and illogical. Not all will be pleasant to experience, but all have something to tell us about how the world is interpreted by the minds of those that created them. - The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

“Always work to shape yourself into something, even if you're not sure it's what you want to be. You can always reshape yourself into something else if you don't like the result. -The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

“A new dream always causes a feeling frenzy. - The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

“Don't claw your eyes out trying to prove you can fly blind. You can do that just by closing them. - The Malwatch”
Scaylen Renvac

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