Scaylen Renvac
Goodreads Author
in The United States
Member Since
August 2016
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Scaylen Renvac
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Its: A Short Story
Dying Tigers: A Strange Love Story
Dark, Difficult and Disturbing Writing Prompts: Volume 1
Dark, Difficult and Disturbing Writing Prompts: Volume 2
* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.
“Some people can change, others will always be the same. The difficulty is in figuring out which type they are. - The Malwatch”
“Anger is not always bad, as long as it's directed at things that need changed and used in short doses so it doesn't consume your thoughts. - The Malwatch”
“I grow spines when I'm sad. I don't like people trying to comfort me. It just makes me more upset. - The Malwatch”
“My bones were made by being broken, after which I rearranged them to heal stronger than they started. -The Malwatch”
“All dreams are valid and meaningful, the happy and sorrowful, the hopeful and doubtful, the dark and the enlightening, the logical and illogical. Not all will be pleasant to experience, but all have something to tell us about how the world is interpreted by the minds of those that created them. - The Malwatch”
“Always work to shape yourself into something, even if you're not sure it's what you want to be. You can always reshape yourself into something else if you don't like the result. -The Malwatch”
“Don't claw your eyes out trying to prove you can fly blind. You can do that just by closing them. - The Malwatch”
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