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One night of complete surrender is all it takes.

Gareth Harris is Manchester United’s reclusive star defender. He has control over all aspects of his life. But a lifetime of supporting his siblings and filling in for an emotionally absent father has taken its toll.

Sloan Montgomery is a clothing stylist whose world was turned upside down when she found herself pregnant and moving to Manchester with a man who was never supposed to be her forever. Now recently divorced and struggling with shared custody of her daughter, control is a fleeting concept for this American living in England.

Both Gareth and Sloan are in need of a release.

A moment in time where they can forget about their pasts and family pressures...and just...


No one could predict what happens when both of their defences are down.

Surrender is part one of the Final Harris Brother Duet and concludes with Dominate. This duet reads great on it's own, but to maximize enjoyment, check out the first three brothers’ books in Challenge, Endurance, and Keeper

284 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 21, 2015

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About the author

Amy Daws

37 books9,470 followers
Number 1 Amazon Bestselling author Amy Daws writes spicy love stories that take place in America, as well as across the pond. She's most known for her footy-playing Harris Brothers and writing in a tire shop waiting room. When Amy is not writing, she’s likely making charcuterie boards from her home in South Dakota where she lives with her daughter and husband.

For more of Amy's work, visit: http://www.amydawsauthor.com

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Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,670 reviews3,280 followers
November 20, 2021
4.5 Recognizing and Giving Stars
* * * *1/2 Spoiler Free-
I have a confession to make. Amy Daws was almost new to me author. I discovered her when she released Wait With Me. I fell hard for her writing so when I had the opportunity to read something new from her, I jumped on board. This means I haven't read any of the other Harris Brother books as I hang my head in shame. But what this also means, anyone would be able to enjoy this duet.

I was taken right away into the elements of Gareth Harris' life. I met him at the same time Sloan Montgomery did.
He was at a photoshoot and she was to be his clothing stylist. From the first exchange, there was a dynamic not to be ignored. It seems Gareth has issues with sensitivity and Sloan picked up on it right away. She was able to touch him in such a way so as not to be an irritant. This is unusual for Gareth and from that moment on an understanding passes between them.

We fast forward to a few years down the line. Sloan is going through a day from hell she knew deep down was coming...Her husband who she uprooted her American life to move to London for has been cheating and when confronted is unapologetic about it.

Since they only married for the sake of the baby she was carrying, this was a long time coming. No matter how hard Sloan tried to hold things together for the sake of her daughter, her husband had decided to divorce her. He had all the power and money. She felt like she had lost herself. Her love for her child superseded everything else, so she had to agree to all of the terms of visitation, one week for her, and another for him.

The only saving grace was Sloan's solid reputation as a stylist. She has built up her business handling celebrities, sports stars, etc. She had this ability to be empathic with whatever her client needed.

The day of the finalization of her divorce finally arrived. All Sloan wanted to do was go home and crawl under the covers. Instead, she needed to go to Gareth's house to deliver suits he ordered for a special event. When Sloan arrives, Gareth can tell something isn't right with her.

Gareth has been attuned to Sloan since their first meeting. He never pursued anything as she was married. Gareth respected Sloan and would never do anything to disturb their working/friend relationship. For some reason, over the years, Gareth has felt more comfortable with her than any other woman.

Gareth never was a player, kept to himself. He had too much to handle with all of his brothers and sister. Between dealing with all the crazy things the brothers got into and being there for his sis and her daughter, he also was the captain of his football team Man U. Those responsibilities were nothing to ignore. He was the one others looked to have him take care of things.

Sloan is determined to not let Gareth know how upset she is, only immediately he sees she isn't quite right. As he sees her beautiful face is puffy and her eyes are red, he also notices her ring finger is bare. Now having a sis means he gets when a woman looks like she has been crying and now that the wedding ring is nowhere to be seen, all bets are off.

Gareth asks Sloan what is happening and tries to get her to talk to him...and before Sloan knows what is happening she is sharing how lost she is and doesn't know what the hell she wants...

Gareth stands before her and tells her he is there for her and would do anything to make her happy...
With that acceptance and feeling of openness, these two embark on a journey neither of them knew was coming. Each has something special to give and both blossom because of it.

Now, this wouldn't be a Harris Brothers story without all of them getting into each other's business. And they do, in all sorts of ways. The family element is very strong and I gather there is much to work through for all of them.

Amy Daws put together the first part of a duet that covers some very serious concepts. It touches on acceptance and understanding who you are...alone and with others. It approaches how easy it is to lose yourself whether as a mother or brother. It is easy to fall into classifications and behaviors. We can all be more than what we thought.

This story also presents chemistry and sexy scenes between these two which are unique and very special. Baring who you are to another is the ultimate risk and Daws handles all of it well.

This is a duet so Ms. Daws gave us one hell of a cliffy...the only saving grace is the second part, Dominate is coming August 2, 2018. I have my calendar circled.

Challenge (Harris Brothers, #1) by Amy Daws Challenge (Harris Brothers #1)
Endurance (Harris Brothers, #2) by Amy Daws Endurance (Harris Brothers #2)
Keeper (Harris Brothers, #3) by Amy Daws Keeper (Harris Brothers #3)
End Goal (Harris Brothers, #3.5) by Amy Daws End Goal (Harris Brothers #3.5)
Surrender (Harris Brothers, #4) by Amy DawsSurrender ((Harris Brothers #4)
Dominate (Harris Brothers, #5) by Amy DawsDominate (Harris Brothers, #5)
Payback (Harris Brothers, #6) by Amy Daws Payback (Harris Brothers #6)

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
After having my first taste of Amy Daws humor, heart and sexy times...
I am all in..

She has been waiting to present this book about the "oldest, brooding, mysterious brother" for the last two years.

She had so much to tell and share, she needed to make it a duet...
I am ready to buckle up and...

Surrender (Book 1 of the Gareth Harris Duet)-July 19, 2018

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,858 reviews387 followers
July 22, 2018
“You gave me control, so I’m taking it.”

Amy Daws just SLAYED me with Gareth’s book. I’m not sure what exactly is in the coffee they serve at Tires Tires Tires, but I do know that it makes this author write some seriously steamy/emotional/angsty goodness.

Gareth has been a mystery to me since I first read Challenge what seems like forever ago. He was just this moody broody guy, that I NEEDED to know more about. Well Surrender does not disappoint in that department. Getting his point of view on his past and present is pretty amazing. I can safely say I am in love with Gareth Harris, and he may possibly be my favorite Harris now. (Sorry Booker)!

Now insert Sloan, who I’ve been wondering about since Endurance. She has a WHOLE life we get to learn about in this book and I enjoyed every minute of it. I mean I laughed with her. I cried with her. I felt what she was feeling. She is practically my best friend now. Sloan is a keeper.

Ok now smush these two together, and I’m even more intrigued. Their relationship... well you’ll just have to read it and see, but I will give it an A+! There are ups and downs. There’s steam and heat. There’s emotional angsty goodness. Agh! You just need to read this book.

If you haven’t started this series yet, you need to. Immediately. This book DOES end in a BIT of a “to be continued,” BUT thankfully the next book is coming August 2nd!

^fan edits on IG!
Profile Image for Amy Daws.
Author 37 books9,470 followers
July 18, 2018
I can't believe release day has finally come for this book. I struggled deeply while writing this book and I feared that I bit off more than I can chew. "This story is too big for you." "You're not a good enough writer to do this justice." "This is all too much."

But I pushed through. I leaned on my support beams and I soldiered on...

And I don't know if I've ever been more proud of myself. This book isn't just another Harris Brother. This is THEE Harris Brother. The Harris Brother that encompasses all that this beautiful and and unique family has endured. I love this book. I love these characters. I'm devastated to be saying goodbye to them...but they belong to my readers now.

They always kind of have. <3
Profile Image for Lisa (Two Bookish Brits).
837 reviews164 followers
July 16, 2018
Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit!

Those two words are the words that I keep repeating after finishing off this freaking book. I’ve been sitting here in a daze repeating them because WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED. Seriously, talk about a damn cliffhanger, this one had me on the end of my seat pulling at my damn hair!!


Ok I need to chill the hell out already BUT Gareth..

Gahhh, ok..

So, my review..

Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review

Any time I see Amy Daws has a new release I know I’m instantly going to want to read said book especially if one of those books includes a Harris brother. So when I seen Surrender I knew I NEEDED to have it and boy am I glad I did.

Gareth was a breath of fresh air, so much different to the other Harris brothers. He’s reserved and holds back from his family. He’s suffered through a terrible loss at a young age and it’s affected him more than anyone seems to realise but he’s still as loving and loyal and beautiful as the rest of his siblings.

Getting a peek into Gareth’s life is an absolute treasure, I loved the route Amy took with his story. The pain and suffering, the love, everything he feels you end up feeling for him too. You connect with him on a whole new level that he just completely awes you (well he did that for me) OH and one more thing, baby Gareth is adorable ok.

Sloan is an amazing woman and the perfect woman for this story. She’s had her fair share of heartbreak and sadness, she’s suffered through difficult times too. I loved the role she has in Gareth’s life, it’s unexpected and fan-fucking-tastic, I loved every minute of her.

Of course a Harris brother story wouldn’t be complete without the whole family being present. I have so much love for these brothers it’s unreal.

Ok so now, I just wanna talk about that ending because I’m a mess, like wtf? It was so unexpected and like, I NEED the next book RIGHT NOW. I love me a good cliff hanger but my body and mind disagrees with me because they’re totally not accepting that ending right now, no they’re not.

Amy Daws blows me away with her writing. Every new release seems to get better and better. Kudo’s to this incredible woman for thinking up all the things that happen in Surrender, I didn’t think my heart was going to be able to cope tbh.

Now I’ll just sit here (not so patiently) waiting for Dominate.

Seriously, my favourite read of 2018 so far!

PS Totally apologising now for all that rambling shit up top, my bad.
Profile Image for Meegz Reads.
1,507 reviews127 followers
July 19, 2018
*5 Stars*

ARC kindly received in exchange for an honest review.

Holy moly wow! If I could rate this book more than 5 stars I would. What a ride!

I sped through this book the first day I got it and I CANNOT WAIT for book number 2! I never really thought too much about Gareth before it was announced that he was getting his own book. Partially because I have yet to read the London Lovers series, so I haven't read Vi's book (shame on me, I know!), and also partly because he's a much more serious character than say Tanner, who stands out in the crowd as such.

Reading Surrender has really brought Gareth to the forefront and he might even possibly be my favourite brother. Not 100% sure yet though.

The layers to Gareth are fascinating and this book has made me feel so many emotions as well. Strong emotions at particular parts, at that.

I also really loved Sloan. She's as layered as Gareth and they work perfectly together. They seem to grow together and help each other bring out the sides of themselves that need to be shown the light of day a bit more. I think they come into each others lives at the right time and its really interesting watching them interact with each other.

Of course we get our Harris fill and have glimpses of the whole family from the other books, and they're still just as loveable as before. This family is honestly one of my favourite families in the fictional world. I love the Harris's to the moon and back.

There is a cliff hanger at the end of course, with this being the first book in a duet about Gareth, and let me tell you...I bloody did not see that coming, and I NEED book 2 right now! Bring on August and the release of what I'm sure will be a stunning conclusion to Gareth's story!

Review also on my blog - Surrender - Amy Daws

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Profile Image for Syndi.
3,397 reviews977 followers
July 20, 2020
Wow this is interesing. This is a story of a woman who desperately wanting to feel alive. Not a burn out single mother. She wants to feel confidence in her. That woman's name is Sloan.

Garret is the hero who surrender all of his control to her. In the bedroom and outside the bedroom. He is a man who is traumatized by his mother dead. Both met and thr chemistry exploded.

This is not BDSM story. It is more about sexual freedom and exploration. It is a very refreshing to listen to such a story.

4 stars
Profile Image for Lisa.
891 reviews1,247 followers
May 8, 2019
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*

4 “Freedom” “Trecale” “not just one thing” Kisses

Gahhhhhhhhhhhh…I just knew Surrender was going to do some amazing things to me and I REALLY love it when I’m right! I have been dying to get my hot little hands on Gareth Harris from the get go…it’s impossible not to want to crawl around in his delicious brain but W-O-W! I had no idea…it was way more than I ever expected, and I mean that in the best ways possible. I truly loved every second of his and Sloan’s story…I never knew what was coming and that’s not something that happens to me often. So…Surrender is the fourth book in the Harris Brothers Series (Challenge, Endurance, Keeper) – each book is about a different brother and they can be read as complete standalones…but…I highly recommend reading this series in order. The characters and events are building off each previous book and right now I’m so insanely in love with this family I cannot even tell you. Everything is clearly explained so it wouldn’t be a bad thing if they were read out of order…but trust me – this is a series that needs to be read!

Gareth Harris…I think if you look up the definition of tall, dark and brooding there is a picture of Gareth. He has the silent and stoic role down to a freakin’ T – he could probably teach classes, but this isn’t an act for him. There are very good, solid reasons for all of Gareth’s behaviors and every single one of them cracked my heart wide open. What happened with his mom changed all of his siblings, clearly – I’ve been able to experience how her death changed every single brother leading up to Gareth’s, but no one knew her like Gareth did and holy tissue alert…I was not ready!!! I cannot even begin to count the number of times this man stole my heart…he was beyond all my expectations and dreams.

“I miss you, Sloan. We used to be friends.”
Her eyes are practically hooded when she licks her lips and replies, “We were never friends.”
I smirk. “We were friendly.”
She smirks back. “Too friendly I seem to recall.”
I lose the humour on my face and pin her with a sincere look. I do miss her. I miss her face and the effect she has on me. She makes me feel lighter, even if she’s twitching nervously. “Well, I don’t have many friends, but I counted you as one.”

Sloan Montgomery…well, it would truly take a very unique and special woman to capture the interest of Gareth Harris and I don’t think anyone could have fit the bill better than this woman. I don’t even know what I was truly expecting…but she’s exactly what I didn’t know I wanted for Gareth. She’s captivating in the most unexpected ways…she’s kind and gentle, funny and sweet – it’s impossible to deny her charm. I loved her intuitiveness…I loved her passion for her job…and I loved how absolutely genuine she was. Sloan has a lot of inner strength…it’s something that I think she has had to develop over time with her past, and as much as I hate some of the things that she has had to get through, I love that it has made her such a strong, reliable character.

‘Gone is the insecure, hostile woman from outside. The woman standing before me, sliding the short black scarf around her neck back and forth, is a bloody siren calling in ships from the sea. It’s enchanting. On the surface, she’s peaches and cream with a sweet, pleasing sort of nature. But there’s a fire beneath the surface of her that cannot be denied.’

GAH! These two slayed me…and I loved every second of it. Honestly, after seeing the brief interaction between Gareth and Sloan that we get a glimpse of in Endurance, I was intrigued to get the rest of the story…and I was so not disappointed! The reality was actually better than the story I had concocted in my head, and that’s saying something cause my imagination has had two books to run away with itself. I honestly had no clue what might be facing these two…but I knew it wouldn’t be easy…but damn, I didn’t know it was going to be this hard. It’s amazing to see both of them work through their issues…especially because it’s a breakthrough on so many levels for Gareth – every time he opened up to Sloan I thought my heart was going to melt from the feels. Nothing about them is ordinary or expected but every second is beautiful and breathtaking.

‘More than anything, I want to be free. From my mind. From my thoughts. From my past and my future. I want this.
“Let’s do this, Treacle.”’

Amy Daws…I fall more and more in love with this chicks brain with every word I read of this series – and after reading the first part of Gareth’s story, I want to hug her and strangle her…and then beg her for more. I am so loving every second of where she is taking this story, these characters – there are so many options and she has surprised me with every twist and turn. The growth that she has shown with Sloan and Gareth blows me away with every page, the journey their relationship is taking them makes me want to explode from happiness because this is everything that Gareth deserves. There are a lot of different ways that she can take this next book and I haven’t a clue what she is going to do…but the only thing I do hope there is resolution on (FINALLY) is with Gareth and his dad. What happened between them in Surrender tore me up and I really hope Gareth can have a breakthrough like the other brothers have. Something that did catch my eye with Surrender - all of the other books, for the most part, have been written in UK English – since the book is based in England, obviously it makes sense. There might have been a couple of things that snuck by, but for the most part it has worked really well. The snafu with Surrender is Sloan is American…yet her POV is still written with a lot of UK English spelling – it probably wouldn’t have stuck out to me except there is a running joke about Sloan and Gareth correcting each other on football/soccer and other UK/US terms and stuff – it’s super cute, but it made me question why her POV was written more Americanized.

‘He sinks his teeth onto my lower lip, sucking it between his lips so hard, it’s like he’s draining every last part of me. All those bits I’ve been holding back. All those feelings I’ve denied for weeks, for days, for minutes, for seconds. I’ve kept this part of me away from him because I knew deep down what would happen if I didn’t.
This would happen.
Gareth Harris would claim me.’

Alright…*deep sigh* the ending…wow. Lots of things I loved – so many things…all the things I didn��t see coming, the way they were orchestrated, the way they made me feel, all of it was fantastic. A LOT happens in the last two or three chapters…I can’t really say it felt rushed but it was a lot to keep up with and I would have kind of liked a tiny bit more time to process…get ahold of emotions and check in with the characters. Especially at almost the very end, there was an element of surprise with Sloan’s actions…which I did like…but at the same time, I felt like I missed out on a little bit of seeing some of her thought process – but it was totally worth it given the pay off with what happened, so I got over that quickly. But…now we must discuss…the cliffhanger *dum dum dummmmmmmm* Yes…it’s a cliffhanger – and this one is a dooooozy! Here’s the thing though…I am one of those rare readers…I love cliffhangers. I preface that by saying, I love them if done right…a lot has to come together to make an effective and good cliffhanger and this one had a lot of those elements – I liked it, it definitely achieved its goal, cause I’m D-Y-I-N-G for Dominate but…I can’t say that I completely loved it until I see how it plays out in the next book. I can’t say more without spoiling it but I was really surprised with the direction…but I have questions…so I’m intrigued to see where Amy takes it. Regardless, I looooove Sloan and Gareth and I have to know what’s going to happen next. #HarrisAddict

Profile Image for Raine.
2,472 reviews53 followers
January 10, 2023
Gareth and Sloan Part 1

This is a two part book that tells the story of the eldest Harris sibling and Sloan. When Gareth first meets Sloan she it's married with a daughter. Gareth becomes one of Sloan's clients and they start to become friends while still hiding secrets about their personal lives. It isn't until Sloan is going through her divorce that her relationship with Gareth changes, and even then it is stalled for another year.

It was a little slow going at first to lay the groundwork for their story and it was well worth it. I did only give this book 4 stars, because the conclusion and their HEA is in the next book.
Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
August 2, 2018
Gareth Harris is finally there!! I’ve waited for so long for my fav’ Harris brother to have his own book. You have no idea how I had high expectations about it.
I was not disappointed the least to know it would be a duet. On the contrary. I prefer an author who’s taking her/his time and writes longer books. I know Gareth’s story would be intense so to get the bigger picture I knew I would need some patience.

From the start Amy put a big twist I didn’t see coming and I swear not a soul would have! No one is going to find out! When I begun the book I wanted to talk about it so bad and I knew I couldn’t because this is the kind of reveal who just made a huge boom in your heart and in your head! I was blown away and if you’ve read the other Harris brother books I know for a fact you’ll have the same reaction as I did! It was the best and a freaking awesome start!!

As I turned the pages, it was obvious to me that Gareth and Sloan together makes total sense.
Him being a football ( soccer for my American friends) player and having the responsibility of his brothers & sister ever since their mother felt sick. His relationship with his father is strained because of the past none of them seems to be able to let it go.
Her being a stylist and a single mother struggling to after her whole world changed when she never ask for anything.

Together, they are hot! Surrender is without a doubt the most erotic book Amy Daws ever wrote so far (well at least that I read) and I loved every minute of it. To see how they care for each other and to see how their feelings continually grow was fantastic.

Surrender has an emotional touch but I suspect Dominate will be even more intense and the feelings between our MC will thrive even more. I really can’t wait because even if I loved Surrender I wish both Gareth & Sloan let their guards down a little more. Even if at the same time I can totally understand why they didn’t.

Surrender shows a side of the Harris brothers you’ve never seen with two characters finding peace in each other. And you’ll bet I’ll be standing here waiting for Dominate after how things ended! I need book 2 asap!!

~I voluntary read a copy of the book provided by the author ~
Profile Image for Heather❀Kiss The Pages❀.
744 reviews292 followers
August 10, 2018
Audiobook Review

Let me start off with my favorite technical aspects of this audiobook. There are 3 narrators- 2 female and 1 male. This is a first for me. We have the hero (british accent), the heroine (american accent) and the 3rd narrator is for other british female voices. Also a first for me is that the male narrator does ALL the male voices and the females do the female voices. You would think this would be a given but actually every other audiobook I've listened to will have the male narrator talk in a feminine voice during the chapters with male POV and vice versa for the female POV. In this book, all the narrators appeared to have recorded together which was FABULOUS! It makes for such a great listening experience.

So now, onto the actual story. This is my first Harris brother book so I'm just meeting Gareth but I instantly loved him! From the moment I met him, I could sense the loneliness and brokenness in this sexy football player. He was also super humble and sweet and his love for his family was clear as day. He has been a rock for his siblings for so long and he has had to be strong for everyone in his life. Now it's his time to let go. This is where Sloan comes into the picture. One night of dominance and submission gives both Sloan and Gareth exactly what they need.

Sloan feels like she is losing control in her life as she goes through a messy divorce and custody battle. With Gareth she gets to take control, even if it's for a little while in the bedroom. What starts off as just a fling escalates into so much more and I just loved these two together. Sloan and Gareth are both such strong people that have each gone through so many struggles. There is a give and take in their relationship that they are both able to benefit from and they just fit perfectly together.

And gah! That ending! I knew this ended in a cliffy but that came out of nowhere and I was not expecting an ending like THAT!

4 Stars
Contemporary/ Sports Romance
Heat Level: HOT
POV: Dual

Stalking is encouraged!
Profile Image for Andi Isack.
404 reviews16 followers
July 19, 2018
OMG! You have to read this! This is a freaking excited kinky sport romance. And that's not all. It's not just the steamy vibe. It all about the effect of these hot /forbidden game. This book is going to turn you on, body, mind and soul. Like a hot storm of emotions, sensations and feelings. Now the characters complete one other. But it goes above the ovious attraction. What I liked so so much is his ability to give her all of himself. Sloan will own his mind and his body. You'll say it's like she puts a spell on the handsome footballer. No way. It's more than that. Because Gareth Harris like her, crave her body, like to love her, but is Sloan the master of the game. Is she that plays Gareth's body like her favorite instrument. But more than all their sexy and explosive chemistry is what all that means for her.
At the first sight maybe it's hard to understand Gareth's choice. To let her control everything between them. Some people will think this affect his masculinity. What man would say yes to a complete submission deal? Gareth Harris. Because Gareth plays perfectly his own cards. Because Gareth wants Sloan. But more than this Gareth knows what he is the one able to give Sloan all that she wants. Not just hot nights and absolute control of his body. He is going to feed her mind and her heart as well. He is going to give her strength, and trust. He will make this gorgeous and broken woman feel the center of his universe, make her feel beautiful no matter what's happing outside.Gareth will make her feel special, wanted, brave and happy. But all that he is giving to Sloan is like an incomplete puzzle. Because there is a missing piece. There is a huge secret. And when everything seems to get on the right place.... something unexpected happen. And now....
We will find all reading "Dominate". Are you expecting for it, like I am?
I'm sure Dominate is going to rock my world!

*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,599 reviews167 followers
August 3, 2018
Yes Yes Yes !!!

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This book was brilliant. I couldn't put it down once I started it. I 've been looking forward to Gareth's book. He is so different to his other brothers so I was dying to know more about him. The Harris brothers have taken over my life the last few weeks and I luv it. This family are so great I luv them all. But Gareth is so much more he has been through some hard times which they all have but being the oldest Gareth has been through it all. And he has carried that with him since the day his mum died. It even happened before then but it got worse when he lost his mum his best friend. Gareth is the more broody of the brothers and it's shows he doesn't live in London he's in Manchester where he lives alone and plays football for one of the best teams in England. There is so many layers to Gareth's character and we get to know him so much better in this book but I still think there is still more to learn about him. It's great that he is finally opening up and that's thanks to Sloan.

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Sloan is a great character as well. I really like her she has to deal with so much in this book to. She only starts learning stuff about herself after spending time with Gareth. These two characters need each other more than anything I think. Sloan has dealt with a lot her Ex is an arse her mother in law is a bitch, but then is her beautiful daughter how just makes her life so much better. But it gets even better when Gareth Harris finally makes his move and helps her feel like the woman she should.

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These two together are so so hot. From the start the sexual chemistry is off the chart. I really like the storyline of you have read this series you know what the Harris brothers are like there so alpha. But Gareth is so much more yes there is a bit of alpha in him when it's needed but when he lets his guard to to Sloan is amazing and makes me luv him so much more. They bring out the best in each other and it's so cute it's what they both need to be better people.

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Now I have to address that ending OMG really I m so so glad I don't have to wait for the last book cause I think I would of cried. I didn't see it coming I knew something was goin to happen but nothing like that. I need to start the next book straight away. This book and series as had me hooked from the first page of the first book. I can't recommend them enough if you haven't read this series yet do you won't be disappointed.

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Profile Image for Lisa Mandina.
2,183 reviews493 followers
July 19, 2018
Honestly, and don't hit me for saying this, I wasn't sure if I really cared about Gareth. I mean, from all the other books in the series he is such a grumpy ass that I never really liked him that much. To steal from another author's book (Jay Crownover's Rome), I'd have called him Captain No-Fun. However, I was still interested in reading his story, and finding out just why he was the way he was.

Well, let me tell you, Gareth is a different kind of guy than his brothers! But in this story, I grew to like him and understand him. While I knew the background of the Harris family from all the other books in the series, getting Gareth's point of view was really eye-opening. Especially since he was the oldest and had the most knowledge and time with their mother before she died.

And then we have Sloan. I cannot tell you how much I hate her ex-husband! He is such a jerk! It totally makes sense why Sloan is the way she is. Now, when she and Gareth get together for the first time, let's say it is hot! And sooooooooo different than you'd expect. Or at least than I expected. But I love the way it played out. I love the research that Sloan did, and how what their relationship actually turned out to be.

Be warned, there is a big shock at the end of this first part of Gareth's story. I won't tell you what it is. But I will tell you that I did NOT see it coming! Not even with what I look back on now and see were clues that the author sprinkled throughout the story early on. I'm now sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for the second book so that I can see what is going to happen after that. I promise you will not be let down with this book.
Profile Image for Danielle Spellbound Stories.
734 reviews410 followers
July 19, 2018

OMG! This book... This book was INCREDIBLE! Amy Daws writes the best sports romance around and Surrender was my favorite book in the Harris Brothers Series.


First, Holy Shit, I have a massive book hangover! Amy Daws has done it for sure - she has completely outdone herself with Surrender, book four in the Harris Brothers series! And let’s be perfectly clear, this wasn’t a book in the series, it’s the book! I love everything Amy Daws writes, but I am not going to lie, this book is hands down my FAVORITE book she has written and I haven’t even got to read the conclusion to the duet yet. Gareth’s book has literally left me in quite a state! The cliffhanger alone would have done it but from the first sentence through the last I could not put this book down for fear I was missing something! And I am… but right now that’s just the conclusion to the duet because I stay up until sunup to finish this absolutely Fantastic story! Now, it’s important to note that while Surrender was written as a duet, the book reads as a standalone, but I guarantee that you will be just as anxious for the second book as I currently am!


Amy Daws writes exceptionally good romance novels. I find that Daws stories are always well written, perfectly paced and have outstanding, memorable heroes and heroines. Another important fact is how undeniably HAWT her stories are - something that holds significant sway in modern day romances!!! Also, Daws has this incredible ability to layer just the right amounts of laughter and angst, which allows them to be predominately labeled as Contemporary or Sports Rom-Coms. Yet, while Surrender is most definitely a sports romance, it is missing more of the laugh out loud comedy that I found in the first three books of the series. But, make no mistake, there is absolutely nothing lacking in this book.... NOTHING!!! It is everything I have come to expect when I pick up a story written by Daws.


In place of the laugh out loud moments I experienced with the first three books of this series, I found a hotter and altogether more angsty story when Daws wrote the final Harris brother story. There is an intensity to the book that emulates Gareth’s own intensity. He is the oldest sibling and the surrogate parent to his siblings for a time in their lives while their father was absent and their mother was in the last stages of cancer. He was and is the glue that held his siblings together often and the one they go to with each and every issue that comes upon them. He is always the strong one and the one that has it all figured out. Or so everyone thinks, including Gareth. In Surrender, Gareth learns that there is a whole other side to him and he owes it all to Sloan Montgomery. Although, there is nothing lacking with any of the Harris brothers, Gareth completely stole my heart for all time. Now, lets talk about the heroine, because Sloan is seriously a rocking heroine. This woman has taken more allegorical beatings than any woman ever should and she comes out stronger and stronger… even though she doesn’t see this in herself. Her insecurities are ingrained and her self-worth in the toilet after a lifetime of being ‘less’ in someone’s eyes – first society’s and later her husband and Mother-in-Law. And suddenly Gareth finds a way to break through and give Sloan what she’s always been missing and its incredibly beautiful to see her literal transformation from duckling to swan. Now, Sloan makes her share of mistakes with Gareth, but I love the way she learns from them in the end... **huge sigh** I promise that you will fall just as deeply for Sloan as Gareth finds himself falling for her – cause I sure did and I can’t wait to see where Daws takes readers with these characters in the conclusion to the duet. Now, this review (or any I ever write) will never provide a spoiler but I simply cannot overlook the grand gesture… because it couldn’t have been MORE perfect to the characters than this one was! But that’s all I will stay on that matter.


There is so much more to this book than I can put into words, and soooo much I refuse to put into this review because you need to experience this book without reading spoilers from myself or anyone else who was lucky enough to already read the incredible journey that we undertook in Surrender. You also need to do yourself a HUGE favor and one click this book right this very second… Not only is this my favorite story by Amy Daws to date (and I literally own/have read every word she’s written) but there isn’t a single book you could buy that would refute any of my claims regarding how fantastic her books are!


Profile Image for Leila.
411 reviews79 followers
January 1, 2020
3.5 Treacle stars!

Why do I do this to myself?!? I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've read this book and I'm finally sitting down to write a review and I can barely remember the finer points of this story. So I'll just leave with a few thoughts.

I was anticipating Gareth & Sloan's story as it has been hinted at throughout this series. I loved Gareth and his commitment to his younger siblings. He had to become the parent to his four younger siblings after his mother passed away and his father essentially checked out. I could totally understand his need to allow Sloan to make the decisions 'in the bedroom' after taking care of everything and everyone all the time.

“Sometimes when you love someone too much, your heart is louder than your head.”

Sloan wasn't my most favourite heroine of the series. Although I did feel for her and the life she had. Her jerk of an ex and his controlling mother didn't make her life any easier. Sloan did cause me to cringe on one occasion

“I don’t want you to dominate me, Sloan. I just want to surrender to you.”

It's to be noted that this story ends on a cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Ryan - Sweet Red Reader .
1,425 reviews95 followers
July 20, 2018
This is book has rendered me speechless. I LOVE Gareth and Sloan so HARD and we were warned that it was going to be a helluva cliffhanger (duh - DUET!) but I still was not ready for it. Even when I sort of saw it coming (because like the talented author that she is, Amy Daws dropped the most subtle foreshadowing in there for us), I was still FLABBERGASTED by the ending. Surrender is wholly unique (I fully stand behind this absolute statement because it is true for me as a reader) and utterly unputdownable (I literally lost sleep over this gem) and I wish that I could fast forward life to the time when Dominate magically shows up on my kindle. Surrender is one of my Best of 2018 reads, I immediately put it in my Amazon cart because I need the paperback in my life, but I'm going to wait to pull the trigger for when Dominate comes out so that I can have them both. And being the slightly obsessive book lover that I am, I'll probably end up with the rest of the series in paperback as well... And the London Lovers series since it's connected. Fly money fly... 5 out of 5 wine glasses.
Profile Image for ✰  BJ's Book Blog ✰Janeane ✰.
2,940 reviews12 followers
July 11, 2018

ARC received for an honest review

I have been impatiently waiting for the day Gareth Harris part 1 would turn up on my kindle, however now that it has, I don't want it to be here, as it is the beginning of the end of the Harris Brother series, and I don't want it to end, ever!

Gareth has been a bit of an enigma throughout the series, kind of waiting in the background for his time - and his time has come!

If you have read the previous Harris Brothers books, you know a bit about Gareth, and you have met the lovely Sloan quickly. I knew I was going to like their story, but oh my Gareth, did Amy Daws turn the heat up on this one or what!

There is so much we didn't know about Gareth, and I am not going to lie, Ms Daws had me in tears at times, ugly snotty crying.

I thought Sloan was downright amazing, and couldn't get enough of her.

And then there something that came completely out of left field, but boy oh boy did I love it. It just made the story so much more.

I loved seeing more of the Harris boys and their lovely ladies, seeing the family come together and grow. I was also surprised about my feelings for one of the Harris family that I haven't had before.

Though Ms Daws, I do feel that there was a dearth of My Hayden in this story and it needs to be remedied in part 2 - please!

Smart and sexy, I was not able to put Surrender down once I started. It had me hooked right from the first word to that cliffhanger (though thankfully we only have a couple of weeks to go for Dominate).

Gimme gimme gimme, I don't wanna wait!

description Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Nicole P.
784 reviews
September 13, 2018
Since the first book in the Harris Brothers series I've been desperate to know more about the reclusive, grouchy oldest brother Gareth. The little teaser in Endurance was enough to pique my interest about Gareth and his personal stylist, Sloan Montgomery. The book didn't go the way I anticipated it would, as it had elements of kink, that while not explicit, were just a weird route to take. Things got hot very fast between Sloane and Gareth, and even though it was an arrangement just based on sex, a lot more was going on with them personally.

I was slightly frustrated with Sloane as she expected more from Gareth than what she was willing to give. Granted she had a horrible ex-husband who was a douche canoe and that was a reason to be protective and weary. But not to the extent that she could take from Gareth and not give in return. As for Gareth, I preferred the alpha side to him and enjoyed the parts where that aspect of him shone through. And then there were his brothers - entertaining and funny as ever.

It must be noted that the book ends on a cliff hanger.
Profile Image for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty.
3,985 reviews362 followers
July 19, 2018
I mean this in the best way but.... WHAT KIND OF ENDING WAS THAT?!?!

This book was everything I was hoping for with Gareth's book. He's been built up in my mind with the previous Harris Brother books, and Amy Daws did not disappoint with this first part of his duet. But not only did I not see that ending coming, I still don't even know if I can process what happened until I get Dominate.

Sloan and Gareth were romance novel perfection. I loved reading about their relationship as it evolved, and evolve it did. There was so much that happened between them and stages that they went through from the time they met until the end of this book. And I loved it all.

But now I'm going to be stuck in that dreaded cliffhanger land where I am desperate for the next book because I need to know what happens next. But all I can do is wait.
Profile Image for Jaime.
592 reviews
July 19, 2018
Now I understand why it took time to cultivate Gareth’s story. This book is Amy Daws’ finest work for the Harris Brothers. Gareth has remained somewhat of an illusion in the previous books. He’s present but nothing much about him divulged.

Harris plays for Man U, that in itself leads to lack of privacy on the field. Off the field, fans think they have the right to that access. Gareth is always to compared to and by his family. It’s hard growing up always being compared to your father.

Sloan is a divorced mother who’s ex can’t just let go. She’s trying to reassert herself as a kickass woman with her job that gives her freedom.

These two are brought together as a release from the world around them. They exist together. They live separately. There are complex, dynamic attributes that make Gareth and Sloan so incredibly attractive to each other. I will say the power of pure sexuality between these two is off the charts.

I’m checking off the days until their next book comes about.
Profile Image for Sonia.
836 reviews35 followers
October 2, 2019
Cogí el libro porque era gratis y me he llevado una muy grata sorpresa.
Aviso: la historia acaba pero no del todo... Hay que leer el siguiente libro de la serie
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,673 reviews114 followers
February 12, 2020
I have been waiting for so long for Gareth’s HEA, I wanted to love this book so hard. I liked the concept but I didn’t like all the secrets. It was so I don’t know anti climatic I guess.
He likes her to be in charge that I was fine with. I guess I just wanted something more from Sloan maybe it will come in the next book.

I love the narration.
July 15, 2018
I’ve just spent the most deliciously decadent Sunday with Gareth Harris & holy hell, do I need a cold shower, a lie down & moment to basque in the feels & emotions this story has pulled from me.

Seriously, in my humble opinion, Amy has left the best till last. OMG she has pulled some frickin magic out of the bag with Gareth’s story, taking it places I didn’t see coming, in the most mouth watering, yet moving ways.

Gareth, oh how this man ruined me. I physically hurt for him, for the child he was & the man he ultimately became. He is so beautifully broken & lord, did he make me surrender my heart solely to him.

Sloan, gaaaahh I loved her. Insecure, vulnerable & hurting beyond belief, yet I was in awe of her strength, determination & assertiveness. I loved how she grew as a woman & owned what see craved, what took what needed to survive. Such a kick ass heroine for Gareth.

Amy really has blew me away with their story. It was as beautiful as it was heartbreaking, it was honest & packed a huge emotional punch.

I was a Harris Ho from start to finish, so absorbed in their world, their, game, their chemistry. My heart raced, my pulse pounded in my ears & I had to take a cool down moment more than once ~ it was that good. To top it off I got my much needed fill of the other utterly addictive Harris boys & the their girls. What a win !!

All that’s left for me to say, is I can’t bloody wait for DOMINATE!!

5 All The Feels Stars
Profile Image for Tina "IRead2Escape".
1,475 reviews84 followers
February 20, 2019
Hotness Rating 3 out of 5

I found him ladies and gentleman. My favorite Harris brother. It wasn't an easy choice but oh my goodness Gareth is the clear winner. This book has an interesting twist. Gareth's story has so many sides and so much to be told that it's literally broken into 2 full length novels. Surrender is the first part of his story and boy was it a doozy. Hard to read in so many places I literally found myself setting the book down so I could have a good cry. Don't let that stop you. This book is equally hot and oh so sexy.

Gareth being the oldest of the Harris clan and close to his mum was by her side as she battled cancer and subsequently lost that battle. Heartbreaking I tell you. His father fell apart during the battle and after leaving Gareth and his sister to pick up the pieces. They totally stepped up but it left so many scars. Finding Sloan who had her own problems was a miracle in of itself.

Sloan had lost any control of her own life. Her husband notified her he was leaving her, the courts gave him 50% custody and she was left in a downward spiral of despair. The relationship that developed between her and Gareth was exactly what they both needed. Sloan found her control and Gareth was able to finally let go and stop thinking. The results were sizzling and cathartic.

This book ends in jaw dropping cliff hanger but no worries as the 2nd half was released last August so no waiting for us.
Profile Image for Jazmyne [Ramblings of a Bookworm].
515 reviews12 followers
July 24, 2018
"How do you know he's a wanker?"
Gareth runs his thumb across my lower lip. "Because he didn't see you the way I see you."
My mouth falls open as tears prick the back of my eyes. "How do you see me?" I ask, my voice thick with fear.
He sighs heavily like he's been sitting on his answer for ages. "Like a fucking lioness. And any rightful king would be a fool not to bow to his queen."

Oh. My. Gosh. Gareth!
Gareth, being the eldest of the Harris brothers, was a difficult man to decipher throughout the other books. Since he was out on his own, and keeping a distance from the clan, it wasn't often that we would get a glimpse into his space and especially not into him. When I began, I expected a character similar to the other Harris brothers, but what I got was someone entirely removed.

This review is extremely difficult to write, because what I found most admirable about Gareth I can't go into detail regarding. Let me just say that I believe he is definitely the most powerful member of the Harris men and he has a strength within him that seems to contradict some of the things I learned about him. There is so much more to Gareth than anyone sees, even his family.

I have to say that I love the way Sloan entered his life. As his fashion guru, she simply caters to his clothing needs, but in doing that I saw much more to her. She not only had clear talent with fashion, but she was intuitive beyond simple needs or wants. Entering into the personal side of her, I saw a woman who had truly lost herself. There is SO MUCH to Sloan. She is definitely a woman to admire, but she became this shadow of what she could be.

I have to say that this is definitely going to be my favorite story of the brothers because of the complexity that lies within the characters. Not only is there much more below the surface, but I think that even what I've seen so far isn't everything. They both have so much to work through and so far to go, that I'm nervous to even begin the second part of the duet. I do have to say that Gareth is even more than I anticipated him to be, and I am beyond excited for this story.
Profile Image for Heather.
337 reviews22 followers
July 17, 2018

I wasn't prepared for the avalanche of feelings Ms. Daws heaped on me in Surrender. This is by far the best book she has written. I am so in love with Gareth and Sloan. This book has turned me completely upside down and I loved every word.

I just can't deal....I NEED Dominate now.
Profile Image for Liber_Lady.
400 reviews123 followers
July 26, 2018
This book was AH-MAZING.. 😘😘 I had been waiting for GARETH Harris since Book 1.. I knew he was the guy worth knowing.. And BOY, WAS THAT SO WORTH IT..

Gareth Harris has childhood issues. He was the one who was right there holding his mom's hands while she died of cancer. He was always there taking care of his mom, his younger brothers and sisters and keeping everything together. All this has highly affected his life and shaped his world. He is the one that everyone goes to when they have problems. He always keeps everything in his life under control.

But in walks Sloan Montgomery and turns his world upside down. Sloan is the American who calls football "soccer". And has not fit in. Her life is totally out of control. EVERY ASPECT OF IT. She is tired of not having any control of her own life because of so many issues that I won't spoil for you. But, whenever she is with Gareth, she gets a little it of control and steadiness.

Gareth is such a sensitive guy. Quite Literally.. 😉 He is so sensitive that he can't even wear harsh fabrics. He only wears the softest clothes. He is also very sensitive to Sloan and understands her. Both of them give each other what they need in the life. Gareth lets his control go, and gives it to Sloan.The Power dynamics in the book was so well explored by the author, the romance was such a breath of fresh air. And the story was very engaging. I had the best of time reading it and I couldn't be more glad that we have a second book..

The only small complaint I had was with Sloan. I understand why she was so hesitant-ish, but man, Gareth has the patience of a saint. And the CLIFFY....WHAT THE HELL..NEED BOOK2 NOW..!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 796 reviews

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