Mythology Philosophy Quotes
Quotes tagged as "mythology-philosophy"
Showing 1-21 of 21
“Mythology, in other words, is psychology misread as biography, history, and cosmology.”
― The Hero With a Thousand Faces
― The Hero With a Thousand Faces
“We ache with the yearning
that turns half into whole
and offer no excuses
for the beauty of our souls.”
― Songs from the Black Skylark zPed Music Player
that turns half into whole
and offer no excuses
for the beauty of our souls.”
― Songs from the Black Skylark zPed Music Player
“The return and reintegration with society, which is indispensable to the continuous circulation of spiritual energy into the world, and which, from the standpoint of the community, is the justification of the long retreat, the hero himself may find the most difficult requirement of all. For if he has won through, like the Buddha, to the profound repose of complete enlightenment, there is danger that the bliss of this experience may annihilate all recollection of, interest in, or hope for, the sorrows of the world; or else the problem of making known the way of illumination to people wrapped in economic problems may seem too great to solve.”
“A synthesis embracing both rational understanding and the mystical experience of unity is the mythos, spoken or unspoken, or our present day and age.”
― Writings on Physics and Philosophy
― Writings on Physics and Philosophy
“We never were separate from nature and never will be, but the dominant culture on earth has long imagined itself to be apart from nature and destined one day to transcend it. We have lived in a mythology of separation.”
― Climate: A New Story
― Climate: A New Story
“She suggested that...I should examine what I had been trying to shoot at and punch and kill for so long- whether or not I had, perhaps, denied some more gentle part of my nature, and if so, what had it cost me. "And don't get a tattoo for your forehead," she said, smiling. "It's entirely unnecessary." As proof, she held her hands in front of her. Wiggled her fingers and smiled. Our being human made us tragic and comic both, she has said; the gods both laughed and wept.”
― I Know This Much Is True
― I Know This Much Is True
“It may seem odd to say that the men who made the myths disliked the irrational and had a love for facts; but it is true, no matter how wildly fantastic some of the stories are...”
“Myths are different than fairy tales or legends. Legends are stories based in history and are more or less true. Myths, on the other hand, are stories containing a deeper truth—stories that transcend time. If you were to travel the world, you would find myths that are remarkably similar to one another—stories of heroes fighting the darkness with the light.”
― Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern
― Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern
“Those who have never known the future have always hoped for the best. But Sahadeva, who had known the future since the past, has only hoped for it to never become the present!”
― SAHADEVA UNDERCOVER Part 1 - The Beginning and the End
― SAHADEVA UNDERCOVER Part 1 - The Beginning and the End
“Like the wave of a magic wand, knowing the mythic heritage of a place can re-enchant the landscape.”
― The Key to Mythic Victoria
― The Key to Mythic Victoria
“Sabism is thematic pallet, philosophical colourism, chromatic signature and dual art, bi-chromatic scale, soft scale, poetics of attractiveness, mythologism, actual value, logism of color, active color, logical panel.”
“Time, the universal devourer, and spiteful decay, there is nothing you cannot destroy. You close your envenomed jaws and little by little consume all things in a lingering death.”
“Myths grew from the ancient tradition of passing on knowledge orally, the only means of doing so before writing.
They’re narratives of human existence. They helped our ancestors interpret reality, solve problems, and guided social behavior. They structured natural and social information into patterns using symbols, and embedded fact into story form. This increased their impact, making information meaningful and personally involving—not just cold, detached facts.”
― The SHIVA Syndrome
They’re narratives of human existence. They helped our ancestors interpret reality, solve problems, and guided social behavior. They structured natural and social information into patterns using symbols, and embedded fact into story form. This increased their impact, making information meaningful and personally involving—not just cold, detached facts.”
― The SHIVA Syndrome
“A creation myth lays the foundation for how you got here, where you came from, and what your role is now that you’re here.”
“The theory that primordial peoples created stories by staring at the skies remains unproven.”
― Deities & Dragons
― Deities & Dragons
“Myths & Comics (The Sonnet)
Some modern superheroes are green in color,
Some ancient superheroes are blue in color.
Some worship hulk, ironman, captain marvel,
Some are fanatics of Zeus, Poseidon, Krishna.
Mythologies are but comics of the old days,
Just like comics are nothing but modern myths.
Fiction is okay in its place, but trouble begins,
When life is belittled and fiction is worshiped.
Inspiration can come from anywhere, real or not,
But all is useless, if it produces mindless savages.
Even I've written fiction to explore some situations,
Though based on reality, some of it is highly exaggerated.
If it brings you back to life, only then it's worth it.
Fiction is supposed to enhance reality, not enslave it.”
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
Some modern superheroes are green in color,
Some ancient superheroes are blue in color.
Some worship hulk, ironman, captain marvel,
Some are fanatics of Zeus, Poseidon, Krishna.
Mythologies are but comics of the old days,
Just like comics are nothing but modern myths.
Fiction is okay in its place, but trouble begins,
When life is belittled and fiction is worshiped.
Inspiration can come from anywhere, real or not,
But all is useless, if it produces mindless savages.
Even I've written fiction to explore some situations,
Though based on reality, some of it is highly exaggerated.
If it brings you back to life, only then it's worth it.
Fiction is supposed to enhance reality, not enslave it.”
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
“Il Custos serve la Verità e null'altro. Egli non serve né se stesso, né la legge, né l'umanità.
— Sacro Codice dell'Ordine dei Custos”
― Verbum. Custos Verbi
— Sacro Codice dell'Ordine dei Custos”
― Verbum. Custos Verbi
“Immersa oltre la città, oltre la folla e la silenziosa follia della non-morte, la attraversava senza confondervisi.”
― Verbum. Custos Verbi
― Verbum. Custos Verbi
“Non è giusto... non c'è giustizia né vita in ciò che resta dell'umanità" sussurrò appena lei.”
― Verbum. Custos Verbi
― Verbum. Custos Verbi
“Например последният епизод. Кандидатът бе висок мъж с побелели коси. Професор по история, с благородна осанка и стилно облечен. И емблемата бе много красива, нещо като рицарски герб: череп на бик в мрежа върху фон на райета. Той каза, че лабиринтът символизира мозъка. Отвореният мозък и класическият лабиринт много си приличат. Минотавъра е животинската част на ума, а Тезей — човешката. Животинската част, разбира се, е по-силна, но в края на краищата побеждава човешката и в това е смисълът на еволюцията и историята. В самия център на лабиринта е разположен кръст, който символизира пресечната точка на животинското и човешкото начало. Именно там се намира проходът на посвещението, където Тезей среща и побеждава врага си. Единствено в себе си можеш да победиш Минотавъра, каза той. Ние сме длъжни безжалостно да удушим гадината и тогава с пълно морално право можем да преименуваме Шлема на ужаса в Шлем на цивилизацията и прогреса.”
― The Helmet of Horror: The Myth of Theseus and the Minotaur
― The Helmet of Horror: The Myth of Theseus and the Minotaur
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