Nefret Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nefret" Showing 1-6 of 6
Elizabeth Peters
“I don't think she realized how much she cared for him, or he for her, until the end. Hasn't someone said a woman may be known by the men who love her enough to die for her? (If they haven't, I claim the credit myself.)”
Elizabeth Peters, The Ape Who Guards the Balance

Elizabeth Peters
“You know how your eyes can deceive you at times--how a group of shapes and shadows can take on a certain form and then shift into another? It wasn't really like that; there was no physical change in him, he was exactly the same as he'd always been. I knew every line of his long body and every curl on his disheveled black head. I'd just never seen him before. you know what I'm trying to say, don't you? The change is in the heart.”
Elizabeth Peters, The Falcon at the Portal

Elizabeth Peters
“Don't sound so surprised. I have sensible moments, you know.”
Elizabeth Peters, The Falcon at the Portal

İhsan Oktay Anar
“Ne var ki, korku yüreksiz bir insanın nefreti, nefret de cesur bir insanın korkusu...”
İhsan Oktay Anar

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Aşık olmak sevmek demek değildir. Nefret ederken de aşık olmak mümkündür.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Bütün olumsuzluklara rağmen uzlaşma ve bir arada barış içinde yaşamak akıllı insanların işidir! Peki ya ahmaklar? Onlar şeytanın sanatını icra ederler: Sonsuza dek nefret etmek ve bütün insani değerleri reddederek birbirini yok etmek!”
Mehmet Murat ildan