Alternative Medicine Quotes
Quotes tagged as "alternative-medicine"
Showing 1-30 of 50
“A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
“There’s a popular saying among doctors: There’s no such thing as alternative medicine; if it works, it’s just called medicine.”
― I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life
― I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life
“Only desperation can account for what the Chinese do in the name of 'medicine.' That's something you might remind your New Age friends who've gone gaga over 'holistic medicine' and 'alternative Chinese cures.”
― A Cook's Tour: Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines
― A Cook's Tour: Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines
“Our bodies speak, if you would only listen. They speak another language: the mother tongue. It’s half the puzzle, the missing pieces you have been searching for, the how and why behind the symptoms you fixate on, the whole behind the healing, which cannot be found at the bottom of a bottle of pills.
But you do not speak our language. My sick sisterhood, whose bodies have been felled by mysterious illnesses, bearing the arcane names of men long dead, to signify their suffering with no cure, no hope. The mothers who long for answers to the questions that their bodies are living, for soul-utions to the protest against this cold, hard world.
Into their dry hungry mouths are dropped pills not answers. Prescriptions and descriptions of symptoms – not cures or laws to halt the toxic corporate world that is allowed to carry on felling us like trees in the Amazon…
Each woman is an Amazon. But she does not know it. Instead she is treated. Separately. Her pile of notes, her bills, growing higher. Each one believes the sickness is hers alone. Each is sent home, ignored, tolerated.
Alone. In the darkness.
Until one day Medicine Woman arises within her.
And there in the centre of her pain she finds her outrage, her strength, her persistence as she searches for answers. She finds the will to die to this world and the right to live a different life where she is honoured for the value of her soul, not the sweat of her brow.
She begins to understand the messages her body is sending…
Things are not right. In here… out there.
She begins to remember there is magic in her: the power to heal, the power to transform.
Medicine Woman rises.”
― Medicine Woman: Reclaiming the Soul of Healing
But you do not speak our language. My sick sisterhood, whose bodies have been felled by mysterious illnesses, bearing the arcane names of men long dead, to signify their suffering with no cure, no hope. The mothers who long for answers to the questions that their bodies are living, for soul-utions to the protest against this cold, hard world.
Into their dry hungry mouths are dropped pills not answers. Prescriptions and descriptions of symptoms – not cures or laws to halt the toxic corporate world that is allowed to carry on felling us like trees in the Amazon…
Each woman is an Amazon. But she does not know it. Instead she is treated. Separately. Her pile of notes, her bills, growing higher. Each one believes the sickness is hers alone. Each is sent home, ignored, tolerated.
Alone. In the darkness.
Until one day Medicine Woman arises within her.
And there in the centre of her pain she finds her outrage, her strength, her persistence as she searches for answers. She finds the will to die to this world and the right to live a different life where she is honoured for the value of her soul, not the sweat of her brow.
She begins to understand the messages her body is sending…
Things are not right. In here… out there.
She begins to remember there is magic in her: the power to heal, the power to transform.
Medicine Woman rises.”
― Medicine Woman: Reclaiming the Soul of Healing
“The 114 chakras exchange information within the body and with the higher realms. They are like quantum information processing centers. When they are blocked, difficulties arise. When they are open and balanced, the joy of awakening arises.”
― Ray 114 Chakra System Names, Locations and Functions
― Ray 114 Chakra System Names, Locations and Functions
“The higher self knows there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, and accepts that both light and dark must exist to maintain the balance of the whole.”
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
“Although our brain and nervous system only represent two percent of our body weight, they use a full 20 percent of oxygen we consume. When our breathing is dysfunctional oxygen supply is limited, and the conscious mind will work a little slower and perceive incoming stimuli as slightly more stressful and threatening”
― Conscious Breathing
― Conscious Breathing
“Patient use of herbal/natural remedies should be identified to reveal likely side effects and avoid potential conflicts with prescribed medications. Patients may not know that “natural” does not necessarily mean “better” or “safe.” As with medication, small doses should be used initially with warnings about adverse reactions. Some herbs with pharmacological effects have been traditionally incorporated in the diet, e.g., herbal teas of peppermint, ginger or chamomile for gastrointestinal symptoms or for improving sleep.”
“It's important for children to be vaccinated so that they have the opportunity to become adults.”
― Fake Medicine
― Fake Medicine
“We need to think rationally – all medical treatments
need to be based in science and evidence. Facts don’t care about tradition.”
― Fake Medicine
need to be based in science and evidence. Facts don’t care about tradition.”
― Fake Medicine
“Attraction isn’t about physical appearance. It’s about energy.”
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
“When we take on responsibility for others, or make them wrong so we can feel right, we get in the way of spirit.”
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
“Impaired breathing, such as short and forced exhalation, makes the sympathetic part more active, resulting in shallow breathing, a tense body, increased stress, and fight or flight behaviour.”
― Conscious Breathing
― Conscious Breathing
“In reality, Allopathic medicine should be called as alternative medicine. As Ayurveda is more holistic, proven, time tested, fewer side effects, and older than the allopathy.”
― Yoga The Science of Well-Being
― Yoga The Science of Well-Being
“Giving and helping from the heart becomes like a magnet, amplifying the energy to all those involved in the exchange.”
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
“From the unlimited wellspring of energy that flows from our center, life situations cease to be “too much” or “not enough.”
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
“Giving authority to others to control your lower-self impulses only serves to keep you in the lower self!”
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
“In order to live a healthy, happy and prosperous life, and fulfill the reason we are each here – our mission and purpose – we must return to our natural state of being, centered in and identified with spirit.”
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
― Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing
“Medication, surgery, and radiation are the weapons with which conventional medicine foolishly shoots the messengers called symptoms.”
“Since embarking on this journey, I've learned that this is what alternative medicine does for people. By making us feel supported, by summoning the power of expectations and belief, by relaxing our bodies and reducing stress, mind-body therapies move molecules in our brains in a way that can reduce the ills we feel in our bodies.”
― The Magic Feather Effect: The Science of Alternative Medicine and the Surprising Power of Belief
― The Magic Feather Effect: The Science of Alternative Medicine and the Surprising Power of Belief
“The Doctor In You.
Anyone can attain & maintain excellence in health at any age.”
― Eat! Sleep! Meditate! A Nurse’s Guide to Health
Anyone can attain & maintain excellence in health at any age.”
― Eat! Sleep! Meditate! A Nurse’s Guide to Health
“Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside each and every cell of the body--it provides the power to live.”
“Even everything on a rhino can be used by the man living in the bush. THe hide makes fine table tops, the legs - baskets, the hair on the tail - fine bracelets, the teeth - good carvings, and if you grind up the horn and eat it, you can have children even if you are ninety years old. The flesh is delicious, if aged properly.”
― How to Get out of the Rat Race and Live on $10 a Month
― How to Get out of the Rat Race and Live on $10 a Month
“Some of our diseases are worsened, or even caused, by some of our so-called medicines or healers.”
“I once read an analysis on conspiracy theorists, which posited that they, more than most, crave security and order. So it's easier to believe that big bad shadowy forces are in control, because that way, someone is still in control. But f**k you if you're spreading bulls**t.”
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