Fomo Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fomo" Showing 1-21 of 21
Pema Chödrön
“Hope and fear come from feeling that we lack something; they come from a sense of poverty. We can’t simply relax with ourselves. We hold on to hope, and hope robs us of the present moment. We feel that someone else knows what's going on, but that there's something missing in us, and therefore something is lacking in our world.”
Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

Bruce M. Hood
“If we were content with ownership, then we would stop acquiring more stuff. But the combination of the thrill of the chase, the need for status and the crippling sense at the prospect of loss reveal that ownership Is one the strongest human urges and does not easily respond to reason. Of course, most of think we are the exception, but then, that is why we are possessed.”
Bruce M. Hood, Possessed: Why We Want More Than We Need

Richie Norton
“The 5 Principles of JOMO:

1. JOMO is the opposite of FOMO (the Fear Of Missing Out).

2. JOMO is intentionally choosing what to keep and what to give.

3. JOMO is choosing to ignore the Joneses (NOT just NOT keep up).

4. JOMO is framing the moment to keep the big picture dream in focus.

5. JOMO is the art of improved results with minimalism over maximalism.”
Richie Norton

Zadie Smith
“Poor Zora – she lived through footnotes.”
Zadie Smith, On Beauty

Richie Norton
“Life-hoarding (as I coined it) keeps you stuck to your stuff, slow to action, and ironically, makes you miss out on greater joyful experiences.⁣”
Richie Norton

Christopher Manske
“When you buy a bigger house, another luxury car, or a fancy boat, you are showing people that you used to have money.”
Christopher Manske, The Prepared Investor: How to Prevent the Next Crisis from Affecting Your Financial Independence

“We live in the society of the capitalist spectacle, mate, the more spectacular the better. Build it and they will come, as that old baseball movie says. We worship the event, the occasion, the unmissable show. We want Super Sunday, the Thriller in Manila, the showdown of the century…the things that bring the highest profits for the capitalist organisers. If you’re not at the event, you’re nobody. Life has passed you by. That’s the tyranny of the spectacle. Yet, if you think about it, the spectacle is the biggest joke of all – because all the people at the event are desperate not to be losers. Who wants to be in a collection of people fleeing from fear of failure? Losers and the spectacle go together, the winners performing and the losers watching. The spectacle is how losers numb the pain, how they crave to be part of something, on the winning side for once. The LLN have decided to harness the society of the spectacle too, but not the capitalist version where small groups perform to large groups and get paid a fortune. Instead, the LLN offer the spectacle of life. And Revolution is the greatest spectacle of all.”
Mike Hockney, The Last Bling King

Olawale Daniel
“Bitcoin is the strongest money we have ever had. It has fixed supplies. HODL it like your life depends on it, because it definitely does. Don't sell cheap.”
Olawale Daniel

Holly Whitaker
“Americans aren't stupid. We are, however, preternaturally disposed to herd behavior (FOMO), with a strong desire to preserve a sense of individuality and maintain control over our decision making. We're joiners and don't want to be left out of fads; we're also fiercely independent and don't want to be told what to do.”
Holly Whitaker, Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol

“Fear-of-missing-out is more powerful than fear of losing.”
Naved Abdali

Mário de Sá-Carneiro
“— Ah! meu caro Lúcio, acredite me! Nada me encanta já; tudo me
aborrece, me nauseia. Os meus próprios raros entusiasmos, se me lembro
deles, logo se me esvaem — pois, ao medi-los, encontro os tão mesquinhos,
tão de pacotilha… Quer saber? Outrora, à noite, no meu leito, antes de
dormir, eu punha-me a divagar. E era feliz por momentos, entressonhando a
glória, o amor, os êxtases… Mas hoje já não sei com que sonhos me
robustecer. Acastelei os maiores… eles próprios me fartaram: são sempre os
mesmos — e é impossível achar outros… Depois, não me saciam apenas as
coisas que possuo — aborrecem-me também as que não tenho, porque, na
vida como nos sonhos, são sempre as mesmas. De resto, se às vezes posso
sofrer por não possuir certas coisas que ainda não conheço inteiramente, a
verdade é que, descendo-me melhor, logo averiguo isto: Meu Deus, se as
tivera, ainda maior seria a minha dor, o meu tédio. De forma que gastar tempo
é hoje o único fim da minha existência deserta. Se viajo, se escrevo — se vivo,
numa palavra, creia-me: é só para consumir instantes. Mas dentro em pouco
— já o pressinto — isto mesmo me saciará. E que fazer então? Não sei… não
sei… Ah! que amargura infinita…”
Mário de Sá-Carneiro, A Confissão de Lúcio
tags: fomo

Bruce M. Hood
“If we were content with ownership, then we would stop acquiring more stuff. But the combination of the thrill of the chase, the need for status and the crippling sense at the prospect of loss reveal that ownership is one the strongest human urges and does not easily respond to reason. Of course, most of think we are the exception, but then, that is why we are possessed.”
Bruce M. Hood, Possessed: Why We Want More Than We Need

“Fear of missing out single-handedly caused every single investment bubble inhuman history. No other emotion is more powerful than FOMO.”
Naved Abdali

Olawale Daniel
“Stack more Bitcoins every time the market dips, that is your eleventh commandment.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“There is one thing that you need to know about the negative market movement; the bigger the dip, the bigger the rip.”
Olawale Daniel

“It could end here, my half-constructed grief
for the girl I might have been, dressed smartly,
speaking another language in a cafe.”
Kathleen McGookey

“If you thought sensuality is all about sex, I hope that you’ll find a deeper meaning than that. To be honest, when it comes to sensuality, I have FOMO. You can’t cheat me with cheap sex. I want the whole freakin’ heaven to open up.

How the hell have we settled for sex instead of heaven. Sex will only take you so far. But sensuality will take you places you’ve never been. Only God knows where. I love that I’ve mentioned God. Most people try everything they can to take Him out of it. To hell with that, I want God in my sex.”
Lebo Grand

“If you thought sensuality is all about sex, I hope that you’ll find a deeper meaning than that. To be honest, when it comes to sensuality, I have FOMO. You can’t cheat me with cheap sex. I want the whole freakin’ heaven to open up.”
Lebo Grand

Olawale Daniel
“When it is Bitcoin; bad or good news doesn't matter too much. Be the long-term HODLER. That is all that really matters in this game of risk and reward.”
Olawale Daniel

“When you have peace & purpose, you don't 'need' escapism

For sure, let your hair down & treat yourself every so often, but never get FOMO

"Missing out" on shallow, superficial, temporary fun, material and things to build, create & provide is never a loss.

Stay focussed!”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“We live in never-ending fear of missing out because deep down we feel inadequate and insecure about who we really are”
Desi Anwar, Going Offline: Menemukan Jati Diri di Dunia Penuh Distraksi