Human Consciousness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "human-consciousness" Showing 1-23 of 23
Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Is your life story the truth? Yes, the chronological events are true. Is it the whole truth? No, you see and judge it through your conditioned eyes and mind - not of all involved - nor do you see the entire overview. Is it nothing but the truth? No, you select, share, delete, distort, subtract, assume and add what you want, need and choose to.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Amit Ray
“My way is the way of silent revolution; revolution to raise the human consciousness through positive vibrations.”
Amit Ray, Nuclear Weapons Free World - Peace on the Earth

“Our deep irrational feelings of death anxiety have been attributed to multiple sources. In part, they may arise from evolved self-protection mechanisms or survival responses of being a victim of predators. They might, conversely, stem from unconscious fear (or guilt) of retribution resulting from our own acts of harming or predation. According to existential psychologists, the most powerful form of death anxiety comes from our general ability to anticipate the future, coupled with conscious anticipation of inevitable personal demise.”
Richard J. Borden, Ecology and Experience: Reflections from a Human Ecological Perspective

“Veganism is a brilliant approach for elevating human consciousness and avoiding the energy of death and degeneration associated with killing animals for food, which enters us when we eat their flesh and blood.”
Gabriel Cousens M.D., Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children

Abhijit Naskar
“Mark you, no Krishna can clear your eyes and make you look with a broader vision upon life in your march upward and onward, until the Self within you morphs into Krishna – until the Self morphs into Buddha – until the Self turns into Christ.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Krishna Cancer

“Take a moment, right now, and consider the enormity of activity going on inside of you – from the billions of cells to the even more billions of microscopic organisms. And in that same moment consider the enormity of activity in the oceans, the forests, the jungles, the earth below your feet, right now. And before you take your next breath, consider what might be going on in the outer regions of the universe. Finally, ask yourself, am I really in a position to discount possibilities beyond the limits of my conscious experience?”
Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain - The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life

Eckhart Tolle
“A new heaven is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness. And A New Earth is it's direct reflection in the physical realm.”
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

Thomas Nagel
“...the advanced intellectual capacities of human beings...are extremely poor candidates for evolutionary explanation....But the capacity to form cosmological and subatomic theories takes us so far from the circumstances in which our ability to think would have had to pass its evolutionary tests that there would be no reason whatever, stemming from the theory of evolution, to rely on it in extension to those subjects. In fact if, per impossible, we came to believe that our capacity for objective theory were the product of natural selection, that would warrant serious skepticism about its results beyond a very limited and familiar range. An evolutionary explanation of our theorizing faculty would provide absolutely no confirmation of its capacity to get at the truth. Something else must be going on if the process is really taking us toward a truer and more detached understanding of the world.”
Thomas Nagel, The View From Nowhere

Vraja Bihari Das (Venugopal Acharya)
“Human Consciousness Is Like A Bud, It Has The Potential To Blossom”.”
Venugopal Acharya

The 114 chakras are different from the maram points, or acupressure points; the chakras are
“The 114 chakras are different from the maram points, or acupressure points; the chakras are more focused on maximizing information exchange with the higher cosmos for healing, balancing, and deep spirituality.”
Sri Amit Ray, Power of Exponential Mindset for Success and Leadership

Rainer Maria Rilke
“Oh you tender ones, there are times when you should
Enter into that breath which was not intended for you,
Let Him part Himself on your cheeks, -
How he trembles behind you, comes together again.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus

Rainer Maria Rilke
“Do not fear to suffer; - cares sink back
Into the earth again from their heaviness;
Heavy are the mountains, heavy are the seas.

The trees which you planted as a child
Have long since grown too heavy; you do not deceive them.
But the winds ... but the spaces ...”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus

Alice A. Bailey
“The revelation of the nature of God has been a slow unfolding process, paralleled by the evolutionary growth of the human consciousness.”
Alice A. Bailey, Problems of Humanity

Debasish Mridha
“My imagination is my temple where I meditate and pray to change human consciousness and awareness so that I may find peace.”
Debasish Mridha

“We measure time through a mental framework trussed with two major stakes: memory and expectation. Memory is that spottiness that takes place behind the eyes: memory takes place in the cloistered theater that houses diffused still pictures. We file mental pictures that encapsulate our prior life into mental shelves for a wayward librarian to cull through and forward select recollection to the recall center whenever summoned. Expectations arise from thoughtful consideration of our future prospects in life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Memory is a time capsule; it records the wounds inflicted upon human consciousness.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Alex M. Vikoulov
“To use the metaphor of our Information Age, consciousness to humans is as Cloud to computers. Just like your smartphone, your brain is a 'bio'-logical computing device of your mind, an interface for physical reality. Our minds are embedded into the greater mind-network, as computers in the Cloud. Viewed in this way, consciousness is 'non-local' Cloud, our brain-mind systems are receivers, processors and transmitters of information within that Cloud.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution

Alex M. Vikoulov
“Our senses seem to deceive us into thinking that we live in the material world. Our world is not based on objectively existing particles of matter but it is based on waves of potentiality, that is pure information. Our world is informational. Think of it as an observer-centric virtual reality. Your consciousness is, rather, an optimized meta-algorithmic data stream, a sequence of conscious instants.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology

Lars Gustafsson
“Att språngvis och på ett fullständigt oförutsägbart sätt kasta sig från den ena meningslösa kunskapen till den andra. Ur tanke i tanke. Det var av sådana mängder av näst intill oanvändbara tankar, av ett sammelsurium av fullständigt meningslösa kunskaper som en människa bestod. Kanske var det av sådana fragment som verkligheten bestod? I politiska kampanjer i televisionen brukade man kalla det för sound bites. De korta effektiva raderna som lyste till, som för ett ögonblick fångade det sällsyntaste och värdefullaste som fanns: de andra människornas fulla uppmärksamhet. Det mänskliga medvetandet var i själva verket inte alls så olikt televisionen. Hade det inte, precis som televisionen, en massa kanaler som man hela tiden hoppade mellan? Och bestod det inte av en ständig, aldrig riktigt vilande ström av fragment, ibland som de där meningslösa kunskaperna, ibland som ett plötsligt smärtsamt barndomsminne, ibland bara en smygande ängslan. Och på ett och annat ställe i denna ström kunde det blänka till. En snabb liten fisk. En sound bite.”
Lars Gustafsson, La clandestina

“Everything we need to be mindful of at the highest faculty of our human consciousness is this ability we have to choose the thoughts we will attend." ~ Dr. Tracey Bond”
Dr. Tracey Bond

Master Del Pe
“Learning that sexual alchemy and divine intimacy can uplift human consciousness and light up the Spirit without alcohol, drugs, or illicit uses of sex, will bring enlightenment to an individual or couple, while they enjoy the great and pleasurable times together.”
Master Del Pe, Sexual Alchemy & Divine Intimacy

“Are humans not consciousness floating in-between the mind with nothing above or below, other than a body with a gravitational pull that spins with-in an earth on an axis with nothing above or below? Is the meaning not just a form of being within this magnificent process?”
Zephyr McIntyre