I’m sorry, but I can’t stand the hero’s hairstyle. Why does he have that weird ass strip of hair in the middle of his forehead? dnf manhwa chapter: 15
I’m sorry, but I can’t stand the hero’s hairstyle. Why does he have that weird ass strip of hair in the middle of his forehead? I can’t focus on the story because of it. So, dnf....more
If I had a nickel for every time I read a book where a human girl ends up in a fairy world, I'd have a lot of nickdnf 30%
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If I had a nickel for every time I read a book where a human girl ends up in a fairy world, I'd have a lot of nickels, but if I had a nickel for every time I read a book like that that was actually good, I don't know if I'd even have two nickels.
I’m honestly too lazy to write a proper review, so let me show you, based on the tropes, why Quicksilver didn’t work out for me.
Enemies to lovers? Their "hate" was some of the most bland and unoriginal I have ever read about.
"I hated this male. Hated him with every fiber of my being. But curse me, I wanted him just as bad."
Boring. I fear I've read quotes like this so many times that they no longer have any effect on me.
Slow-burn? Who is she? They kissed at thirty percent, and this is just the first book in the series.
Romantasy? I think you mean, Lust-asy, or Insta-lust-asy.
Great banter? Where?
“Pants and a shirt,” I said dryly. “And a pair of boots with really good soles. Do you have any idea what those boots cost me?” “Let me guess. Your virginity.” “Fuck you, Fisher.” “Sure.” He smirked. “But I'm afraid I don't have any new boots to trade you for your time.”
Hahaha so funny. I’m dying of laughter.
Grumpy hero? No no no. Insufferable and mean hero? Yes.
“Maybe the issue is that you asked me a question about my cock like a hungry little bitch in heat and didn't ask me something that mattered.” Gods, but he kept surprising me."
"My jaw was screaming, I was clenching my teeth so hard. “Fuck—you—” “There you go again. Hungry, needy little bitch in heat, begging to be fucked...” he taunted. “Let. Go!” “LIIIIISTENNN!!” Kingfisher's roar snatched my breath away."
Hungry needy bitch in heat? No comment needed here.
I don't know what else to say, I'm just disappointed. I was hopeful this book would be something just for me, but sadly, it didn’t live up to my expectations....more