This book had 100 pages or so, I read 50 of them, and felt like I've been reading this for weeks.
The characters were annoying (and no1.5. Nope. [image]
This book had 100 pages or so, I read 50 of them, and felt like I've been reading this for weeks.
The characters were annoying (and not the smartest I've ever seen, either), and everything happened soooo sloooowwww! It really felt like I had been reading for 500 pages and it just wouldn't end.
I tried, I really did.
Maybe the book doesn't deserve such a low rating, although it should be appreciated that I still gave the book 2 stars, not 1.
What I can definitely say is that I really enjoyed this series. True, it's only a pizza-book (you know the typCute, fun, fast read (and series) [image]
What I can definitely say is that I really enjoyed this series. True, it's only a pizza-book (you know the type, yummy, nice, fast, perfect for the moment, but nothing too complicated).
It had really cool characters and a fun story.
This book was a bit annoying because well, the MC doesn't act her age and is a bit of an idiot. Also, some things don't make sense and they end up being annoying. But it's fast and well-written, so it deserves the 3 stars.
Well done, Ms Author! Good writing, you made me want to see the next one!...more
Ok, so this is starting to be really annoying. I get it, the series was bad from the start, and I admit, it was my guilty little pleasure. 2.5 [image]
Ok, so this is starting to be really annoying. I get it, the series was bad from the start, and I admit, it was my guilty little pleasure. Unfortunately, the rose-colored glasses are finally taken from my eyes.
So... [image]
They're idiots!! All of them! And the MC is such a whiney little... girly!
Not sure what makes me go on with the series. I admit, I'm skimming all the whining and b*tching, all the repetitive actions and thoughts. So, well, I'm skimming about 75% of the book (and I'm not even exaggerating).
Oh well, on we go. Let's see if anything actually happens with this plot (after 4 books)....more
Ok, so I was in the mood for some RH, and the blurb sounded fun, and the rating was decent, so can you b1.5 Well, now this was disappointing... [image]
Ok, so I was in the mood for some RH, and the blurb sounded fun, and the rating was decent, so can you blame me?
This book was sooo so annoying! The characters made no sense; I mean, yes, I get that there are some new stuff here that I have to deal with, all the different types of supernaturals, but this was just nope. I didn't like them, couldn't connect, couldn't understand, and some of the male guys (can't remember the names) were just damn annoying! I mean, I'm looking for strong, complex characters, not some weak-as* guys who are there just for show. Same goes for the woman. Nope. [image]
One thing that annoyed me was the wrong translation of words from Romanian (I'm Romanian). They have these 'new' (but old) types of supernaturals, like the vamps are Blooders and they form a Gura (mouth in Romanian), but some other words were translated wrong. I mean, how hard is it to translate the words you use with Google Translate and see that what you say is wrong? It's just annoying for me.
That wasn't even the thing that made me not like this book. The writing was inconsistent; the female MC had a personality that I really didn't like and couldn't connect to, and the plot line had some gaps.
Why the 2 stars, and not 1? Well, I did get to the end, although I skimmed a lot. I didn't want to throw the book out the window (defenestration is the word), or at least not too many times. And overall, this book had potential.
Too bad it sucked.
No recommendation from me for this one, there are other RHs that are so much better!...more
I didn't even manage to finish this book, and I tried. I really, really tried.
The MC was so annoying, I just coul1.5 Ok, nope! Definitely not! [image]
I didn't even manage to finish this book, and I tried. I really, really tried.
The MC was so annoying, I just couldn't stand her. The only good thing about her is that she likes her brother and wants to help him, but that's really not enough to keep me going.
And this book has another thing that annoys me: all the best demon hunters in all Canada (I mean the absolute best, best fighters, best intelligence officers, best everything) are around 25 years old. There's no one else, apparently, who has the skills. I mean, I get it, it's an NA book, but still. This makes no sense and it's annoying.
The idea is not bad, the concept could have potential (only reason I gave this book 1.5 stars), but gah, was I annoyed while reading this book. [image]
So, no, don't read it, unless you want to see an annoying (old) tween, throwing tantrums all around, and with a team that's just as annoying as her....more
The action was boring, the characters were irritating at times, and there really was nothing that made Well, this was an annoying, boring read. [image]
The action was boring, the characters were irritating at times, and there really was nothing that made me want to even pay attention to anything that was happening. The only plus, though, was that it wasn't too annoying, or too boring, and it didn't have too many idiots. I can't give it less than 2 stars. [image]
Sorry, author, I've never read you before, but this writing style didn't make me want to go on with the series (didn't even make me want to really read this book).
I keep waiting for this series to start being the fun one I've read about it reviews, but I'm at the 3rd book and nothing2.5. Ok, booorrringggg! [image]
I keep waiting for this series to start being the fun one I've read about it reviews, but I'm at the 3rd book and nothing happened (not what I wanted at least).
So, no more. I give up. [image]
I'll stop with the series. It became annoying, especially the MC. Not sure exactly what happened, but suddenly, she is annoying and I don't like her anymore. Plus, the action feels a bit stretched, so eh.
Do I recommend the series? Definitely the first book, but if you didn't like that one, no point in continuing, it doesn't get better....more
In my review for the first book, I explained how this book is very in-between, not too good, but not bad eOk, the annoying balance continues... [image]
In my review for the first book, I explained how this book is very in-between, not too good, but not bad enough to actually be bad. Sounds confusing, I know, but if you've read the first book, you probably know what I mean. [image]
I'm still not 100% sure I like this series, but I'm still curious enough to go on to the 3rd book. Will I like it? Who knows, but it's worth a try (plus, I'm on a holiday and this is the only series I have, what other option do I have?)....more
This one was easy to rate; it's a pretty balanced book, in a way.
Let me explain: - the characters are fun, but not too Not bad, not great either [image]
This one was easy to rate; it's a pretty balanced book, in a way.
Let me explain: - the characters are fun, but not too fun - the plot is interesting, but nothing too special - the world is good, as a concept, but it's not written very well and so you can't really enjoy it fully - the writing style is not the best, but it's not awful either - the chemistry between characters is pretty bad, but it's not inexistent - the development of the characters is not really there but again, not inexistent - I don't love the MC, but she's not awful either (she's annoying at times, but eh)
... see what I mean by balanced? [image]
It's a decent read, all in all, but pretty forgettable. I'll go on with the series, maybe it gets better. [image]...more
The characters were kind of meh and not making sense a lot of times. The MC didn't really feel 'real' and theWell, this was an annoying read... [image]
The characters were kind of meh and not making sense a lot of times. The MC didn't really feel 'real' and the plot was not built too well, it had all sorts of gaps that I really didn't have the brain power to try and figure out.
Maybe it's a 'me' thing, I really wasn't in a good mindset and I was hoping for a nice read, and this just annoyed me.
Well, this was a bad read. Maybe I should have realized that when I saw the cover, but hey, never judge a book by its cover. Right...?1.5 Ugh. [image]
Well, this was a bad read. Maybe I should have realized that when I saw the cover, but hey, never judge a book by its cover. Right...? This time I really should have.
This was badly written. The characters were really flat and annoying and just nope. It's really not something I would recommend to anyone looking for a good, even a decent, Omegaverse.
I didn't give it 1 star because I've read worse, so there's that going for it: it's not as bad as it could have been....more
So, I decided to start reading some books that were getting 'dusty' in my Kindle.
I saw the blurb of this one, not bad bWhy did I even bother... [image]
So, I decided to start reading some books that were getting 'dusty' in my Kindle.
I saw the blurb of this one, not bad but not great, so I thought why not give it a try, right?
Well, I reminded myself why it's ever a good idea to just read stuff you find without a bit of research.
I wasted my time waiting for the action to start, waiting for the good part of this plot to happen, waiting for something, anything really. I mean yes, you're weak and blah blah, you're Omega, whatever.
But we have a whole UNIVERSE in this book that isn't actually there. We have a dystopian world, we get some glimpses of a story of some scientists trying to create something to save the world, but that's it. A glimpse. Actually, it's worse than a glimpse, it's a sentence. One. Sentence.
So, no world builder, check. No chemistry between characters, check. Lack of a real plot, check. [image]
On the other hand, why not 1 star? Well, as I said, I got a small, small glimpse of something, and it made me want to finish the book. True, I skimmed 50% of it, but I still finished. So, 1 star for making me curious (and then leaving me hanging, but eh). [image]
All in all, there are some decent Omegaverse books out there, but this, unfortunately, isn't one of them. Yeah, it's incredibly hard to write this type of story, but don't give up, reader, you can find better! You can find worse as well (this book was still better than others), but eh.
Still trying to figure out what happened with this one.
Ok, so yes, it was boring. What else... The MC was annoying most of the time and a *sigh* [image]
Still trying to figure out what happened with this one.
Ok, so yes, it was boring. What else... The MC was annoying most of the time and a bit of an idiot the rest of the time. You can always blame that on age or something, but frankly, I have more hope in the younger generation. I know way too many teens to feel ok saying that they're idiots (most of them are sooo much better than adults, you know?).
This book was pretty bad overall. Annoying MC, meh plot, meh writing (not bad, but not good either), and boring!
So, this book is lucky I'm in a good mood and giving it 2 stars. [image]...more
Ok, nope, shouldn't have given a second chance to this series. [image]
Not only do the characters still lack complexity and, well, 'realness', but the MOk, nope, shouldn't have given a second chance to this series. [image]
Not only do the characters still lack complexity and, well, 'realness', but the MC is still annoying and flat.
Oh, and let's not forget, this book was boring as well.
I gave this author, this series, another chance in the hopes that the writing gets better, but alas, all I did was waste my time. [image]
It's extremely hard to write good RHs, and it's not often that I manage to find a good series, mainly because it's hard to make all of it natural. But this series should have been so much fun! Who wouldn't love a snarky, sarcastic cupid, right?
Why did it all have to be ruined by bad writing, there was so, so much potential here. Maybe I'll give this author another chance at one point, but I am done with this series. [image]...more
Ok, so this series was supposed to be really good, so why didn't I like it...?
Well, first of all, this chick scr2.5 Not sure if I liked this one [image]
Ok, so this series was supposed to be really good, so why didn't I like it...?
Well, first of all, this chick screamed annoying. I get it, she was frustrated and all that, but it doesn't mean that she had to be an idiot about it... [image]
Still, she wasn't so big of an idiot to make me want to throw away the book, she was just... well... sometimes an idiot.
Another thing that I didn't like was the lack of complexity of the characters. Theoretically, the MC, at least, should have been a fun, great, amazing character, but she kind of wasn't. She was flat, uni-dimentional, there was absolutely nothing interesting about her, even though it should have been.
All in all, it was the writing that was lacking. The plot has potential, and so do the characters, but the writing just couldn't live up to the story.
I'll go on with the second book, though. Here's to hoping that the author did a better job! [image]...more
I was looking for something cute and easy... But this was not it [image]
I know everyone loved this book, but it really really didn't do it for me.
I neeI was looking for something cute and easy... But this was not it [image]
I know everyone loved this book, but it really really didn't do it for me.
I needed something fast, easy, cute, a weekend-read. I wasn't looking for commitment, just something nice and sweet, and who better to choose than this author, right? She's usually great at stuff like this.
Unfortunately, nope, not with this book, not for me.
Everything felt off. The characters, the plot, the story. There was no chemistry, there was nothing that made me curious or to want me to read more. It all just felt so... plain. [image]
Maybe it doesn't deserve 2 stars, maybe I should have given it 3, but I had such high hopes! It was boring. And annoying at times. And the characters were so flat, they had no chemistry. And... And... It was just meh. [image]
Maybe it's me, I just finished a long, long series that I absolutely loved (it's why I was looking for such a book). So, maybe you'll like it, but I still think this author has books that are a lot better out there.
My advice? If you've read Lauren Bakely before, this book is worth a try. If you haven't, maybe start with a better book of hers. [image]...more
I DNFed, I couldn't. Just couldn't. I actually think it's the only book I've read this year that got a 1-star1.45 stars. No wonder this book was free!
I DNFed, I couldn't. Just couldn't. I actually think it's the only book I've read this year that got a 1-star rating. Usually, I'm more cautious than this and do my research... Oh well. [image]
The characters made no sense, they were flat and I couldn't find even 1 thing to like. The action was boring and long (although that's probably because of the meh writing style, not necessarily the plot). [image]
It does get the 0.45 points for the idea though, it could have been interesting. But oh well, it's not. You win some, you lose some....more
1.5 Why did you have to be a bad read?! WHY!!! [image]
I fell in love with the idea of this series as soon as I read the blurb and saw that there are so1.5 Why did you have to be a bad read?! WHY!!! [image]
I fell in love with the idea of this series as soon as I read the blurb and saw that there are so many books out, with so many pages each. What more can you want, right?
And then I started reading.
The first 30% were pretty good, they felt promising, but then Sal's trials ended and we got the actual beginning of the story. [image]
Everything felt so rushed and not natural. I felt like I skipped a few (hundred) pages. Sal did some things that were definitely not ok from my point of view (view spoiler)[ she slept with Blaec while pretending to be someone else, tricked him, made him want to do what she wanted (hide spoiler)]. Ok, I got over it, it makes sense in a strategic kind of way, and I won't blame someone for a good strategy. But then, he got over it like nothing happened. And that felt a bit forced...
Then, she keeps complaining to everyone that she's Iliri, and oh no, poor me, I've suffered so much because of it, but she ends up embracing her nature in less than 10 pages. It was definitely rushed.
And although she grew up 100% human, she has no problem with doing Iliri things. Yes, she feels bad afterward, but it makes no sense.
The whole book felt rushed. She was sent on a solo mission as soon as she learned how to ride a horse. And she is better than all of them at everything, even though the guys have tens of years behind them in experience. If they're considered the best, how can she become better than all of them (even their leader) in less than a few weeks? It makes no sense [image]
Oh, and she can (view spoiler)[ shift into a different person (gender included), yet when she wants to escape, she doesn't think of changing appearances to not look like the assassin everyone was looking for? And no one thinks to mention it? Really?! (hide spoiler)]
And also annoying: the lack of world builder. I wanted a lot more. The first book in a series should make me fall in love with the world as well, shouldn't it?
And a lot of other things, some smaller than others, and I kept trying to go on. To get over them, because I love the idea of this story.
All in all, as much as I wanted to love this series, I just couldn't. And believe me, I really, really tried. This series isn't worth investing a lot of time into and I couldn't help but be frustrated for about 50% of the book. I wouldn't recommend it. [image]...more