It is a fantastic read, both for exercise haters and exercise lovers as exercising has been explained in evolutionary terms. Basically, exercise was sIt is a fantastic read, both for exercise haters and exercise lovers as exercising has been explained in evolutionary terms. Basically, exercise was something that we all did without planning or paying for as a means to the end, to eat and drink, to run away from predators, across the various ages, from the very young to the very old. But the whole effort was rewarded by sitting down and doing nothing at the end of an active day. So evolution has designed our modern body to react positively to both sitting down and moving around. The only issue is in case we have rewarded ourselves a bit too much then we need to make a concentrated effort to improve our physical health somehow. The book provides plenty of very interesting techniques to get us up and around....more
The case for the fat-switch has been put in the evolutionary context. The dietary changes and the minimum exercise recommendations, in the end, are a The case for the fat-switch has been put in the evolutionary context. The dietary changes and the minimum exercise recommendations, in the end, are a piece of great advice. ...more