A road trip. A homage. A chance to defy the rules and ultimately break them.
Justin has barely been living under the thumb of his well intention4 Stars
A road trip. A homage. A chance to defy the rules and ultimately break them.
Justin has barely been living under the thumb of his well intentioned mother. He’s been in the closet and in love with his best friend Landry for years, and he’s scared shitless to do anything about it. On said road trip to honor his dead father, stress and grief come to a head, and the truth comes out with unsurprisingly, a lot of consequences.
Despite some upsetting angst, the writing here is what gives this extra points. The way Erickson conveys how Justin and Landry fit perfectly - always did, always will - was the best part of this book. So yes, this wasn’t the easiest read - but the poignancy, the intimacy - all won me over.
Admittedly, Justin has a shit ton of growing up to do - finding, owning, and embracing himself so he could be with Landry who btw, was a wonderful character to experience. Overall this was touching and very romantic. Of course, it was sweet and sexy too. These two meet cute when they were young and immediately connect. There was never a question as to whether they were meant for each other - they just had to take a journey to realize and embrace that possibility. Really, all the rest is inconsequential, and that my friends, is the way love should be....more
Roger and Jack and have b4 Historical Hearts - Team Review with Chelsea
Another win for this holiday series!
Prepare yourself for some heartache though…
Roger and Jack and have been boyhood friends for forever and at the cusp of adulthood, a shared kiss that could’ve possibly been the start of something never comes to full fruition as the world is soon thrown into war. Six years later and these two young men have seen and done much, suffered and grieved, and missed each other every day, surviving only through the hope of seeing one another again. Was that shared kiss all it was? A fleeting thing between friends or the start of something more?
This blends the best of friends who become lovers, set in a time where such was not accepted or condoned. Melancholy and full of longing, Roger and Jack are expected to carry on and move on, but neither can let that one memory go despite time, distance, and everyone else in their lives doing their damndest to keep them apart.
However, life’s too short and these two are about to lose the best thing, the only thing they want. They deserve happiness and they grab it for themselves regardless of the possible consequences.
A bittersweet but triumphant win for Roger and Jack, their love definitely bringing all the romantic contentment and feel good warmth to the heart!
Thank you to the author/publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review
As per the blurb, Rhoren is trying to figure out what to do with the second half of his life. He’s now a retired elven mage having served 4 Easy Stars
As per the blurb, Rhoren is trying to figure out what to do with the second half of his life. He’s now a retired elven mage having served his country ridding it of horrible destructive beasts with his powerful blood magic. However, using his powers has paid a price, and Rhoren lives in constant chronic pain. When he’s told that a warmer climate may ease his aches, he heads south where he settles in, using up his savings to open up his long dead father’s dream - a tavern to showcase the wonderful drinks said father had experienced on his travels. What Rhoren needs is a partner to jumpstart this venture and who else but the kindly bartender at the upscale inn Kallum would fit the bill perfectly.
Look, like Legends & Lattes, this is not going to break any barriers. This is labeled cozy fantasy for a reason. Slow and steady, reading about the day ins and outs of Rhoren and how he settles into his retirement as he faces some challenges and accomplishes many wins is what this is all about. There’s a bit of inner turmoil as blood mages have a certain reputation, and a little mystery surrounds the possibility that the tavern is haunted, including another monster battle at the end, but nothing was too scary or anxiety inducing or angsty.
Overall, like the popular aforementioned cozy fantasy, this is about second chances and living one’s best life by taking some risks to find love and found family. If that is your thing and you don’t mind a sedate easy read with PLENTY of cocktail descriptions (along with imbibing them), then this isn’t a difficult decision to make at all....more
What can I say? When Calmes does things right, I’m left with a huge smile on my face and a sense of contentment in having read a4.5 -High Five- Stars!
What can I say? When Calmes does things right, I’m left with a huge smile on my face and a sense of contentment in having read a book that just made me feel good.
Unlike Balanced and Tied (book #5) which showcased US Deputy Marshal Eli Kohn randomly matched with a ballet dancer “outsider”, this second spinoff features fellow Marshal teammates Josiah Redeker and Bodhi Callahan. What probably made this so enjoyable is that these two nicely contrasted in comparison to pentultimate pair Ian and Miro, echoing many similar traits and getting themselves into similar situations. Redeker is blunt and straightforward, often the caretaker but impetuously always dives straight into danger. Bodhi is the handsome charmer with a tender heart, the quintessential protector of his brash partner.
These two have been circling each other for six years, only trusting and relying on the other, but never fully voicing or acting on their feelings for stupid reasons, and it’s sooo obvious to everyone (including themselves) that they’re perfect for each other.
Thankfully, all those stupid barriers come crumbling down when Redeker gets hurt, and Bodhi will not take no for an answer in nursing him back to health even if that means bringing Redeker on a vacation to meet his fiance’s family. Yeeaaaahhhhhh, you heard that right. Granted, it’s not the most ideal situation having one of the MC’s in a relationship, but Calmes pulls it off. There’s plenty of feels, rescues, a bit of action, high stakes scenarios, shenanigans, and banter to last you for days.
If this series is your Calmes comfort zone then seriously, you won't be disappointed.
So, it’s obvious I loved this. I had an absolutely fabulous time with these two as I revisited the bazillion other side characters who love to weigh in and give each other shit, setting up those feel good found family vibes which made it that much sweeter. The only reason why this isn't 5 stars is that this felt just a teeny tiny bit recycled from the first 4 books featuring my aforementioned favorite duo which really isn’t a complaint at all. I apparently like a certain formula, and Calmes definitely delivered!...more
It’s almost been 4 years since I last read How to Run with the Wolves, and what I’ve just now figured out is that I love the denizens and set3.5 Stars
It’s almost been 4 years since I last read How to Run with the Wolves, and what I’ve just now figured out is that I love the denizens and setting of Mad Creek. This Alaskan setting?? Not so much.
Don’t get me wrong. This still had all the components of what makes this series great. Guileless MC’s who have no artifice and truly just so much heart and goodness deep down into their souls. However, without the magical ambiance of Mad Creek, my cynical self just couldn’t buy into this as wholeheartedly as I wanted to.
Still fluffy at its core, the secrets, the icky dad and bff, the in the closet vibes, and the homophobia were just too much for a series that I feel prides itself on earnest emotions and feel good love.
Not a favorite but I think fans of this will be reassured that the Alasakian contingency gets its forever HEA!...more
Look. This is not Ian and Miro by any means. It’s basically a poor man’s Ian and Miro. However because Ian and Miro are in this I had to g4 Iffy Stars
Look. This is not Ian and Miro by any means. It’s basically a poor man’s Ian and Miro. However because Ian and Miro are in this I had to give it 4 stars because I take what I can get right?? One can see that I think Ian and Miro are the bees knees. Can I say Ian and Miro any more than I already have? Ian and Miro. Ian and Miro. Ian and Miro.
So it’s obvious what I wish this 5th installment was all about. If it weren't for the aforementioned lovebirds, I’d typically give this my standard 3.5 score. Rest assured that the classic Calmes components are present. There’s a Jory-esque character who is irresistible to all, takes no sass, and who’s in love with his best friend. Said straight best friend is clueless but is possessive of Jory (ahem, I mean Cel) like nobody’s business and then an epiphany comes, and it’s literally balls to the walls.
This is basically Ian and Miro 2.0 without the major swoon. Maybe it’s because I never really got a sense of who Eli was in the previous books except that he was a metrosexual ladies man - that minus the Marshals association, this was nothing overly special. However, revisiting my favorite guys and all the other badass marshals (and don’t forget king of the grumps, no nonsense Sam Kage) made me remember that I absolutely love this group of wily hooligans. Toss in the requisite mob presence because of course they’re involved, and this was still a solid entry to Calmes’s convoluted cuckoo Chicago universe....more
Another win for the wonderful world of Samantha Wayland!
Though this doesn’t focus on hockey players per se, there are plenty of past charact4.5 Stars
Another win for the wonderful world of Samantha Wayland!
Though this doesn’t focus on hockey players per se, there are plenty of past characters that make significant appearances, and now once peripheral characters Jack (bff of Garret) and cop Grady (who's made several appearances) get their turn to shine.
Jack and Grady have been besties for several years, always with certain boundaries and clear cut rules. Though Grady has been pining for forever, he would never pressure Jack into more. Grady’s got a terrible family and has resigned himself that being alone is just something he will bear for the rest of his life. Jack has had very unfortunate circumstances and feels he doesn’t deserve happiness either. These men hold each other at arms length for different reasons, but when both of them are struck simultaneously and literally with their pasts, they naturally gravitate towards each other for comfort and security.
And how that turns into so much more.
This is angsty and emotional. There might be triggers for some. Both have had it rough and difficult, and it was gratifying to watch them fall for the other effortlessly. Is this a little long? Is it a little cheesy? Yes it is. However, if you enjoy an interconnected series (that’s not advertised as a series) and you love gleeful fun found family dynamics, this overall is a great addition to the Wayland universe!...more
Starting where the first book left off, this delves more into the burgeoning, and mostly forbidden, relationship between Kiram and Javier. Thes4 Stars
Starting where the first book left off, this delves more into the burgeoning, and mostly forbidden, relationship between Kiram and Javier. These two must learn to work and trust the other to overcome the terrible curse affecting Javier and his family.
Overall, a very satisfying conclusion that had several twists and betrayals, along with a great fight against the enemy at the end. Though this frustratingly ended quite abruptly, Hale is a master at the complexity that involves her protagonists plight and fight for a happy ending, and what matters most is she doesn’t fail her readers here. Enjoy!...more
A satisfying conclusion to this YA fantasy trilogy, I felt this matured with each book, as well it should as our teen hero Nick and his loyal4.5 Stars
A satisfying conclusion to this YA fantasy trilogy, I felt this matured with each book, as well it should as our teen hero Nick and his loyal friends all go through a lot, learning about life, love, and themselves!
When we last saw Nick and company, they were a solid incognito crime fighting team, and Nick was trying to come into his newly realized powers and potential responsibilities, all the while dealing with familial secrets and betrayals. Flash Fire left readers wondering about the future fate of all Extraordinaires as nemesis Simon Burke introduced a seemingly benevolent offer to cure their powers for the safety of the public, hiding a yet to be seen but inevitable sinister self serving plan. Toss in an off kilter ex-boyfriend who had escaped prison and an unbelievable cliffhanger reveal, and there were many questions left to be answered.
Though this plot line started out nebulous and confusing, what unfolds was a scary twist. Many might not like this crazy development, but I felt it ultimately played out nicely, forcing the gang and their wonderful parents, friends, and family to really band together to fight Simon Burke’s evil maniacal agenda.
What I truly appreciate about these 3 books is that with Klune’s deserved popularity and move into a more mainstream avenue, I’m grateful that a bigger publisher in no way impeded his unique and trademark brand of humor, style, and over the top brazenness. This doesn’t hold back on touchy topics, the uncomfortableness of growing up, the squeamish/embarrassing but relevant challenges that all teens face, and Klune does it with frankness, truth, and outrageous hilarity and always with plenty of heart. It’s been a hot minute since I laughed so hard that I was crying, and then I soon found myself crying for real because of all the feels.
Overall, though some things in plot execution didn’t pan out as I wanted (do they 100% truly ever?), this still had a fitting conclusion that fell in line with the themes and messages of each book. Things can’t always end perfectly (tho it was pretty darn close), and that’s how life goes - sometimes it’s tough, sometimes it’s really really great, and often it isn’t fair.
Sooooo bad guys are going to do bad. Good guys are going to do their darnedest to stop them. There are certainly some setbacks, but this is fantasy fiction after all so don’t be too worried. Rest assured that our titular hero Nick definitely remains true to himself and learns plenty along the way as all YA stories go, leaving me with a big fat smile at the very end!
Thanks to the author for a copy in exchange for an honest review
If you love the friends to lovers trope and want to revisit past characters in this series, then grab this easy breezy freebie on Prolific Work3 Stars
If you love the friends to lovers trope and want to revisit past characters in this series, then grab this easy breezy freebie on Prolific Works.
I read it for a challenge, and it was an enjoyable 130 pages with no angst and all feel good. I wasn’t lost either with other characters from previous books popping in, but those who are purists will surely like seeing everyone basking in their happy ending as well!
As much as this entire series put me through my paces, this holiday snippet warms the cold heart because if any two people deserve any and all 4 Stars
As much as this entire series put me through my paces, this holiday snippet warms the cold heart because if any two people deserve any and all the happiness they can grab onto, it’s John and Kyle!...more
I like this quirky contemporary series, and this was a nice little visit seeing Dan and Trevor engaged and Sean and Robin thriving. What’s a 3.5 Stars
I like this quirky contemporary series, and this was a nice little visit seeing Dan and Trevor engaged and Sean and Robin thriving. What’s a little adventure in an escape room to break the ice between 4 strangers with the potential to become great friends??
The premise is simple. Newly out and proud hockey player is determined to not be a virgin by his 22nd birth4 Stars
My first Finley was a total success!
The premise is simple. Newly out and proud hockey player is determined to not be a virgin by his 22nd birthday. He somehow gets a straight former hockey player to help him out, become his friend, and by his totally wholesome winsome charm works his hoodoo voodoo on him and they fall in love.
Admittedly, not very plausible at all but this is fiction and one must go with the flow right? Whit is seriously the most guileless guy, all eager puppy with very little finesse and knows he’s a complete idiot to fall for Rainn. He just can’t help it. Rainn on the other hand feels just a tad bit sorry for Whit and gradually, he can’t help but be won over by Whit’s kind genuine nature…. among other things. Though Rainn’s supposed to help Whit with his “goals”, deep down he really doesn't want Whit accomplishing any of them unless it’s with him.
So ensue some snarky funny banter - the real boon of this book is the dialogue in my opinion. There’s a bit of angsty self examination in coming out and figuring out what to do in life but plenty of smexy to whet most appetites.
A really fun, mostly easy romance that will make me strongly consider Finley’s other works when I need that occasional contemporary detour!...more
Top notch sci-fi, plenty of high stakes action, and a race against time to save one man on the brink 4 Stars
The second installment did not disappoint!
Top notch sci-fi, plenty of high stakes action, and a race against time to save one man on the brink of death from serving his government who has all but abandoned him.
Be reassured that this is not only a space adventure full of battling human and alien cultures/agendas, but at its core, the epic love between Felix and Zander remains front and center.
Consistently good stuff, and I expect nothing less from the next book!!...more
Smyth continues to imbue her MM remakes with little twists and original tweaks, still bringing tho3.5 Stars
*Available only as an audio on Audible.com*
Smyth continues to imbue her MM remakes with little twists and original tweaks, still bringing those nostalgic feels to the table.
You’ve got Harrison who’s a hopeless romantic and unlucky in love. His doomed relationships thankfully never dampen his genuine happy go lucky optimistic disposition. Then you have Henry, who’s more particular and set in his ways, who doesn’t believe in fairy tale endings. Drop in his steadfast belief that gay guys can’t be friends because sex always gets in the way, and well… you know how that turns out.
Overall, this is standard contemporary romance where enemies turn into friends who turn into lovers, and I loved the little shoutouts to the classic 80’s movie When Harry Met Sally as these two bond over watching episodes of Friends and try to set each other up with their respective besties.
Henry and Harrison resist, deny, and inevitably fall, but FINALLY, after many years of ups and downs they find their true happiness with each other. Awwww....more
Again, I’m no Hayes expert. There have definitely been a few I’ve liked and definitely a few I haven’t, and up until recently, there’s 4 Steady Stars!
Again, I’m no Hayes expert. There have definitely been a few I’ve liked and definitely a few I haven’t, and up until recently, there’s been a long sabbatical.
Topher and Simon from Following the Rules completely surprised me and won me over. I was a bit leery that George and Aidan wouldn't bring as much joy, but they totally brought their A-game and also charmed the hell out of me as well.
George is a bit off the beaten path. He’s of course super smart with a touch of social awkwardness that has alienated some. However, Aidan (Simon’s BFF) has known George since they were teens and has always had a soft spot for him and it shows. When George gets into some car trouble, he and Aidan make an “arrangement” to get it fixed. Aidan will trade his time for George’s smarts to oversee his math as he strives to get an analyst’s job in baseball. There’s a couple other negotiations in progress, one of which is a chance for Aidan to satisfy his curiosity regarding his George ”infatuation” despite his straight status. When time is up on their deal will these two continue to enjoy the side benefits? Oh yes indeedy!
I continue to be impressed with this romantic comedy series. It’s light, it’s easy, it’s funny. It’s also silly, sweet, and super sexy. Narrated by Alexander Cendese again, though he doesn't do voice distinction quite as well here, his comedic timing and enthusiasm can’t be beat.
This is a Hayes I’ve never known and suffice it to say, I will continue reading this series til the bloody end if it remains consistently that good and truly, it really is....more
Chosen for a specific reading challenge, admittedly, this isn’t my typical reading fare as Greek mythology and the ar3.5 Stars
Unpopular opinion alert!
Chosen for a specific reading challenge, admittedly, this isn’t my typical reading fare as Greek mythology and the arrogant gods who love to meddle, as well as this being a tragedy doomed from the start, will never be my first choice.
Vivid in its rendering of one destined for greatness, Gods touched for the promise of glory but with such a promise, there’s always a steep price. Ultimately, there's no glory here. Achilles may be remembered for eternity but wasting a decade fighting a pointless war only to succumb and fall was quite pointless to me.
Regardless, I do see what all the fuss is about. This is no doubt a beautifully written book, rich with nuance and a detailed retelling of the doomed Patroclus and his equally doomed Achilles. The story between these two stands the test of time as their love is loyal, devoted, and unwavering, despite any and all (including fate and prophecy) that conspire against them.
I appreciate this for what it is, and I’m not surprised that it has won many accolades and awards. Miller obviously has a way with words but when it comes down to it, ultimately for me, this was just not personally enjoyable despite the stellar, talented prose.
I love these kinds of friends to lovers stories where they meet cute as youngsters and just simply connect on a whole other level carrying them4 Stars
I love these kinds of friends to lovers stories where they meet cute as youngsters and just simply connect on a whole other level carrying them through the years.
Josh and Taylor have been besties since they were 8 years old and of course, they’ve been attached to the hip ever since. As this alternates between the past and the present where they’re currently high school seniors, it was just the sweetest look at how their friendship evolves into more.
Not a bit of angst and only feel good feels. Just how I like it! ...more
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, Jensen always excels at the conflicting emotions that a person can have about love and life, and 4 Stars
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, Jensen always excels at the conflicting emotions that a person can have about love and life, and she doesn’t fail here.
I really liked Robin, warts and all. His debilitating anxiety was acutely felt. It’s not as if he wants to feel this way, it’s not as if he wants to stay in his house forever, and it’s not as if he wants to be alone for the rest of his life paralyzed by indecision and fear. However, one day Robin realizes he’s kinda sorta had enough. His almost connection with Dan from Let's Connect was just the sort of impetus for him to take stock of his life and finally notice that he’s been noticed by his friendly neighbor Seth.
There’s a bunch of fits and starts as Robin slowly makes progress because he really wants a partner, he wants to experience companionship and intimacy, to enjoy what life has to offer again. Sean is quite the patient, sexy guy, and how these two steadily get to really know each other was a poignant, painful, and funny experience.
I read this when it was offered as a freebie serial through the author’s newsletter. This time around though, this sequel provided for me more compelling and likeable characters, so much so that I shelled out the cash for the much anticipated epilogue in Seth’s voice. Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed!...more
A much needed epilogue regarding Graham and Rikker, looking in on them approximately 8 months later which totally makes up for the absolute fre4 Stars
A much needed epilogue regarding Graham and Rikker, looking in on them approximately 8 months later which totally makes up for the absolute fretful time they gave me in The Understatement of the Year.
I’m ecstatic to see them secure and so in love despite some ongoing challenges. Warms my cold heart right up!...more