Once more, Maria V. Snyder has done it again!!! This is the first instalment of the second trilogy, telling the story of Yelena and Valek’s epic taleOnce more, Maria V. Snyder has done it again!!! This is the first instalment of the second trilogy, telling the story of Yelena and Valek’s epic tale in the Ixian Chronicles…and it was AMAZING! Needless to say, this series has cemented itself onto my favourite series of all-time list!!! I absolutely adore the characters and the world that Snyder has created. It is such a well-crafted believable world, and I found the mixture of magic and technology to be utterly fascinating.
Do I admit that some books are better than others? Yes. Will that stop me from giving all of these ridiculously high ratings? No! :P Also, I do think that this book comes in as my second-favourite Ixian Chronicles book (with Poison Study firmly at #1, of course).
[image] It’s very strange to think that Yelena’s life was so much simpler when she was a mere food taster for the Commander. Now, no matter what she does, not only does her life consistency hang in the balance, but there are political implications in regards to Ixian-Sitian relations, as well. The stakes are SO HIGH. Yelena typically uses her cunning intellect and powerful magic as a liaison between the two countries…until now. As dissent is rising as to the involvement of magicians on the political stage, Yelena is attacked and awakens to find her magic either blocked or completely gone. POOF. …UH OH.
PSA: Before reading this book, you MUST have read Ice Study beforehand because that is the prequel to this book. If you have not read that, you will be completely unaware as to who Ben Moon and Owen Moon are, and why Ben Moon wants Yelena and Valek dead. In this instalment, Yelena is sent to locate Ben Moon, who has recently escaped from the high-security Wirral prison and is seeking vengeance for his brother’s execution.
Valek pulled the glass from my grip, set it on the table, then took both my hands in his. “When we’re apart, I worry about you. Even when I know you’re fine and doing some boring research for Bain or visiting your parents, I worry. Even though you are more than capable of taking care of yourself, I worry.” “I was capable.” “You still are. Owen couldn’t break you.” “If it wasn’t for you, he would have. Your voice gave me the strength.” “You used your own strength. I just reminded you that it was already within you.”
Now, onto my OTP, Yelena and Valek, aka one of the best YA power-couples EVER. It is such a wholesome and genuine relationship that actually FEELS real. It doesn’t feel like some YA couples, who couldn’t possibly have worked in real life. They are truly equal partners. By the time that this novel begins, they have been together for eight years (longer than even some marriages, haha), and it really feels like it, too. They both act like a married couple. They are so loving and supportive of one another, but remain their own people. Their duties and jobs are their first priorities (in fact, Yelena even specifically stated that she recognised that Valek’s loyalty to the Commander came before her), and they do not sit around, moping about each other’s absence and thinking about one another. They are true soul mates (or heart mates, as it is termed in this world) and their trust in each other knows no bounds. Talk about unwavering loyalty! I aspire to have a relationship like this, one day.
May we have more couples like this, please, dear authors of the YA community??? I’m begging you!!! [image]
“Yelena?” “Hmm?” “I’d like you to stay with me while we figure out how to unblock your magic. We’re stronger together.” “All right.” He laughed. “I thought I’d have more of a fight.” “I’m too tired to argue.” “Then I should take advantage of the situation.” I cracked one eye open. “And?” “I’d like you to stay with me forever.”
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I NEED A MAN LIKE VALEK IN MY LIFE. Talk about swoon-worthy!!! Does anyone know where I might find one? ;) [image]
There is a new addition to this series’ cast, by the name of Onora. She was a very interesting character, who gives Valek a run for his money. Having said that, this second trilogy is now told in three points of view (rather than Yelena’s solely): Yelena (so brilliant), Valek (so amazing), and Janco (so hilarious). I’m not even ashamed to say that OF COURSE Valek’s POV was my favourite! :D During Valek’s POV, I was especially fascinated by his past and the time that he spent at the School of Night and Shadows, training to be the assassin that he is today. Also, Valek as a child was TERRIFYING. He’d have killed me in less than 2 seconds…if he were ever sent to assassinate me, that is!!! And if I had one complaint about this book, it would be that Ari has unfortunately faded into the background because he is constantly overshadowed by Janco.
I’m now going to read Night Study, as soon as humanly possible because THAT ENDING OMG!!! (view spoiler)[When I began this book, I literally said that I wanted a Valek-Yelena wedding and little assassin babies…and the book ended with the cliffhanger: “I’m pregnant.” AHHHH! I hope that she really is and that it isn’t a false alarm!!! They’re going to be bloody brilliant parents. I can’t wait to see them finally settle down (aka no more people trying to kill them, haha) and start a family!!! <3 Also, I'm thinking that the baby is siphoning Yelena's magic (because Valek is immune to magic), and that's why she can't tap into her powers...I guess we'll see if I'm right. ;) (hide spoiler)]
And to anyone who (only Heaven knows, why) hasn't gotten to this series yet...READ IT! READ IT! READ IT!...more
**spoiler alert** Firstly, I’d like to slap myself in the face for waiting so long to continue on with this series. What the hell is wrong with me?!!!**spoiler alert** Firstly, I’d like to slap myself in the face for waiting so long to continue on with this series. What the hell is wrong with me?!!! When I first read The Kiss of Deception in 2014, I loved it, but I never read the following instalments in the Remnant Chronicles…and that has got to be the worst mistake I’ve EVER made (ok fine, not the “worst”, but still). I’m writing this review having just finished The Heart of Betrayal, maybe 5 minutes ago, and I AM SO RAW WITH EMOTIONS. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME, MARY E. PEARSON?!!! (P.S. I’m sorry, but this will be an incredibly fangirly review :P)
Needless to say, this book is being rated, not only a full-5 stars, but ALL THE STARS IN THE WORLD!!! I have absolutely no complaints with the writing, the plot (OMG THAT ENDING), the world building, or the character development. A+!!!
And I also need to take a moment to mourn my beautiful baby, Aster…
MARY E. PEARSON, YOU MONSTER!!! She was so cute and innocent and pure and aghhhh!!! I was hoping that she’d be able to run off with Lia to safety, but then my hopes and dreams were completely crushed!
This was also a semi-buddy read with my fellow #TeamRafe shipper, Diana! :)
“There are no rules in survival.”
So…where to begin? Let’s start with Lia. OMG, talk about character development!!! We already knew how protective and fierce she was…yet we also knew that she was somewhat flighty in the previous book, wanting to choose her own adventures and fall in love. However, in The Heart of Betrayal, we see the beginnings of Lia turning into the Queen that she was always meant to be. AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. She tries to protect her family, her Morrighese friends, Rafe, her new Vendan friends, her countrymen, as well as her country itself (the said country that now considers her a traitor), all while trying to survive in foreign country of “barbarians”, who all despise anything remotely resembling royalty and privilege. I loved how she defied the Komizar, at every chance she had, even though she knew that she was risking her perilous position as a prisoner every time. I also really appreciated that she didn’t allow her Morrighese upbringing to hinder her from sympathising with the Vendan people. She is such an amazing YA heroine, who didn’t wait for anyone (not even her gorgeous Prince) to save her. She was perfectly capable holding her own and standing up for herself (either with words or weapons). My only complaint about her is that she used Kaden’s feelings about her in order to manipulate him, and although I understand her reason for doing so, I still didn’t like it. :-/
“And I began walking. A thousand miles, or two, I would carry her all the way to Dalbreck if I had to. No one would pry her from my arms again.”
Ah, Rafe. He is exactly what every girl dreams a Prince to be. He’s kind, loyal, brave…and absolutely protective of the woman that he loves. He’d do anything to save her and I thought that their connection was so beautiful. Also, his friends were amazing, as well. I especially loved how these trained soldiers from Dalbreck found our young Morrighese Princess to be “scary”. HAHA!
I felt so much for Kaden in this novel. We learn why he has the scars on his back and my heart utterly broke for him. He was so conflicted over his emotions for Lia and his loyalty to the Komizar. The interpersonal relationships in this novel were sooo well done. Bravo! I was also shocked when we learnt that Kaden was Morrighese-born, but Vendan-raised. That certainly explains why he looks nothing like his fellow Vendans.
I found that the Komizar was an extremely well-written villain. He wasn’t some soulless being who went around killing everything in sight. He’s a man hungry for power, who wants to build Venda to the glory that Morrighan and Dalbrack have. He wants to give his people a better life, yet also manages to be a harsh ruler, who demands the people’s respect. Both he and Lia are very strong-willed and are worthy adversaries of each other. I found their interactions in the novel to be riveting. I’m so excited to see how Lia ultimately wins in the end.
If I had to complain about any of the characters, it would probably be Pauline because for someone who was so integral to the story in the previous book, she was barely in this one. I really hope that she doesn’t throw away her friendship with Lia over the discovery of Mikael being alive, but instead sees that Lia was only trying to protect her. I really hope that we see more of her in The Beauty of Darkness!
This was a brilliant book that I loved from beginning to end. My issues with Pearson’s world building in The Kiss of Deception were resolved because we got the opportunity to learn SO MUCH about Venda (now, I’d like to learn more about Morrighan and Dalbreck, please!). This is a criminally underrated series that I highly recommend! <3...more
So, I’d just like to point out that I was a weird child growing up. I adored mythology more than any other type of bedtime story and I began reading bSo, I’d just like to point out that I was a weird child growing up. I adored mythology more than any other type of bedtime story and I began reading both The Iliad and The Odyssey at age 10. I know, weird. Having said that, I was heartbroken when I later discovered that these were the only two Ancient Greek epics surviving, out of the eight that were written, now known as the Epic Cycle. The thought of destroyed books makes me despair in agony. Now I’m certain that I’m not the only person who still gets emotional over the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. ALL OF THOSE BOOKS…GONE!!! GONE FOREVER!!! NEVER TO BE SEEN OR READ EVER AGAIN! :(
Luckily, Ink & Bone brings into question…what if the Library of Alexandria had never been destroyed?!
Well, according to Rachel Caine, had the Library of Alexandria survived, the world would be Fahrenheit 451 on steroids. Finally, I’ve come across a dystopian novel that I’ve genuinely enjoyed. This was sooo original and I loved every second of it!!! Thus, I am awarding this novel 4.5 stars!!!
“They've all got stories, Jess thought. I need to know them. Best of all, he could know them. He could learn anything here. It felt like limitless possibilities.”
I’m not going to lie, I considered putting this on hold (for a second time), whilst I struggled to get through the Prologue and Chapter One. But once Chapter Two began, the plot was so well-paced for the remainder of the novel that it completely made up for it!!! Despite this being a very short book (only 350-ish pages), it feels much longer, but it’s completely worth it!
First of all, I’d like to address everyone who compared this novel to Harry Potter…Every book that requires training at a school does not need to be compared to Harry Potter. Don’t get me wrong, I love Harry Potter as much as the next person (In fact, it’s even #2 on my Favourite Books of All Time list), but: 1) J.K. Rowling did not patent books about schools, 2) Books about schools existed long before Harry Potter (cough Enid Blyton cough), and 3) Books about schools will exist long after Harry Potter. Comparisons to Harry Potter as marketing ploys really get on my nerves! If there were magic being taught at this school, I’d understand…but they’re being taught to be scholars and how the Library functions! There is absolutely no magic in this book (Well, there is alchemy – which isn't being taught – but no spells or potions!)!!! Ugh.
PSA: As this is a dystopian novel, it might interest you to know that there is also quite a bit of death in this novel, which I found to be quite unexpected. There are also a number of surprising twists and turns!
Ink & Bone is centred around Jess, who comes from a family of smugglers. They smuggle books because the ownership of physical books is now illegal (and punishable by death because “when you steal a book, you steal from the world”) in the year 2025. Everyone is given blanks (which very much resembles eBooks on a tablet), or a codex (which is a more expensive version of blanks), and the books that are loaded onto there are strictly controlled. The world is run in a dictatorship-type manner by the Great Library, who control the world’s knowledge because as everyone knows: knowledge is power. The Library’s motto is actually tota est scientia (or knowledge is all). The Library would rather the world go up in flames around them than let any harm come to the books. People who work for the library would even die to protect the books from harm. They also use automaton lions, sphinxes, and soldiers which are awfully scary!
There are many who protest the Library’s control including the smugglers, who profit from selling valuable books to those who can afford it, and the Burners, who set fires to the books (and even themselves) in protest with Greek Fire. We also have the perverted ink-lickers who eat the books in order to completely possess its knowledge.
One of the best aspects of this novel, however, is its diversity. All of the characters are from around world, practice various religions, and have different sexual orientations! Scholar Christopher Wolfe and High Garda Captain Niccolo Santi are not only the children’s mentors, but also a wonderful gay couple. Wolfe was actually my favourite character!!! Jess Brightwell and Morgan Hault are both English and so bloody cute. Glain Wathen is Welsh, yet also the bad-arse muscle out of them all. Thomas Schreiber is a German inventor and a giant teddy bear! <3 Dario Santiago is a pompous Spaniard LOL. And finally, Khalila Seif is a Saudi Arabian Muslim genius. And I absolutely love every single one of them (yes, even Dario haha)! All of these characters meet at the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt in order to fight for their places within the Library’s workforce. Some will end up as Scholars (archivists), others will end up as part of the Garda (soldiers), and, in rare instances, others will end up as Obscurists (alchemists).
If you haven't tried this book yet, I highly recommend it. Amongst the plethora of YA dystopia, this is definitely a hidden gem. :D...more