Jocelyn's Reviews > Zoo

Zoo by James  Patterson
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did not like it
bookshelves: 2012-new

Oh dear sweet baby Jesus. The next time I think it's a good idea to read anything written by an author that writes an average of five novels a year, will someone please remind me of this literary travesty and that I have better things to spend my time reading?

This is one of the worst novels I've read in a long, Long, LONG time. And the only, I repeat, the only reason I bothered finishing it is because the idea behind it could have come out as a truly amazing work of fiction in the hands of almost any other author. Almost, being the key word there. I shouldn't have to point out the obvious exceptions *cough*ELJamesStephenieMeyer*cough*

As it stands, unfortunately, it wasn't written by any other author.

I spent the entire time feeling like I was being hit over the head with, well... everything. There is no subtlety, no nuance, nothing left to the imagination - virtually everything is spelled out in black and white, and the things that aren't are glossed over or completely ignored. I can tell that only a minimal amount of cursory research went into this novel, which is highlighted by the fact that some (albeit, sketchy) scientific concepts are touched upon, but never in great detail and the use of technical jargon is almost non-existent. The writing style doesn't change at all between characters - despite the fact that some of the POV comes from several animals, and, maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm fairly certain they shouldn't sound like a military-veteran-University-drop-out-who's-internal-monologue-reads-like-a-bad-action-flick. And don't even get me started on the font size in the hardcover edition; there are more words per page in most teen novels than there are in this book. Talk about padding your bottom line.

I can't with this shit anymore.

/end transmission
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Reading Progress

October 11, 2012 – Started Reading
October 11, 2012 – Shelved as: 2012-new
October 11, 2012 – Shelved
October 12, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Tasha-Lynn Patterson huh? I never took you for a JP fan!

Jocelyn Tasha-Lynn wrote: "Patterson huh? I never took you for a JP fan!"

Not even a little bit lol. First and last novel of his I'll ever pick up.

Tasha-Lynn Saw that comin a mile away haha

Theresa Exactly - he phoned this one in

Vanessa N Oh come on. It's really not that bad at all. I like it. It's vivid with the imagery and is fun to read. I'm not a literary expert, and I agree that a lot of the particulars could be expanded upon more in the novel, like how the amygdala gene mutation could cause deficits in the part of the brain that controls fear/ detecting and responding to threats as well as processing pheromones, causing the animal kingdom to no longer fear humans or perceive them as a threat, more like a competitor to be eliminated. It really could have been something extravagantly spectacular, but it was still good and I can appreciate the book. Also, if you haven't seen the show based off of it, it's really good! Season 1 is on Netflix, Season 2 is starting next summer. Although the premise of this story is totally implausible, it is entertaining at least.

Jocelyn Vanessa wrote: "Oh come on. It's really not that bad at all. I like it. It's vivid with the imagery and is fun to read. I'm not a literary expert, and I agree that a lot of the particulars could be expanded upon m..."

That's the fun thing about reviewing a book online - I'm entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to yours. If I could have given it zero stars, I would have. You feel differently, and that's fine. I'm not in the habit of reading any kind of fiction that is generally labelled as "brain fluff" for the exact reasons I didn't like this novel - I don't enjoy reading things that are rife with plot holes and massive swathes of gray area and terrible characterization; they take me out of the moment. I also don't like movies or television shows that have the same problems, so it's not like I'm picking on poor ol' James Patterson or Michael Ledwidge for their inability to write a decent book. Obviously others feel the same way because I'm not the only one-star reviewer. And you are also not the only person to rate it above that.

tonya guerrero I am enjoying the book, for me it is much better than the TV adaptation. But that's just me.

Mindi Lee Lol! I love your review.

Justin I can't wait, it sounds perfect for me: no imagination and skips the scientific jargon :-)

Ashlie Crawford I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I read other books by him and only a few were capturing. His older work is A LOT better than his newer work. Well seeing as how 90% of his new work really isn't his is understandable. His new work is actually a bunch of unknown authors and hee just throws his name inn there to help sell them. But zoo was a book that I really did enjoy.

message 11: by Mike (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mike MacDonald This book was low-level junior high school, 4 sentence paragraph, underdeveloped bilge. So bad. Like a cake with no yeast.

The Picky Bookworm This review cracked me up. Only because I agree. I tend to stay away from his books because he writes so many in a year that I'm not sure how he manages to research any of them at all.

message 13: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Haha, so glad I saw this! I went back to revisit this series on Netflix and realized the damn thing never finished so I thought I’d check out the book. After this, definitely won’t be. I quit reading Patterson quite a long time ago since he often is working with other writers and sticking his name along with theirs on books. He should revisit early books again to remember what good writing is.

message 14: by Summer (new) - added it

Summer I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I read other book by him and only a few were capturing his older work is a lot better than his. Newer work. Well seeing as hoe 90% of his new work really isn't his is understanding. His new work actually a bunch of unknown authors and hee just throws his name inn there to help sell them. But zoo was a book that I real did enjoy.

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