Bubbles Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions 's Reviews > Pleasure Unbound

Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: m-f, lol-funny

That glossary at beginning was helpful, but it still left out a lot of words

A warning, I'm gaytarded, and this review will reflect said gayness.

He doesn't need to touch her black panties to know they soaked. He can smell it. From across the room. In her defense she has been wearing the same panties for at least two days. So it's understandable they'd smell, but still my fragile gay boy eyes didn't need to read that

Sex at 7% :( I prefer more build up before sex. And her "slippery juices" *shudder* shouldn't she be dehydrated with the quantity of fluids leaking out of her cooter?

"You're so wet... You smell raw, ready." like raw eggs or some uncooked steak? There is no way for me to pictures these smells as erotic. I hate smells though the gross me out. And honestly the raw vagina probably smells better than the sweaty anus

I had to use the kindle dictionary to look up "labia" and that makes me wish kindle had a "gay language" so it could have said "oh girl, you don't even want to know!" Because yeah, I didn't want to know

"Is the touchy-feely homo moment over?"

I object to this slanderous filth. If anything they were being total chicks. Gays would never be so disgraceful. ;)

I like that the author makes us feel sympathy for the poor demons being hunted by the ignorant and evil humans

69% (view spoiler)

I loved this book the plot was great, very engaging. reading it made me go:

a few times. some parts were just laugh out loud funny.

even though the sex made me go


I still really liked the book

I am too lazy to write anymore words but i'll post some more stuff i find funny. I figure over a 1,000 reviews on here everything's probably already been said anyway.

I now see the danger of blue balls

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Reading Progress

October 31, 2012 – Started Reading
October 31, 2012 – Shelved
November 1, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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Susan65 That is the funniest pic ever

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions It made me giggle

message 3: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie OMG, too funny!

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions You see a soccer guy right? Not scary rainbow Afro?

message 5: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Bubbles wrote: "You see a soccer guy right? Not scary rainbow Afro?"


DaisyGirl Loved the review Bubbles! Hilarious!!! ;)

message 9: by Allybaba (new)

Allybaba Oh fuck...I spit my coffee out when I read this...nice job...

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions Guess I should have had a warning For people to swallow all contents in their mouth before reading. My bad ;)

Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews Omg your review has me in stitches of laughter babe ..
Reading this now

Lmao labia my poor gay boy!!!

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions Hope you like the book ang

message 13: by Beaupeep (new) - added it

Beaupeep Best review I've read in a while - laugh out lout moments and am about to start the book now - juice factor and all!

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions It's a good story and the girl can't help that she's overflowing with "delicious juices"

message 15: by Elizabetta (new) - added it

Elizabetta A brilliant review. I have not even read the book nor was I thinking about reading it before. But now... My only worry is that the book will not live up to the entertainment value of your critique. Freaking LOL!! You've made my day :)

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions The books good, hope you like it. Glad you like the review

message 17: by Riya (new)

Riya Absolutely fucking hilarious - I loved your review!

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions Thank you.

Darlene I LOL so much I thought I would pee my pants.... Hilarious!!!

GREAT review now I have to read the book.

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions Darlene wrote: "I LOL so much I thought I would pee my pants.... Hilarious!!!

GREAT review now I have to read the book."

I should have added a warning to go pee before reading or put on a diaper. Next time I'll remember that.

Darlene That would be much appreciated... :-)

Thanks for the review.

Lealia This was the best review ever. Thank you!

Mary Mustachio I give the gaytarded comment and accompanying pic 5 stars - hahaha!

message 25: by Igotlotstosay (new)

Igotlotstosay OMG this is the fucking funniest review ever. LMAO

Nadia haahhaha my stomach hurts from laughing hahah this is an awesome review

Nadia haahhaha my stomach hurts from laughing hahah this is an awesome review

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions I'm glad you like my review. Sorry it caused you physical pain though

MomThat That had to be the best review I ever read.... Like ever! I haven't laughed that hard in ages. You rock. Gotta read this now to see what it's all about. Thanks!

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions Hope you like the book. The series was okay for me but I didn't like the spinoff series at all which is sad cause I want to read Reaver's book but don't want to read the spinoff series to get to it.

MomThat I didn't realize it is a spinoff series. Would you read the other one if you could do it again? Finishing up a book now and looking for next book.

Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions There is a series that spins off of this series. It's called lords of deliverance I think and I didn't like it. But this demonica series is good.

message 33: by Nicole (new) - added it

Nicole Hengst This was by far the most helpful review, I have ever read!

Califragilisticness Sooooo damn sorry for the ickiness factor, had to stop reading ur review cause I was laughing too hard

message 35: by Teshai (new) - added it

Teshai this is frigging hilarious...love it

message 36: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Funniest. Review. Ever! ;)

Katie this review made me snort unattractively so many times lolol

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