Kaity's Reviews > Breath

Breath by A.J. Sherwood
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really liked it

3.5-4 stars

this series is getting addictive, yes most of it is a tad predictable but at the moment that is what i am needing.

Tori and Baldewin were adorable together, they compliment each other well. I was glad we got to see another clan of dragons involved in this, made it seem like there could be an opportunity for more books in the future.

There is a novella with Warin before Ravi's book which i am looking forward to reading. The audio has book 2 and 2.5 put together which is lovely.

I am really enjoying this clan of Fire dragons and i am waiting to see the real purpose of the Jaeggi is and what they want to do to dragons and mages, i mean there are some ideas but nothing concrete.
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January 26, 2022 – Started Reading
January 26, 2022 – Finished Reading
January 27, 2022 – Shelved

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message 1: by Demon (new)

Demon This series, all of the books have been on my tbr for a long time. I loved the blurb but I nvr got along to reading it. Ur review has totally madee want to dig in!

Kaity Demon wrote: "This series, all of the books have been on my tbr for a long time. I loved the blurb but I nvr got along to reading it. Ur review has totally madee want to dig in!"

Oh good, yeah I know I started this series a long time ago and only got a few chapters in to book one and then set it aside, but then picked it back up since I saw Joel Leslie narrating and I love his narrations! I hope you enjoy this series as much as I have these last couple days.

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