aly ☆彡's Reviews > The Bodyguard

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
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's review

it was amazing

Do I need to explain more why this is good? It just is. This is the romance I was looking for!

P/S: I had one problem with a statement made by Glenn tho which I would discuss more when I write my review soon. I'm graduating, anyway!
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Reading Progress

April 28, 2022 – Shelved
April 28, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
August 13, 2022 – Started Reading
August 13, 2022 –
4.0% "Please let me enjoy this :)"
August 16, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-46 of 46 (46 new)

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amanda CONGRATULATIONS 💞. graduating and found a 5 star romance book? the stars are in line for you 😼

message 2: by K (new)

K awhhh congratulations, aly!!! 🥺🥳

message 3: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ yay!! so glad you enjoyed this, aly! and congrats on graduating! 💕💖

nabilah ˙ᵕ˙ happy graduation aly!!

message 5: by Leonie (new)

Leonie Congrats on graduating!!

message 6: by marine ♡ (new)

marine ♡ CONGRATS on graduating!!! what is your degree?

Phuong ✯ congrats on graduating and finding a 5 star book aly!!

message 8: by Iqra (new) - added it

Iqra Congratsssss on graduating!! 💜💜

paige (ptsungirl) congrats grad!! so glad u loved this one 💞

message 10: by SK (new) - rated it 5 stars

SK I hope I'll be able to read this one soon. Congratulations on graduating 🎉

message 11: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @✿ flower yesss it was so fulfilling (since its been so long for me to get one cute romance books to read) and thank you flower!! <3

message 12: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @amanda thank you amanda!! i manifested it 🤩

message 13: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @K thank you, love!!!

message 14: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @elena ❀ im glad i find this enjoyable too. thank you elena 💕💖

message 15: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @nabilah ˙ᵕ˙ thank you nabilah!!! <33

message 16: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @♡tanaz♡ thank you tanaz!!! i did enjoy today and now im dying of exhaustion while having to work tomorrow too 😂

message 17: by aly (last edited Aug 17, 2022 10:13AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Leonie thank you leonie!!! <3

message 18: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @marine ♡ thank you marine!!! (aaa finally know your name). i get my bachelor degree in psychology hehe

message 19: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Phuong ✯ thank you phuong!!! my five stars read do appear like a meteor so im gla im enjoying this one <33

message 20: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Iqra thank you iqra <33

message 21: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @paige thank you paige!!! <3 you were also rooting for me to love this one so we manifested it to be good together (only left with u to give this one a try next) 😆

message 22: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @SK yesss and hoping you'll love it cuz i'll cry if u dont hahahaha. anyway thank you sk loveee <33

message 23: by Dani (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dani Congrats on the graduation!! And omg I've been eyeing this book so you giving this 5 stars is the push I need to read it ASAP.

message 24: by Cara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cara awwww, congrats on graduating aly, so proud of you❤!!!! and yayyyyy, i'm so happy this was a five star read for you!!!!!

paige (ptsungirl) i was rooting for you!! i'm hoping to snag a copy this weekend, so hopefully it'll be coming soon 🫶🏼

message 26: by Yun (new) - rated it 4 stars

Yun Congrats, Aly!! Also 5 stars!? I got this as my BOTM book... can't wait to dig in! :)

ren ♡ Ahhhh! I need to get my hands on this book! Happy graduation aly! I hope you have a FABULOUS day! You deserve it girl!

message 28: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Dani yes pls!! i always love the singer trope and this book just got me butterfliessss. anyways thank you dani!!!

message 29: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Cara thank you cara <33 great mind thinks alike. im glad ure enjoying the book too aaaa

message 30: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @paige yess cant wait to see whats ur thought on it. really hope you'll be loving them <3

message 31: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Yun hi yun!! thank youuu hehe <3 yes pls, cant wait to see your thoughts on it and i really hope you'd enjoy them as i do!

message 32: by mia (new) - added it

mia congrats on your grad love <3

message 33: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @ren ♡ yes pls!!! i cant wait to see whats your thought on it (i hope you'll love it). thank you ren <333 hehehe i had a good time weee

message 34: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @mia thank you mia!!! <33

message 35: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) I have heard so much about this one, I think I may need to try it! I am so glad you enjoyed it Aly! Great review!🧡

mishall ✧ so glad you loved this, onto my tbr it goes!! can't wait for your full review :)
ALSO AHH congrats on graduating, sending you so much love <3

message 37: by mira (new) - rated it 4 stars

mira damn i've seen only bad reviews for this, so glad you enjoyed this babe <3

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Say no more. 5 stars is enough 😉💖

kinley grace AHHH congrats on graduating!!! <3

message 40: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Ellie yes! this book is just sweet. i hope you get to read and enjoy them soon! <3

message 41: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @mishall super late reply to a point tht uve read this (and enjoying it too) AAA thank u love <3

message 42: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @☽ mira thank u mira <33 i can def see if people want to be critical abt it but if ure simple enjoying it, this book can be lovely

message 43: by aly (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @Margaret 5 stars read is all i need yasss 😭

message 44: by aly (last edited Aug 23, 2022 10:40AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

aly ☆彡 @kinley thank u kinleyyyy <3

mishall ✧ aly wrote: "@mishall super late reply to a point tht uve read this (and enjoying it too) AAA thank u love <3"

AHAH i just knew i had to read it asap since you loved it, and i trust most of your reviews 💕
and once again, your review didn't wrong me fdshjfdk-
so thank you for that :)
also of courseee <3

Faith It brought out all kinds of bubbly emotions out of me! 🥺

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