JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko's Reviews > Outlaw

Outlaw by Nicole  James
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: awwww-romance-is-bliss, kindle, spicy, read-in-2013, buddy-read, alpha-male

5+++++ Stars

Well I am so glad i decided to read this book. It had mixed reviews so I almost didn't read it. Boy am I happy I did. I am a sucker for a man in a biker club. Those types of books just grab hold of me and don't let go. This book was no different. It was such an excellent read. I loved it. The story line was awesome and the characters were very likable. I am glad I decided to read it. A must read.
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Reading Progress

April 18, 2013 – Shelved
April 18, 2013 – Shelved as: awwww-romance-is-bliss
April 18, 2013 – Shelved as: kindle
April 18, 2013 – Shelved as: spicy
April 28, 2013 – Started Reading
April 29, 2013 – Finished Reading
May 3, 2013 – Shelved as: buddy-read
May 3, 2013 – Shelved as: read-in-2013
July 30, 2013 – Shelved as: alpha-male

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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message 1: by Vieira (new) - added it

Vieira How is this so far? Heard a lot of mixed reviews.

JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko I just finished it. It was excellent. A five star read for me. I am not sure why there were so many mixed reviews. It is worth the read. I am a sucker for a biker.

Marcie I'm with you Jojo I don't understand at all why there are mixed reviews this book was excellent . I am a sucker for biker books too. One thing that was refreshing about this biker book was that It didn't harp on women being used for sex and treating woman badly. There were a few references to that but it wasn't all I. Your face.loved it

message 4: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Great review friend, im so glad it worked for you, i too have seen mixed reviews xx

JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko Marcie I agree with everything you are saying . I am so glad we decided to give it a try.

Lisa Jayne thank you. It was a really good book. I am glad I didn't let the reviews change my mind about reading it.

message 6: by Brit (new)

Brit Hmm. So you're saying a should give this a try? :)

JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko Brit you for sure should give it a try. It was excellent.

Jamie *Gypsy Smut-a-teer* I agree on the mixed reviews, almost had me not wanting to read it but I too am so glad I did!!

Robin Yeah, Ive been debating adding it since it had such bad reviews. Maybe Ill give it a shot

JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko Jamie I am glad you like it as well.

Robin it really is a good book.

Angela I loved it. Can't understand the mixed reviews. Total 5stars for me!

JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko 5 star for me as well. So good.

message 13: by Sarah :) (new) - added it

Sarah :) Ok you twisted my arm, going to read next!

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