Leidy's Reviews > Isabella

Isabella by Jennifer Foor
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it was ok

I will divide this review in two the grammar and the story. Why? Because that's how I had to read it.

Normally this authors book have one or two grammatical errors that I can get over but this story was full of them. I felt like I needed to give the editor a dictionary or explain that just because that's how it sounds to you, that's not how its written. I love southern accents but that does not mean I want to read a book were every then is written as than making me re-read sentences over to understand what it said and that is on top of all the your/you're issues. There are even WHOLE WORDS use the wrong way. I'm not the queen of grammar but I expect better in a publish book that I'm paying to read. A better editor or a good beta reader would have fix that issue.

Now lets go to the story. The Mitchell series was one I read because most of the characters were likable, the situations were ridiculous but the story line more than made up for it. I say most because I completely dislike Savannah she is a self entitle brat that thinks the world revolves around her and for some reason everybody charters to her every want; other than that I love the characters. Now this spin-off seems to follow the same tract. I was expecting some character growth and original stories for the new generation. Instead I got a slightly alteration of the same. Noah's book already was a case of same issues different character making the old generation of Mitchell look like they forgot about their past. Now Izzy's book is the same thing different name. At the end of "Loving her" we were showed an Izzy that with the love of her dad grew to be an intelligent well love woman. Why are we presented now with an adult women with a case of unhealthy men attachment normally presented in a daddy didn't love me case? This is a generation that come from couples that love each other deeply, that went through hell and back to stay together and that show that love every day. How come their kids don't know how they should act or how a person that love them should treat them? Yes I expect mistakes and struggles but I expected a young woman that respected herself and demanded that respect because her dad show her she deserved it. I couldn't buy her because I love him excuse or the my family wont stand by me mentality. She acted like a brat not a strong woman and to top it off we didn't got more than a glimpse from the awesome father/daughter relationship she have. Rusty was a great character but I really didn't get the big reveal yes is a painful story but nothing that will cause people to fire you or alienate you like he made it seem it will happen. The whole Tate angle of the story was pitiful and laughable doesn't matter the circumstances a cheater is never the victim. The whole story felt like a regurgitation of her mom story, I think fans of this series deserve something original and better edited. Just because we like the books doesn't mean we will be happy with anything that gets throw together.Hopefully the next book gets better or I may just stop reading this series.

I recommended for Mitchell fans others will be just lost in the sauce.
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August 20, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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Bryanna Nicole I totally agree about the new generation displaying the same issues as their parents. It's weird because you would think they'd be emotionally healthy seeing as they had happy families and strong bonds.

Leidy That was my biggest disappointment that the strong family bond is missing all of a sudden

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