Angela's Reviews > After

After by Anna Todd
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You can go ahead and judge me for reading this, it’s okay really, I’m already judging myself for it. When I first heard of/picked up After and saw that it was originally 1direction fan-fiction I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life. Then I kept seeing people post pictures and reviews on it all talking about how they are now hooked on this series. It physically hurts me to say this, but I’m hooked too. After is the epitome of what most would call “a guilty pleasure read”.

I have never, ever hated two characters more than I hate Tessa and Hardin.

Tessa is: Whiny, stuck up, annoying, childish, pathetic, a H2ho, immature, irresponsible, vapid, shallow, and an overall turd. Tessa spends 90% of this book crying and the other 10% of the time coming up with reasons to cry again.

Hardin is: cocky, annoying, bizarre, stage five clinger, gross, immature, actually a woman, hot tempered, mental, and zero dark crazy. I have no doubt in my mind that Hardin is the girl in this relationship. Trust me when I say he is more pathetic than Tessa is.

That is just the tip of the iceberg on the things I loathe about these two. The relationship between the two is not only unhealthy but just
downright awful. It’s unbalanced and almost always one sided. Their relationship is the furthest thing from romantic. Not only did I hate them when they were separate but I hated them more when they were
together. Their relationship is way out in the deep end of the crazy pool and it was so bad I wanted to drown just trying to endure it.

As far as the plot goes, there’s not much of one. It’s just 600 pages of a rinse and repeat story line. Hardin acts like a dick, ask Tessa for one more chance, Tessa says okay, they make up for a day, and then the cycle starts all over again. No seriously, that’s the whole story, nothing else to it. Personally, I will say that I think people are a
little harsh on Todd’s writing. Yes, it’s not the best, but I’ve definitely seen worse. It’s just light writing. You’re never going to
have to Google something that is said, or have to set the book aside
because it gets to deep, but it’s not the worst of the worst.

After lacks any and all originality, depth, and personality. But, you want to know what the worst part is? The downright dirty worst part?!.. Is that I couldn’t put this book down. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion. I wanted to look away but just couldn’t! And just when I think I’ll finally be able to shake the madness of this book off Anna Todd hit me hard with a WTF ending, that I didn’t see coming.

I hate admitting that even though I hated everything about this book, there was just something about it that kept me coming back for more.
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Reading Progress

January 1, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
January 1, 2015 – Shelved
May 20, 2015 – Started Reading
May 20, 2015 –
page 1
0.17% "Alright let's see what all the buzz surrounding this book is about"
May 20, 2015 –
page 50
8.59% "I know everyone says they hate Hardin but I disagree I hate Tessa. She's boring dull and annoying. Basically shes a turd"
May 20, 2015 –
page 120
May 20, 2015 –
page 120
May 20, 2015 –
page 200
34.36% "Even tho I hate Tessa I will give her complete credit for standing up for her friends."
May 20, 2015 –
page 220
37.8% "Spoke to soon..... Back to hating her"
May 20, 2015 –
page 240
41.24% "YUP could never date Hardin bc he would constantly have to borrow tampons from me."
May 20, 2015 –
page 300
51.55% "Tessa, you are one thirsty ho"
May 20, 2015 –
page 350
May 21, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 60 (60 new)

Tanya (Girl Plus Books) I swear to God, it's like freaking book crack!

Angela Right!!!!! I can't name one thing I liked about this book but sweet Jesus I am addicted

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)


Irena BookDustMagic That explains why is this book so popular in my country. I guesd it's just addictive.

message 5: by Aimee✨ (new)

Aimee✨ I got this from the library last week and when I read the back I was like "screw this" and took all three of them back unread. Even from what was on the back I could tell it was unhealthy and messed up. and the books just get longer. 800 pages of relationship drama? Pass. The third book said Tessa had put her life on hold for that guy, family, friends, school, career... What kind of idiot puts their life on hold for one guy? I could not even pick it up to read after that.

Angela Right!!!!! They're relationship is ridic and yea yea we get its fiction but still! But yes this book was awful there was nothing I liked about it but it was very very addictive

message 7: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy Ok I seriously love your review. That's how I feel about the book exactly!!! I do hate Tessa way more than Hardin though. She's such a sensitive bitch who never thinks things through! But yeah this review was fantastic xD

Angela Hahahahahaha I hated them both till book four

message 9: by Ann (new) - rated it 1 star

Ann Writes ugh the badly written scenes with bad sex and lame sexual that what people read to compensate for their non-existent sex life? I want to go back in time to the part where sexual reproduction was invented and wipe out everything, so that such books will not be written in the first place.

Angela Yeah my life is pretttttttttyyyyyy pointlesssssssss. To each their own

V. A Court of Wings and Ruin is NEW ADULT/EROTICA but Goodreads editors won't tell you to include it in the choice awards I don't judge you. It's difficult to stand up for a book like this one. i get that it has its shortcomings, but overall it doesn't deserve the hate.

Angela Amen.

Stephanie I'm going to give this book another try after reading your review.

PameKi In your opinion, which would be the message/lesson you receive after reading it?

Angela So happy you have my back Rachel!!! Guilty pleasure reads are the best!!!!! Are you going to rt or Apollyon con next year??

Angela The message I got from this series was great the ones you love like you love them. Show them respect and the compassion and everything. Being a dick and having a wall up will wreck you.

message 17: by Zora (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zora Ben hey yo , i loved your review and every single word you said and i agree with you , can you please suggest me some pretty books ? books that you liked please ?

Angela I have a whole five star shelf on my page

justine This is exactly how I felt. I hated everything but I was also so addicted. I hate what these books have done to me.

message 20: by Ana (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ana Tascón Best review of this book I've read. Thank you.

message 21: by Katie (new) - added it

Katie Cook SAME

message 22: by Lu (new) - rated it 1 star

Lu Exactlyy!!!

message 23: by Cassie (new) - added it

Cassie 100% agree!

Clockwork Bibliophile Oh my god! This is exactly how i feel about this book. It's horrible but addictive. It was really fast paced and i finished in less than a day. But i hated every bit of it. Infact it is probably the first book that I gave an one star. Still I am going to pick up the next book because I am curious.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

I 100% agree with this, i'm reading the second book now and it's not a good book, there isn't anything that's brilliant about it but WOW is it so addictive, i don't want to put it down!!!

Carley I feel the same way. I bought the first two copies yesterday and I stayed up until 3 am reading.

Sylvia I just finished it and I agree with you. This book and the charasters are really bad, but I couldn’t stop reading. And the ending ...? Aaarrrgghhh...!

message 28: by Cat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Cat Exactly! Well said.

Liane Manso 100% agree

Mara YA Mood Reader It’s TOTALLY okay to have guilty pleasure reads tho!! I’m totally going to watch the movie bc boyo is hot af

message 31: by Lu (new) - rated it 1 star

Lu Mara YA Reader Reviewer wrote: "It’s TOTALLY okay to have guilty pleasure reads tho!! I’m totally going to watch the movie bc boyo is hot af"
Oh i watched the movie....and it did not redeem itself

Jeane Hahaha, a review that actually says what we think and feel, without caring if it is what we 'should' think....

message 33: by Lana (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lana Crotty I actually hate Tessa more than Hardin. She has no reason to act like she does. Hardin has been through some heavy shit. They both suck. Tessa was more annoying. How many guys did she have around her ....Zed, Hardin, Noah, Fucking Trevor, Landon, random bar dude, random frat party got a little out of hand.

Marina Kalle Hahahaha I love this review!!! And you know what the downright dirty worst part is... it makes me want to read the book EVEN MORE!! :D

Nicole Stell Omg. Same. Hated Hardin. Wanted to punch his whiny little face off. And Tessa was an incredibly weak character. But why couldn’t I put it down??

message 36: by Holly (new)

Holly Hiltz This review is everything!! I hate that I love this boom so much. I want to put it down. Tessa is always saying shes “so exhausted,” and I’m over here like GIRL, ME TOO!! But then I put it down and I have to pick it back up to read it. A vicious relationship cycle in the book and with the book, however I’m here for it, however crazy that may be.

Kristina Hahahahaha this review describes the book perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t explain it better!

message 38: by Elly (new) - added it

Elly Yes!!!! And the way Tessa literally takes no responsibility for her actions? It’s so bad but I can’t stop reading it!

Caitlin Girl yes. I was just trying to get to the end to be done with it yet somehow Todd has me wanting to start the book from the beginning again!

Brittany Brophy This is the best review ever. Tessa is a turd 😂

message 41: by Laura (new) - rated it 1 star

Laura White Yes ! I couldn’t agree more , the book is awful .Hardin is emotionally abusive and controlling and do t even get me started on Tessa slut shaming pretty much any woman she thinks Hardin might be attracted to. What happened to female empowerment and building up your your fellow queens ?? I am ashamed that I couldn’t put it down and not only that but I have just finished reading the third book in the series ( having only started the first one 5 days ago ) and I’m really trying not to buy the fourth one . I’m worried for all the young women who buy this book and think this kind of abusive relationship is normal and ok , yet I can’t stop reading it . What is wrong with me ?!?

Andreea I want to add: Tessa will create a problem then cry about it(like when she pressures Hardin to go to his dad's house and later his dad's wedding). She also downright emotionally manipulates him at times.
Hardin... Hardin is just a red flag on two feet. Nothing more to say than that.

Marita LaRosa I completely agree. A huge part of me hated this book & I honestly rolled my eyes so many times with some of the shit said or done but like you described, I kept coming back for more & could not help myself! I guess it really is a guilty pleasure!

Lauren Yes, yes and yes! Completely agree. Poisonous, no storyline, two characters I cannot stand but I loved to hate it!!

Grace Moseley I just finished it and I completely agree! Cannot stand Tessa’s whininess!!

Amber Rae I loved your review!!! I laughed so hard but its like the exact thing. I
think read it years ago on my kindle. Watched it on Netflix and became addicted and started rereading this madness.

SeeJaneReadBooks You fucking NAILED this review and I love you for it. I couldn't agree more with every word you said.

message 48: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah This is the best book review I have ever read.

message 49: by Disha (new) - rated it 1 star

Disha I love when girlies accept that AFTER isn't great it's just our guilty pleasure which low-key serves

Angela Disha wrote: "I love when girlies accept that AFTER isn't great it's just our guilty pleasure which low-key serves"

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

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