Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch's Reviews > The Language of Flowers

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
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The Language of Flowers is a mesmerizing, unforgettable hopeful story that beautifully weaves the past and present while exploring abandonment, love and finding what triggers a person to open up to others. In the past, we see Victoria’s self-destructive ways as she grows up in foster homes. Now through her connections to flowers, she starts to open up by speaking the language of flowers to help people find some joy through flowers. Flowers start to connect Victoria to others as she tries to learn to trust herself.

The characters are like a beautiful bouquet of flowers and Vanessa Diffenbaugh weaves a moving story here with the bonds between damage Victoria and the characters. Each brought some emotional conflict to Victoria while also bringing something heartwarming to the story. Victoria stole my heart and, left me heartbroken with her self-destructive ways. Victoria’s foster mother, Elizabeth, warmed my heart with her love, how she always saw the beauty in Victoria and her commitment to her. I rooted for each bond between the characters to bloom and fear the storms that threatened them.

The ending wrapped up so well and left me with the most satisfying feels. Just what I needed right now. I highly recommend it.

For more Traveling Sisters reviews can be found here
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Reading Progress

November 6, 2016 – Shelved
March 12, 2020 – Started Reading
March 13, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-31 of 31 (31 new)

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message 1: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Great review Brenda!!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Lucy wrote: "Great review Brenda!!"

Thank you, Lucy!

message 3: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Wonderful review- that first sentence of the second paragraph is just gorgeous 😊

message 4: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Beautiful review Brenda💗

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Thank you so much Ceecee!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Thank you, Marilyn!

message 7: by Julie (new) - added it

Julie Lovely review, dear Brenda!! 💖

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Brenda! I really need to bump this one up! Glad you enjoyed!

message 9: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Great review, Brenda!!!

message 10: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Terrific review Brenda! 💕

message 11: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn Lovely review Brenda!

Lindsay L Fabulous review Brenda! So glad we read this! I love your line about “I rooted for each bond between the characters to bloom” - perfect word choice!!! 💖💜💛

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Julie wrote: "Lovely review, dear Brenda!! 💖"

Thank you, Julie!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Meredith wrote: "Fantastic review, Brenda! I really need to bump this one up! Glad you enjoyed!"

Thank you, Meredith! I hope you love it too!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Deanna wrote: "Great review, Brenda!!!"

Thank you, Deanna!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Babydimps (Suzy) wrote: "Terrific review Brenda! 💕"

Thank you, Suzy!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Carolyn wrote: "Lovely review Brenda!"

Thank you, Carolyn!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Lindsay - Traveling Sister wrote: "Fabulous review Brenda! So glad we read this! I love your line about “I rooted for each bond between the characters to bloom” - perfect word choice!!! 💖💜💛"

Thank you, so much Lindsay! I am so glad we finally read this rose!

Cheri Lovely review, Brenda! I read this one years ago and loved it, too! I still remember a lot of this story, too, even though it's been years!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Thank you, Cheri! That’s so great to see! I think it will be one that stays with me too!

message 21: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Really lovely review Brenda 🌸

Brandice Great review Brenda, I enjoyed this story too!

Susanne Nice review Brenda! Glad you loved this!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Maureen wrote: "Really lovely review Brenda 🌸"

Thank you, Maureen!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Brandice wrote: "Great review Brenda, I enjoyed this story too!"

Thank you, Brandice! I so glad to see you enjoyed this one too!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Susanne wrote: "Nice review Brenda! Glad you loved this!"

Thank you, Susanne!

message 27: by Beata (new)

Beata Lovely review, Brenda :))

Karen Fab review Brenda! I read it many years ago.. so good!

message 30: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Terrific review, Brenda!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Thank you, Karen and Mary Beth!

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