Mirjam's Reviews > Throne of Truth

Throne of Truth by Pepper Winters
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bookshelves: romance, drama, arc

”I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you. I want you so damn much it interferes with my head, my heart, my very fucking existence.”

Book 2 picks up right where book 1 had left off. Throne of Truth, the much anticipated conclusion of Penn’s & Elle’s story. This book is told from a dual POV and I loved getting to know Penn, reading the flashbacks of his former life, who he was and how he has become who he now is, what and why he's been hiding, why he was not able and willing to share the truth.

The story evolves from Penn’s POV in prison and Elle’s from her life in her office and her apartment trying to get to Penn. We learn about the lies that are converted into truths for both of them.

With Penn in prison because of an alleged assault on Greg, Elle & Lars fight to get him a fair trial and out of prison.

I’d know destitution and abandonment, I’d known terror and shame and respect and confusion and every fucking emotion on the roulette called life.
But I’d never known love until her.
And I’d never known hate until her.

When Elle senses Penn losing hope of ever getting out of jail she arranges to remind Penn why he should keep fighting.

Penn slammed to his knees. His fingers traced my bra, then my naked belly, before teasing the topline of my panties.

A slowly build story filled with angst and an expected outcome. I only wish that the ending and the consequential events were a bit more elaborated and detailed. I loved reading their story but I did find the time they spend apart dragging on too long.
But, as always, another compelling and engaging book from Pepper Winter that had me hooked from the beginning and made me forget I had things to do. At least hubby was supporting enough to hand me some take out dinner.

We’d love. We’d argue. We’d protect. We’d evolve. We were a family. And that was all that fucking mattered.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Part of the Truth and Lies Duet series and has to be read in order:
Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet, #1) by Pepper Winters Throne of Truth (Truth and Lies Duet) by Pepper Winters
Read at your own risk because you will get hooked!
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Reading Progress

February 27, 2017 – Started Reading
February 27, 2017 – Shelved
February 27, 2017 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Ann (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ann Awesome review and artwork!

Mirjam Ann wrote: "Awesome review and artwork!"

Thanks, Ann! ;)))

message 3: by CC (new) - rated it 4 stars

CC Fantastic review, Mirjam! Your art sets the tone too! ;D

Mirjam CC wrote: "Fantastic review, Mirjam! Your art sets the tone too! ;D"

Thanks, CC! xoxo

Timitra Fab review Mirjam!

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Terrific review Mirjam! So much fun reading together! xoxo

Mirjam Timitra wrote: "Fab review Mirjam!"

Thank you, Timi! :))

Mirjam SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ wrote: "Terrific review Mirjam! So much fun reading together! xoxo"

Thanks, Sue! It was fun, wasn't it! Love reading everyone's review, thus their view of it! xoxo

message 9: by Nazanin (new) - added it

Nazanin Amazing review, Mirjam! :D

Mirjam Nazanin wrote: "Amazing review, Mirjam! :D"
Thanks, Naz! So kind of you :)))

message 11: by Myla (new) - rated it 5 stars

Myla Fabulous Review Mirjam! Glad you enjoyed it!

Megan Fantastic review Mirjam!

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Awesome review, hon :)xx

DrG53 Your review was so good. It arrived yesterday but I was traveling.
I can't wait to read it. Great job, Mirjam!

Mercedes Great review Mir!

message 16: by Meka♥books (new)

Meka♥books Lovely review Mirjam especially with the images and GIFs.

Mirjam Myla wrote: "Fabulous Review Mirjam! Glad you enjoyed it!"

Thx, Myla! I did enjoyed it! :))

Mirjam Megan wrote: "Fantastic review Mirjam!"

Thanks, Megan! xoxo

Mirjam Ammie *Ammie's Book Obsession* wrote: "Awesome review, hon :)xx"

Thank you, Ammie dear! xoxo

Mirjam DrG53 wrote: "Your review was so good. It arrived yesterday but I was traveling.
I can't wait to read it. Great job, Mirjam!"

Thank you, DrG. ! Looking forward to your review. Enjoy the read :))

Mirjam Mercedes wrote: "Great review Mir!"

Thanks, Mer! xoxo

Mirjam Meka♥books wrote: "Lovely review Mirjam especially with the images and GIFs."

Thanks so much, Meka! xoxo

✰ Liz ✰ Fantastic review, Mirjam! :D

Mirjam Elizabeth wrote: "Fantastic review, Mirjam! :D"

Thx, Liz! :)))

message 25: by Anna (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anna Miri Lovely and Hot Review(missed you)

Mirjam Anna wrote: "Miri Lovely and Hot Review(missed you)"

Hey honey, hru? I've missed you too! RL keeping you busy?
BTW, thx! xoxo

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