Lyn Gala's Reviews > Mafia and Magics

Mafia and Magics by Lyn Gala
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(Review from the author)

So, the newest book in the Aberrant Magic series is out, and this time the focus shifts to a new couple. This time you guys get to meet my bad boy--Angel.
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September 27, 2017 – Shelved
September 27, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read

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Pugsley I'm currently reading the new book in the Aberrant Magic Series, and while I loved the other books with with Kavon and Darren, and I've been a fan of yours practically forever, way back in LiveJournal during only fanfic days, but I'm disappointed in the change of characters, especially when ALL of the other books were about those two, but now you just throw in new characters that we know nothing about.

I have always felt that authors that do that are cheating their readers, if you had changed a new character each book, I would not be as upset, but to change after so many books with the same beloved couple, I'm disappointed and honestly do not know if I'll finish this one.

Good Luck with your other books, you are a good writer, I'm just disappointed enough not to be a reader of what you write any more.

message 2: by Lyn (new) - added it

Lyn Gala Pugsley wrote: "I'm currently reading the new book in the Aberrant Magic Series, and while I loved the other books with with Kavon and Darren, and I've been a fan of yours practically forever, way back in LiveJour..."

I'm sorry you're disappointed, but this series will not all focus on the same guys. The book I'm working on now is with Arturo and Zach, the two detectives from El Paso. After that, the series does swing back around to Kavon and Darren, but the reader needs to understand this world, and if I stick with Kavon and Darren the whole time, then we only understand magic as they see it, and that's a rather limited view. I made sure the cover had new models that made it clear this was not the same couple, and I changed the naming convention from the "D" focus to Magics and Mafia. I signaled the change as best I could, and you need to do what's right for you.

Pugsley For me personally, the stories were not only about Kavon and Darren, it was also about their cases that they and their group investigated, especially with them as Shaman and the rest of their FBI Task Force.

The Magical Plain and Darren's Spirit Creature truly have so much more to be explored, and then learning about the different magic their people used but also the other characters in the books was fascinating, and kept me going back book after book, and even now there are still opened cases from your previous books that have not been closed, and we still do not have the answers to everything about those, but yet, you start an entire new novel with brand new characters.

I realize most stories come to writers body, mind and soul, but to change the characters while there is more that could be done with Kavon and Darren as the MCs, as far as cases they were working on, seems wrong, especially when they really do not seem to be a part of this new story at all, except as secondary characters. I cannot help but feel it is disingenuous to the fans who read your books for the exciting cases and things they as FBI Agents did.

As I stated before, if each book had different characters as a couple, that would be different than coming out with 4 books with Kavon and Darren's team, to go 180° with brand new characters. I personally would have gone a different way than to slash the characters that brought so many into the Aberrant Magic Series.

You are a great writer, I would not have followed you for so many years if not, but the fans are what took you where you are, and this one is highly disappointed. You will continue writing books how you see fit, but I won't be on the journey.

I do also apologize for the length of this, but felt I needed to say this, especially since I've been privileged to see quite a few come from their LJ fanfic days, to truly respected and published M/M Authors, and I do truly wish you good luck.

Line I am gonna read the crap out of this series, no matter the couple!

Thank you for writing a comprehensive, exciting, crazy world with lots of amazing characters! I cannot wait to see, where you're taking us next<3

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