Brittney Arena's Reviews > The Wicked King

The Wicked King by Holly Black
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"I want to tell you so many lies."

A billion spiteful stars.

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Reading Progress

January 15, 2018 – Shelved
July 30, 2018 – Started Reading
July 30, 2018 –
page 0
0.0% "Hello yes I am starting this and I can’t breathe..."
July 30, 2018 –
page 59
17.56% "THIS. BOOK.

July 31, 2018 –
page 148
44.05% "My heart... is racing..."
July 31, 2018 –
page 220
65.48% "I am STRESSED"
July 31, 2018 –
80.0% "I... do not... know how to feel... send help"
August 1, 2018 –
98.0% "I am scared to finish. I am scared to turn the page."
August 1, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 93 (93 new)

Sydney Uh oh 😳


Brittney Arena Sydney wrote: "Uh oh 😳"

Uh oh is correct...

Brittney Arena Alana • thebookishchick wrote: "WHAT?! WHAAAAAT?! SICK?! I NEED ANSWERS!!"


Brittney Arena I am in chinaௐyayyyyy(Philip) I am on wrote: "yes"

Alana Brittney ~ Reverie and Ink wrote: "Alana • thebookishchick wrote: "WHAT?! WHAAAAAT?! SICK?! I NEED ANSWERS!!"


See you in five months 😭💀

Andre I can’t wait for this review !!! 😍😍😍💙💙💙💙

Hanaa U got it from Edelweiss right??

Brittney Arena Andreita24 wrote: "I can’t wait for this review !!! 😍😍😍💙💙💙💙"

I'll write it up soon!

Chelsea ✨Arielle’s Nebular Ally and Team Acrux✨ I still hatchu. 4 real tho. But, also, Love you. And Mags. Always Mags.

Brittney Arena Chelsea ❤Peril Please❤ wrote: "I still hatchu. 4 real tho. But, also, Love you. And Mags. Always Mags."

Haha 💙 💙💙 I'm excited to see what you think! Time will fly, I promise!

message 12: by Tani (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tani Omg! I'm really envious of you right now. 😉 The wait is torturous. 😥😭😭

Brittney Arena Taniksha wrote: "Omg! I'm really envious of you right now. 😉 The wait is torturous. 😥😭😭"

I'm sorry! But it will be super worth it!

message 14: by Erin (new) - rated it 5 stars

Erin Same. This one killed me.

Siobhán ahhhhh i can’t wait to read it 🙈

Brittney Arena Erin wrote: "Same. This one killed me."

Oh yeah I'm SO dead. Ill never recover

Brittney Arena Siobhan wrote: "ahhhhh i can’t wait to read it 🙈"

I can't wait for everyone to read it and be in pain with me!

Brittney Arena Hanaa wrote: "U got it from Edelweiss right??"

No I don't think they have been approving many people unfortunately!

Hanaa Brittney ~ Reverie and Ink wrote: "Hanaa wrote: "U got it from Edelweiss right??"

No I don't think they have been approving many people unfortunately!"

Yeah they have been declining my requests so... do you know where i could get it? You got it from the publisher? ( if you don’t mind me being nosy)

Brittney Arena Hanaa wrote: "Brittney ~ Reverie and Ink wrote: "Hanaa wrote: "U got it from Edelweiss right??"

No I don't think they have been approving many people unfortunately!"

Yeah they have been declining my requests s..."

I'm sorry I don't know the best way. I don't think they are giving them to reviewers. I read a friend's copy

message 21: by chi (new) - rated it 4 stars


I didn’t like the first book that much, but I really, REALLY wanted to read the second book. Is it any good?

Brittney Arena I loved it! Hence the 5 stars 🤗💕

message 23: by Vania (new) - added it

Vania Yup that book was the best and the worst all in one. Ugh I just love it so hard

Lindsay Bilgram This book ruined my ability to be a person and I will never be the same. By far my favorite book of all time, and I'll just be withering away until Queen of Nothing

Brittney Arena Vania wrote: "Yup that book was the best and the worst all in one. Ugh I just love it so hard"

Yep yep I'd have to agree

Sol ~ TheBookishKing #booksfortrade? i'll trade you catwoman soulstealer !

Alana Britt don't do this to me 😭😭😭

This review is EVERYTHING and now I shall curl in a ball and die as I wait.

Hannah That was one heck of a brilliant and intriguing review I can’t wait to read it

message 29: by Dee (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dee Gilly I am dead...not ready!!!

Jannat Does it end with a cliffhanger? Will there be a book 3?

message 31: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Cairns Honestly, even reading this review was far too much for me. I am counting down the days.

Brittney Arena Lindsay wrote: "This book ruined my ability to be a person and I will never be the same. By far my favorite book of all time, and I'll just be withering away until Queen of Nothing"

Yep yep we will never be the same.. ever... again...

Dani ♡ This review put me in a bind omg, I can't wait!!!

Brittney Arena Solomon ~ TheBookishKing wrote: "#booksfortrade? i'll trade you catwoman soulstealer !"

LOL yeahh nooooooooope

Brittney Arena Alana • thebookishchick wrote: "Britt don't do this to me 😭😭😭

This review is EVERYTHING and now I shall curl in a ball and die as I wait."


Brittney Arena Hannah wrote: "That was one heck of a brilliant and intriguing review I can’t wait to read it"

Ahh thank you! I hope you love it!

Brittney Arena Jannat wrote: "Does it end with a cliffhanger? Will there be a book 3?"

Definitely a cliffhanger. A big one.

Sol ~ TheBookishKing ugh your loss ! ugh.

i would never ever ever ask anyone to trade for that book

message 39: by Anji (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anji Cooper Wow I was already excited for this book but now I’m pumped! Court intrigue? Lies? Deceit? Angst? All up my alley. So jealous that you got to read it! But now I’ll just count down the days with even more anticipation.

Brittney Arena Anji wrote: "Wow I was already excited for this book but now I’m pumped! Court intrigue? Lies? Deceit? Angst? All up my alley. So jealous that you got to read it! But now I’ll just count down the days with even..."

Right? Like everything I could ever want! I hope you love it :) It's worth the wait!

Brittney Arena Solomon ~ TheBookishKing wrote: "ugh your loss ! ugh.

i would never ever ever ask anyone to trade for that book"

ahahhh ah hah ah ha

Brittney Arena Dena wrote: "I am dead...not ready!!!"

I don't think you can ever be ready!

Loreen ♡ Gah!!! I must read it now! You got me all excited! Great review by the way!

Brittney Arena Lore Aka. Lolo wrote: "Gah!!! I must read it now! You got me all excited! Great review by the way!"

I'm so glad! The wait isn't much longer now!

Christine Ahh! You're killing me. I was so mad at Jude through the first book, like "hello? Are you even paying attention?" But that ending! I can't wait. Can. Not.

Brittney Arena Christine wrote: "Ahh! You're killing me. I was so mad at Jude through the first book, like "hello? Are you even paying attention?" But that ending! I can't wait. Can. Not."

Oh no! I'm sorry you were mad at June! I actually really loved her because of how imperfect she was. I hope you enjoy this one!

Natalie Someone please tell me what happens at the end 😭😢

Brittney Arena Natalie wrote: "Someone please tell me what happens at the end 😭😢"

Luckily the release is only a few months away now!

Madison S. Would you possibly be interested in giving us the tiniest hint as to what the spoiler is? I am literally dying here with the supspense! I can't even!!!!

Madison S. Sorry I meant cliffhanger! A hint at the cliffhanger pretty please!

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