Samra Yusuf's Reviews > The Lover

The Lover by Marguerite Duras
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And the time comes, when we’ve to make peace with our past, to let go of moments we cherished dearly, or of those which brought torment endless, the love we lived or the one we denied emphatically, the people we admired foolishly and the ones we’d to abandon, things fall apart and what is left are the crumbled spikes we call memories. And time comes, when those fragmented pieces of the past are to be jotted down, the unspoken tale to be spoken after all, to let out the stories inside us, not to seek a sympathetic heart or to moan over our losses, we say our hearts just for the sake of saying, to breathe freely, to be at peace. Here is the tale told in most apathetic fashion, touching the innermost chords of the flesh in us which beats with the same rhythm as of the indifferent narrator, after all we’ve all been the lovers and we’ve loved “A love like this, so strong, it never happens again in a lifetime…never.”
There’s nothing new in the tale, if you’re looking for a love story you’re gravely mistaken. There’s no such love nor the story. The kind of love that starts with dewy glances and perturbs hearts, the kind of love with the happy ending of togetherness, or the kind of love that longs for the beloved in dark nights with juices flowing down the loins, marguerite pens down events from her childhood in most detached of voices, hers is not the lush style with poetic diction, there’s a marked dispassion in the tone and daunting flair in descriptions of her Indochina which is Vietnam today, and of her Chinese lover, a man of twenty-seven besotted by the skinny French girl of fifteen who hides her poverty-stricken face under a Manish hat, who wears clothes that were in fashion a dozen years ago, who has a body of a child and no flesh to attract men but a face of a half goddess and half prostitute, veiled behind his limousine glass, the lover falls for her in a fair morning in his way to cholon, he can never marry her ,he tells the child every time he makes love to her, this stripped naked reality saddens the most erotic of scenes too.
Like a father he tends to her needs, like a lover he worships her passionately, as for her, she’s found a haven in him, a home away from home, from those desperately poor people that are her family, the child loves his skin as he loves her untainted soul, they never promise nothing, they weave no future, as the lovers know, they have none. Sometimes we just want to lie next to someone and sleep, knowing our hearts are safe, the surety of sharing the same sky appeases much, as duras penned it down in her 70s, her heart must’ve been swelled with the thought of her lover, the faded face, the gone fragrance, the screaming silence, of her war-ravaged Saigon:

I see the war as like him, spreading everywhere, breaking in everywhere, stealing, imprisoning, always there, merged and mingled with everything, present in the body, in the mind, awake and asleep, all the time, a prey to the intoxicating passion of occupying that delightful territory, a child's body, the bodies of those less strong, of conquered peoples. Because evil is there, at the gates, against the skin.
He will always feel the same for her, he said..
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Quotes Samra Liked

Marguerite Duras
“Very early in my life it was too late.”
Marguerite Duras, The Lover

Reading Progress

July 4, 2018 – Shelved
Started Reading
July 7, 2018 – Finished Reading

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Fergus, Quondam Happy Face Thanks, Samra, for this extraordinarily fine review!

Samra Yusuf Fergus wrote: "Thanks, Samra, for this extraordinarily fine review!"

Thanks to you Fergus,so delighted to receive your kind words!

Julie G Samra,
As always, you have captured the feel of the story so profoundly. This novel scares me; the movie upset me for weeks.

Samra Yusuf Julie wrote: "Samra,
As always, you have captured the feel of the story so profoundly. This novel scares me; the movie upset me for weeks."

Dear Julie,
It's a pleasure to have your steadfast encouragement with your warmth and love,It surely does scare as there's an air of foreboding ever prevalent beneath the surface of this plain text.

message 5: by Sumit (new)

Sumit RK So beautifully written, Samra👌

Julie G Thank you, friend.
The movie felt so bleak, it almost seemed like I'd never feel happen again. I have the book, and I will read it at some point, but I must pace myself with the dark reads.

Samra Yusuf Julie wrote: "Thank you, friend.
The movie felt so bleak, it almost seemed like I'd never feel happen again. I have the book, and I will read it at some point, but I must pace myself with the dark reads."

I watched it the night I finished this slim novella,it was as dark as you say,I started reading dark people with darker tales to tell,and I never looked back :)

message 8: by Haroon (new)

Haroon Intriguing read this angle to The Vietnam war not often explored in contemporary fiction.... great review.... thanks...will keep eyes peeled for this piece...

Samra Yusuf Haroon wrote: "Intriguing read this angle to The Vietnam war not often explored in contemporary fiction.... great review.... thanks...will keep eyes peeled for this piece..."

thank you haroon,you'd like this bleak,erotic,fragmented and much intense world of Duras I tell you !

message 10: by Haroon (new)

Haroon I think I might - picked up Henry Miller recently and keen to sink my teeth into that world of eroticism too

Dolors What a delightful way to revisit this intimist, cinematic tale, Samra. You capture Duras’ unique style with sensitivity without dispelling it of its alluring sensuality. I am glad the book fell on your lap, my friend, you’ve made it justice!

Samra Yusuf Dolors wrote: "What a delightful way to revisit this intimist, cinematic tale, Samra. You capture Duras’ unique style with sensitivity without dispelling it of its alluring sensuality. I am glad the book fell on ..."

I dearly await your gorgeous words as I post my thoughts,thank you for being there always Dolors! she does have a style of her own :)

Samra Yusuf Haroon wrote: "I think I might - picked up Henry Miller recently and keen to sink my teeth into that world of eroticism too"

I hope you enjoy it as mush as I did :)

Samra Yusuf Michael wrote: "Great review, Samra, and nice quote!"
thank you Mic :)

Seemita Very well-etched review, Samra! I am happy you had a good time with this outing. I remember Duras spilling some brilliant patches in my reading too.

Samra Yusuf Seemita wrote: "Very well-etched review, Samra! I am happy you had a good time with this outing. I remember Duras spilling some brilliant patches in my reading too."
hmm I had the same experiences dear,a worth visiting world..

Samra Yusuf thanks hon xo

message 18: by Caterina (new) - added it

Caterina Your review is the lover that seduced me, taking me through its surface of detachment into the melancholy sensuality and passion.

Samra Yusuf I was so keen to hear from you Cat,as I was typing my jumbled thoughts :) thank you for always being here and for your warmth appreciation!

Vessey Well, the story itself might have seemed devoied of passion to you, but your beautiful review certainly isn't. :)

Samra Yusuf Vessey wrote: "Well, the story itself might have seemed devoied of passion to you, but your beautiful review certainly isn't. :)"

thank you dear friend,very much appreciated!

Samra Yusuf Sumit wrote: "So beautifully written, Samra👌"

Thank you my dear friend :) glad you liked it!

Samra Yusuf Maddie wrote: "Beautiful review, Samra xo"

thank you dear ! xoxo

Cecily I admired the writing, but found the story troubling. Your eloquent review makes the perfect point: it's not just about us, the readers, but about Duras making peace with her past.

Samra Yusuf Cecily wrote: "I admired the writing, but found the story troubling. Your eloquent review makes the perfect point: it's not just about us, the readers, but about Duras making peace with her past."

thank you for visiting this comparatively hasty ramblings of mine,this slim novella had me beyond then just words..

message 26: by Gaurav (new) - added it

Gaurav You write so beautifully, Samra. As usual, here also you've captured the essence of the story quite poignantly. It reminds me of my own memories associated with this little gem !

Samra Yusuf Gaurav wrote: "You write so beautifully, Samra. As usual, here also you've captured the essence of the story quite poignantly. It reminds me of my own memories associated with this little gem !"

So pleased to receive your kind words Gaurav,this truly is a little gem!

Jennifer Welsh Loved your review, this is a favorite of mine. Not so much dispassionate for me, as the emotion deeply internal, seemingly in the space between the words.

Heidi Beautiful review.

Arianne Such a beautiful review. You captured everything that I felt about this book.

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