James's Reviews > Rebecca

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 1-fiction

5 stars to Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca. I loved it and probably consider it 4 1/2 stars just because of a few small items (but I can't not give it 5 here!).

The second wife of a wealthy widower (you'll never know her name) tries to figure out how to fit into her new family when it seems there's now way how. With many twists and turns, both suspense and a bit of romance, this story captures your attention immediately and takes you on a path of great intrigue. Just when you think you've figured it out, du Maurier confounds and surprises you -- in a good way. I would love to be a fly on the wall in Manderley (name of the estate where the book takes place) to catch all the hidden expressions and conversations.

1. Mystery and Intrigue
2. Character Development

1. Some unanswered questions (small ones).
2. I want more.

Final Thoughts
Read it. Experience it. Don't just watch the movie adaption. You want to make up your own mind about what everyone looks like and acts like.

There was almost a Broadway show made based on this book; I was super-excited, but funding failed. Oh well, maybe in the future.

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For those new to me or my reviews... here's the scoop: I read A LOT. I write A LOT. And now I blog A LOT. First the book review goes on Goodreads, and then I send it on over to my WordPress blog at https://thisismytruthnow.com, where you'll also find TV & Film reviews, the revealing and introspective 365 Daily Challenge and lots of blogging about places I've visited all over the world. And you can find all my social media profiles to get the details on the who/what/when/where and my pictures. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by.
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Reading Progress

January 7, 2010 – Started Reading
January 19, 2010 – Finished Reading
January 7, 2012 – Shelved
January 13, 2012 –
page 200
45.35% "almost half way through... I do like it. :) I rather think of myself as the main character sometimes. What is her name?"
March 11, 2017 – Shelved as: 1-fiction

Comments Showing 1-50 of 62 (62 new)

Jill Hutchinson That book has one of the most memorable first lines in fiction. Loved the book, loved the movie.

Julie A timeless classic! I love this book, and the movie too. Wonderful review!

James Thank you. I plan to watch the movie next week.

Ginger Great review James! I loved this classic as well. It was fantastic.

Teresa James you may like a book called House on the Strand by Du Maurier. Different than Rebecca but totally makes you think. I read it many years ago and I've never forgotten it. I think you'd enjoy it.

James Teresa wrote: "James you may like a book called House on the Strand by Du Maurier. Different than Rebecca but totally makes you think. I read it many years ago and I've never forgotten it. I think you'd enjoy it."

Thank you for the recommendation. I will look up this one.

James Ginger wrote: "Great review James! I loved this classic as well. It was fantastic."

Thank you! Yes, many good things here.

Carol Fillmore One of my favourite books, read twice (at least) so far. Will be rereading again at some point.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Glad you liked it. One of my favorite books ever! I read it when I was 16 or 17 maybe and I still remember I couldn't put it down until I finished.

James I'm thinking about picking it up again his summer. Totally agree with you!

Renee This is one of my favourite books and movies. I had actually watched the movie (many times!) before reading the book because I love Olivier. It quickly became one of my favourites and I HAD to read the book. The first line just pulls you into the story, and you don't want to put it down until you're finished. Manderley itself, is almost like its own character in the book. I haven't read much of DuMaurier so far, but I love what I have read, and I've added many of her books to my TBR list.

Carol Fillmore PBS will be airing tv version of Rebecca, one that aired some time ago. Diana Rigg plays Mrs. Danvers, and what a creepy character she made the housekeeper to be. Can't remember the other actors in this version. Sorry, I missed the date Rebecca will be on but think it's soon. Likely listed on PBS website.

Holly  B (slower pace!) My all time favorite mystery!

Teresa The main actors in the one your're trying to think of are Charles Dance and Emila Fox. It just didn't do it for me. It wasn't a patch on the Olivier one and I'm not an Olivier fan.

James I need to read another one of her books. Still trying to decide which one.

James Oh I need to watch the TV version or movies still.

James House on the Strand was something Teresa recommend. I might do that one.

Carol Fillmore Teresa wrote: "The main actors in the one your're trying to think of are Charles Dance and Emila Fox. It just didn't do it for me. It wasn't a patch on the Olivier one and I'm not an Olivier fan."
Thank you for the names of the other actors! I honestly don't remember their acting much, perhaps it wasn not as strong as Diana Riggs' Mrs. Danvers...she was creepy. I've not seen the Olivier version of Rebecca. Will try to see that sometime!

Carol Fillmore James maybe try the tv version

Teresa James if you are intending reading House on the Strand know that it's completely different to Rebecca. I loved it. Hope you enjoy it too if you read it. Will be interested in your comments.

Teresa James if you are intending reading House on the Strand know that it's completely different to Rebecca. I loved it. Hope you enjoy it too if you read it. Will be interested in your comments.

James Good to know. Thanks. Will do.

James Oh... we may need to re-read it together.

James Thank you!

Michael Wonderful review! This is such a great book. It was actually panned by many "serious critics" when it first came out, but Du Maurier has had the last laugh, as it's really stood the test of time.

James Thank you. I didn't realize it was not received well. Thanks for the info! Good to know. I totally agree with you. She did.

message 27: by Rich (new)

Rich Nice review James. Sounds like a good one.

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

Totally agree James :) The book is much better than the movie. Great review XX

James Rich wrote: "Nice review James. Sounds like a good one." Thank you very much.

James Lua wrote: "Totally agree James :) The book is much better than the movie. Great review XX" I am still sad the Broadway play didn't happen! :)

message 31: by Shainlock (new) - added it

Shainlock Oh this is on my list. Got to read it!

James It’s good. I am buddy reading another book by her next month.

Marjorie My favorite book by one of my favorite authors. Glad you enjoyed it!

James Yes. Thanks!!

Teresa James wrote: "It’s good. I am buddy reading another book by her next month."

What's the other one you're reading James?

James My Cousin Rachel

Teresa My favorite one of her novels. It'a a great read. I'll be interested in your review.

James Teresa wrote: "My favorite one of her novels. It'a a great read. I'll be interested in your review."

I think Michael and I are reading it the first or second week of March.

Teresa Wouldn't mind reading it again. I've never done an actual buddy read. I'm a bit all over the place at the moment though. My mother is in hospital and she's not very well at all. So I don't seem to have a minute in a life that I didn't have a minute in before!! :-)

James Teresa wrote: "Wouldn't mind reading it again. I've never done an actual buddy read. I'm a bit all over the place at the moment though. My mother is in hospital and she's not very well at all. So I don't seem to ..."

Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope things improve with your mom. xoxo

I will let you know when we've set the dates on the buddy read to see if you might find some time. No pressure at all!

James Thanks. You too.

Jessaka The new PBS series, the Great American Read has recommended this book for Halloween. I keep thinking about it but wonder if I would like it. Maybe I will give it a try after reading your great review.

James Jessaka wrote: "The new PBS series, the Great American Read has recommended this book for Halloween. I keep thinking about it but wonder if I would like it. Maybe I will give it a try after reading your great review." I'll look up the series. I've been meaning to try it. Thanks for the heads up.

It's spooky in a ghostly classical way, but still a great example of gothic.

Jessaka James wrote: "Jessaka wrote: "The new PBS series, the Great American Read has recommended this book for Halloween. I keep thinking about it but wonder if I would like it. Maybe I will give it a try after reading..."

The combination sounds good.

James Definitely.

Franci You said 4 Stars, but gave it 5?
Sorry if I'm reading wrong.

James Major typo! Fixed. 5 stars. Somehow I missed that and it went to all my other sites. That’s gonna be painful to fix. Thanks.

Franci Pleasure! I make typos all the time, so I get it 😉

message 49: by Ruth Ellen (new)

Ruth Ellen I couldn't get into it. I tried to two weeks. I wasn't that impressed by the book. I guess i wasn't ready to read it.

James Ruth Ellen wrote: "I couldn't get into it. I tried to two weeks. I wasn't that impressed by the book. I guess i wasn't ready to read it." It's definitely a mood read. I know the beginning can be rough but it gets really good!

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