Tassi (Read Ramble Repeat)'s Reviews > Fallen Academy: Year Three

Fallen Academy by Leia Stone
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favourites, academy-boarding-school, paranormal-romance, books-with-reviews, signed-books, angels-demons, arc-books, upper-ya
Read 2 times. Last read October 18, 2020 to October 19, 2020.

Wowsah....Just wowsah. When I finished this book last night I legit just had no words for the journey this book took me on. It was hands down one of the best yet heart wrenching new read books I have read this year. I literally just have so many emotions when it comes to this story, I'm honestly not really sure how to process them all. This series is truly a work of out and one that Leia should be extra, extra proud of.

With this book I knew it was going to be a hard read, especially with how things end up at the end of Year Two - with Bri being taken into Hell and thought dead by all her friends and family. This story picks up right off from there with Bri in Hell and let me tell you you literally experience everything right there with her. Her heart ache, determination, fears, defeat, strength, sadness...its all yours too. As Lucy (our favourite nickname for the Evil Big Bad Lucifer), tries to break Bri and to meld her into his perfect protege be prepared you may need some tissues, like seriously I'm not kidding. He literally uses everything against her to get her onboard. But it is through this that Bri finds her inner self and light and learns there's a lot more beneath her surface than she ever realised (with Sera's help of course too 😉). Against all odds Bri actually forms a unique friendship of all places down below with her Nanny, who automatically picks up on her goodness and fighting spirit.

"She looked down at me with an unreadable gaze while I crossed my arms in defiance. Finally she sighed, and pinched the bridge of her nose "You're too good for this place. You'll never be what he needs.""

Not to say it isn't a rocky friendship coz well afterall we are in Hell but you never know. It is in the most unlikely of places that you can stumble across friendship.

You'll be brought to tears by the sheer love, loyalty and determination Bri has for her family. She will stop at nothing until she's with them again. And once she is...She is going to stop at nothing to destroy Lucy for all the pain and suffering he has caused.

This is one book you do not want to miss. So find a comfy spot because if you're anything like me, you will not want to move until that book is finished.

All I can say though with the tumultuous journey Leia takes us on, with this book I am so flipping relieved that there was no cliffhanger. You're probably thinking what?! But guys believe me so much heart-breaking stuff goes down in this book that when you finally get to the end you will be completely satisfied and happy that it doesn't have one. Believe me. You'll understand me when you read it.

This is one hell of a read (no pun intended lol) Leia has truly out down herself. I can't wait to have the privilege of reading what this emotion-churning author has in store for us. Thank you Leia for this absbloomin' killer of a book!

Happy Readings My Nerdy Friends 🤓
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Reading Progress

December 1, 2018 – Started Reading
December 1, 2018 – Shelved
December 1, 2018 – Finished Reading
October 18, 2020 – Started Reading
October 19, 2020 –
October 19, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Katrine (new) - added it

Katrine Where did you read the book? I really want to read it but I can't find it any where.

message 2: by Tassi (Read Ramble Repeat) (last edited Dec 03, 2018 03:49PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tassi (Read Ramble Repeat) It’s up on Amazon but it’s not been released yet. It will be very soon. I was lucky enough to be in an ARC group for this series. Please note this is the 3rd book in series. :)

Amirhosein Can you invite me into this ARC group? Tnx

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