There are numerous movies and TV series that are dealing with elections. Most of them are focusing (obviously) in the electoral race and their climax is the outcome of the election. Some of them though have a stronger, more political message. A "morale" if you prefer...
"Our Brand Is Crisis" starts as a comedy but in its epilogue says some hard truths about the world we are living.
Sandra Bullock stars as the depressed campaign manager who essentially wants to beat her opposite colleague (a really thin Billy Bob Thornton) with whom share a past both professionally and personally. She looks really good, especially in the beginning of the film, before she experiences "soroche" (Altitude sickness) in the heights of Bolivia.
The script is intelligent and has a few funny moments, but it is obvious that the winning an electoral race isn't the main theme here. It is what happens after that. How easily could manipulate people, who hasn't realized that his vote it is not only his strongest power, it is his only power.
Politicians have fake promises and lies into their blood stream. They could tell and promise anything so they get elected and then forget about it. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it, but still act and vote without really thinking. "Our Brand Is Crisis" tries to remind that to its audience.
Overall: A movie which easy to watch. Not a "big" movie. Has its moments. Sandy looks good and there is a morale so to make you think twice before you vote in the next elections...