Borrow, Renew, Request

Borrowing and Privileges Guide

Guide to loan periods, renewals, overdues, and other information regarding borrowing materials from the NC State University Libraries.

Hold or Locate Materials

Place a hold on an item currently checked out or missing, or request that staff locate a book that you are unable to find.

Petition/Appeal Process

Appeal charges for overdue, damaged, or lost materials. Includes online and downloadable Petition/Appeal forms.

Renew Checked-out Materials

Extend the due date for items you have borrowed including books, reserve items, laptops and interlibrary loans.

Return Checked-out Materials

Return items you have borrowed to Ask Us, the service desks, or books (only) in the bookdrop boxes. 

Suggest a Purchase

Suggest a purchase for the collection.

Technology Lending

Borrow laptops, iPods, eBook readers, digital cameras & camcorders, GPS units, graphing calculators, digital voice recorders, and more.


Request items not available at your primary library. Interlibrary Loan, Distance/Extension Delivery, Campus Book Delivery, Satellite Shelving Delivery, and Document Delivery services.