Borrow, Renew, Request
Borrowing and Privileges GuideBorrowing and Privileges Guide
Guide to loan periods, renewals, overdues, and other information regarding borrowing materials from the NC State University Libraries.
Hold or Locate MaterialsHold or Locate Materials
Place a hold on an item currently checked out or missing, or request that staff locate a book that you are unable to find.
Petition/Appeal ProcessPetition/Appeal Process
Appeal charges for overdue, damaged, or lost materials. Includes online and downloadable Petition/Appeal forms.
Renew Checked-out MaterialsRenew Checked-out Materials
Extend the due date for items you have borrowed including books, reserve items, laptops and interlibrary loans.
Return Checked-out MaterialsReturn Checked-out Materials
Return items you have borrowed to Ask Us, the service desks, or books (only) in the bookdrop boxes.
Suggest a PurchaseSuggest a Purchase
Suggest a purchase for the collection.
Technology LendingTechnology Lending
Borrow laptops, iPods, eBook readers, digital cameras & camcorders, GPS units, graphing calculators, digital voice recorders, and more.
Request items not available at your primary library. Interlibrary Loan, Distance/Extension Delivery, Campus Book Delivery, Satellite Shelving Delivery, and Document Delivery services.