Julia Manno - Reference
Julia Manno - Reference
Julia Manno - Reference
July 9, 2020
Julia Manno was a full-time Special Education teacher at our K – 5 school from December 2016 until
June 2020. As Julia’s principal, I had the honor of evaluating her for the past four years. Using the
Danielson Framework, Julia Manno was identified as a distinguished teacher in both comprehensive and
focused evaluations.
Julia is an exemplary Special Education teacher. She created a welcoming Resource Room and skillfully
met the needs of students with academic and social/emotional challenges. As a former Special
Education teacher, I was continuously impressed by:
• her impressive connections with each student;
• the innovative specially-designed-instructional programs she implemented;
• her leadership on implementing Orton-Gillingham program into her reading support plan;
• her desire to constantly revise her practices to meet unique needs;
• her collaboration with colleagues to craft both pull-out and push-in programs;
• her insightful analysis of student data;
• her skillful facilitation of IEP meetings;
• her compassionate work with parents;
• her well-organized management of SPED procedures and paperwork.
As she added students with social behavior and social communication challenges to her caseload in
2019-20, she implemented an innovative whole-school SEL program focused on Zones of Regulation,
with the concept of building the capacity of all students to self-calm and self-regulate to help her IEP
students. She taught SEL lessons to all classes, and she quickly embraced this new role. Due in part to
this program, we saw a decrease in playground conflicts of IEP students and as a whole school.
In addition to her outstanding work as a Special Education teacher, she also created and implemented a
SEL Therapy Dog program at our school in 2019-20. She took the training with her dog, Biggie,
developed an implementation plan, introduced Biggie into all classes, and helped her Resource Room
students build empathy, compassion and caring as they became leaders to ‘help’ with Biggie. This was a
highly successful program at our school for students, staff and families.
I wish Julia the best of luck as she returns to New Jersey with her husband to be close to family. She has
been a beloved member of our staff and she will be deeply missed.