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Bokoblins are recurring Enemies in the The Legend of Zelda series.(TWWThe Wind Waker | TPTwilight Princess | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | HWAoCHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)[2][3][4][5] They are common infantry units used by antagonists such as Ganon.


The Wind Waker

Habitat: Forsaken Fortress
Spoils: Joy Pendants
These little imps wield sharp machetes and Boko sticks when attacking. If they have no weapon, they'll attempt to fight hand-to-hand.
A Bokoblin! Get ahold of yourself and get him!
The Tingle Bomb might work too!

Bokoblins first appear in The Wind Waker. They have snouts, arrow-shaped tails, three fingers and a single horn. Bokoblins come in three variants: Blue, Green, and Pink. The most common is the blue-skinned, Boko Stick-wielding combat form. Green-skinned elites carry Machetes and wooden Shields. Pink Bokoblins carry Telescopes, which they use to scan their surroundings and to attack. Unarmed Bokoblins will combat Link hand-to-hand until they can find an available weapon. They can wield any kind of Enemy Weapon as needed. They are even strong enough to wield Weapons such as Moblin Spears and Darknut Swords with one arm.[verification needed] The attack power remains the same, however.[clarification needed]

Bokoblins are more intelligent than their Moblin counterparts. Blue Bokoblins man the Searchlights in the Forsaken Fortress, demonstrating an understanding of machinery. Pink Bokoblins act as scouts on the Great Sea. They use their telescopes to scan the sea from Lookout Platforms and rafts tied to Submarines. Bokoblins also recognize the danger of Bombs and will run away if Link pulls one out. One Green Bokoblin in Forsaken Fortress serves as the first Miniboss of the game. It guards Link's Sword which he dropped entering the fortress.

Bokoblins attack by swiping their Weapons at Link. Occasionally, Bokoblins will jump back and attempt to swing their Weapons at Link, which can send the young hero flying backwards if they make contact. Green Bokoblins are a little more versatile as they are able to defend themselves with their Shields. However, they are not particularly tough Enemies and can be defeated by most conventional Items in the game, especially Link's Sword. If they are knocked back, they may drop their Weapons, which Link can use against them. Unarmed Bokoblins will resort to jumping and kicking at Link to hurt him. Bokoblins, even the seafaring pink ones, cannot swim. Sometimes, when walking on a bridge, Bokoblins lose their balance and nearly fall, but manage to hang onto the edge. When this happens, a single hit of the Sword or some other Weapon causes the Bokoblin to fall and drown.

All Bokoblins carry one Joy Pendant, which may be dropped after they are defeated. These are easily stolen using the Grappling Hook.

Twilight Princess

In Twilight Princess, Bokoblins take on a more humanoid form resembling goblins, having long, curved ears, small, green eyes, a longer body and arms with short legs, white locks of hair that are put up in a bun, and simple pants and shoes. They are common in the southern and parts of the eastern areas of Hyrule Field, and are prominent in Faron Woods, but are driven out by Link as he is traversing the Forest Temple. They come in a blue-skinned variant, which carry a wooden club, and, later in the game, a stronger and more durable purple variant that wield Swords.

Upon spotting or hearing Link, they will rush at and swing their weapon at him. They are easily able to be felled with most weapons, most notably with any of Link's Swords, though the purple variants are able to withstand more damage before defeat.

While notably more primitive than their other appearances, Bokoblins in Twilight Princess are capable of socializing with other Bokoblins, which can be observed in areas where there are at least two individuals such as along the path to the Forest Temple in Faron Woods. Additionally, when one individual is defeated when another is close by, the surviving Bokoblin will watch their fallen comrade explode before unleashing an enraged screech at Link and resuming its assault.

Skyward Sword

Descriptionshide ▲

Target lock: Red Bokoblin

These monsters have plagued the land since ancient times. They each play different roles, and their weaponry varies. They prefer to act in groups.

None of them are intelligent by any definition of the word. Curiously, they seem to have a mysterious obsession with fashionable undergarments.


Target lock: Red Bokoblin (Leader)

As a symbol of its leadership, this creature wraps a cloth around its head. This visually communicates that it is more dominant than other Bokoblins.
It can call its underlings to arms using its horn.

Red Bokoblins appear as a common type of Enemy in Skyward Sword, appearing in many places throughout the Surface. Their appearance resembles that of a Japanese Oni more so than their previous incarnations. Red Bokoblins have floppy ears as opposed to pointy ones, and noses instead of snouts. They are much bigger and stouter than previous Bokoblins (slightly larger than Link himself), and have an extra edge of difficulty. They can block attacks with their Weapons, and in order to defeat them, Link must slash around the Weapon. Red Bokoblin Archers are also able to wield Bows, while Red Bokoblin Leaders may carry a Monster Horn with which they can summon more Red Bokoblins. This Monster Horn can be retrieved using the Whip. In addition to the Monster Horn, Red Bokoblins may sometimes drop Ornamental Skulls or Golden Skulls as Treasures when defeated. Red Bokoblins also have the ability to balance on tightropes, but will fall off if Link shakes the rope they are on or if they are hit with a projectile or the Beetle. Most Red Bokoblins are afraid of the Beetle and will run away; Red Bokoblins (Archer) with Bows will shoot it at first sight.

The Red Bokoblins in Skyward Sword appear to be somewhat more intelligent and sociable than their past incarnations, even establishing small Monster Strongholds while conflicting with the native Mogma throughout Eldin Volcano.[6] They defend these villages with the aid of lookout towers and large boulders, which they can roll downhill to hinder Link.

Multiple new variations of Red Bokoblin make an appearance in Skyward Sword, such as Technoblins and Cursed Bokoblins. Technoblins are found in Lanayru Desert, and like many other Enemies in the area, harness Electricity to attack. Cursed Bokoblins are zombies, and can only be found in the depths of the Ancient Cistern and the room in the Sky Keep that represents the former Dungeon. While these Red Bokoblins do not wield Weapons, they are extremely resilient and can withstand much more damage than their living counterparts. Later in the game, Blue Bokoblins replace ordinary Red Bokoblins as a more durable enemy, taking more hits to defeat. The Blue Bokoblin also has a new tactic of attack, similar to Link's Jump Attack. Green Bokoblins are the Dungeon and cave variant of Red Bokoblins, wearing a skull helmet and wielding a stone club. Their skin slowly began to turn into a shade of green due to their sun-deficient lifestyle.[7]

After the "Song of the Hero" quest is completed, most of the various types of Red Bokoblins and Moblins disappear from the overworld completely, leaving Eldin Volcano and Faron Woods devoid of their presence, most likely leaving the woodlands due to the massive flooding caused by Faron, the Faron. During the Horde Battle, all varieties of Red Bokoblins either have significantly increased skills or numbers, even wielding Bombs. However, Ornamental Skulls and Golden Skulls will not appear after Link defeats a Red Bokoblin during the Horde Battle.

According to Fi, they are obsessed with their ideal of fashion, particularly their unusual leopard-print underwear, which can be seen best if Link performs a Fatal Blow on one.[8] This is likely a reference to an Oni's tendency to wear tiger-print loincloths in Japanese folklore.

Breath of the Wild

Hyrule Compendium Entry
103  (104Master Mode) Bokoblin
This common species is a nuisance all over Hyrule. Some have unified in the time following the Great Calamity and have formed factions of bandits. While not very clever, they are at least intelligent enough to hunt beasts and grill the meat for food. Though they're typically ferocious carnivores, they actually enjoy fruit as well.
Common Locations
Hyrule Field
West Necluda
Recoverable Materials
Bokoblin Horn Bokoblin Fang

Bokoblins appear as common Enemies in Breath of the Wild, often encountered in primitive Monster Strongholds. They can be found resting inside their camps at night and hunting Boars during the day. Monster Strongholds are often guarded by Bokoblins on small watchtowers. If one of these Bokoblins spots Link, they will sound their horn, alerting the other Enemies to Link's presence. There are many varieties of Bokoblins, including the standard red Bokoblin, Blue Bokoblins, Black Bokoblins, Silver Bokoblins, and in Master Mode, Golden Bokoblins. Bokoblins often carry weapons of the Bokoblin Gear equipment archetype, such as the Boko Clubs, Boko Bats, Boko Spears and Boko Bows. Stronger Bokoblins are often equipped with Spiked and Dragonbone versions of this gear, alongside Soldier's Broadswords, Knight's Broadswords and Royal Broadswords at higher tiers. Bokoblins that lack Weapons will either swipe at Link if he is nearby or dig up rocks to throw at him in lieu of any objects in the vicinity. If there are any large rocks, Barrels, or Bomb Barrels, Bokoblins will attempt to pick them up and hurl them at Link. When equipped with a wooden melee Weapon while near a source of fire, they will ignite their Weapon to burn Link with it. At night, Bokoblins will sleep on the ground face-up as bubbles rise from their nostrils. When defeated, Bokoblins may drop Bokoblin Fangs, Bokoblin Horns, and Bokoblin Guts. Bokoblins cannot swim and will drown if forced into deep water.

Bokoblins will occasionally be found riding Horses. If dismounted by an attack, they will attempt to climb back on their mount. Bokoblins in the Gerudo Highlands may instead ride Honeyvore Bears and Grizzlemaw Bears.

Sometimes, Bokoblins can be seen attacking travelers. Some travelers may also be knocked out by a Bokoblin. If Link helps to defeat the Bokoblin(s), they may grant Link a reward. However, some travelers who are knocked out may be Yiga Clan members.

The skeletal remains of Bokoblins, known as Stalkoblins, will rise out of the ground during the night. They behave similarly to living Bokoblins, while also possessing undead qualities. They may be found riding Stalhorses in lieu of living steeds.


Drops of Bokoblin (normal)

Bokoblin can drop 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Fang
30.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Arrow x5
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Fire Arrow x5
20.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
80.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Ice Arrow x5
20.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
80.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Shock Arrow x5
20.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
80.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bomb Arrow x5
20.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
80.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Drops of Bokoblin (guard)

Bokoblin can drop 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Fang
20.0 %

Arrow x5
80.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Arrow x5
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Fire Arrow x5
50.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
50.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Ice Arrow x5
50.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
50.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Shock Arrow x5
50.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
50.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Bokoblin can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bomb Arrow x5
50.0 %

Bokoblin Fang
50.0 %

As well as 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

Bokoblin Horn
100.0 %

Tears of the Kingdom

Hyrule Compendium Entry
121  Bokoblin
This common species is a nuisance all over Hyrule. While not very clever, they are at least intelligent enough to hunt beasts and grill the meat for food. They are sometimes seen marching in groups. If they come at you, watch out for their sharp horns!
Common Locations
Hyrule Field
Central Hyrule Depths
Recoverable Materials
Bokoblin Fang
Bokoblin Horn

Bokoblins appear as Enemies in Tears of the Kingdom. Bokoblins can now wear crudely made Rock Armors, which resists most attacks but can be destroyed by explosions or weapons fused with hard objects. They also now have longer horns on their heads that resemble daggers, similar to the skull-like protrusions that the Moblins now have. If unarmed, they will use their horns as weapons by headbutting or ramming Link.

Other Appearances

Hyrule Warriors

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Bokoblins appear based on their red Skyward Sword incarnation in Hyrule Warriors. Their role are weak infantry troops, appearing in large numbers but are easily defeated. They mainly serve as the soldiers of the Dark Forces. As with other infantry troops, they also have a Captain, Shield, Artillery and Summoner counterparts. In Legend Mode, they appear in "The Armies of Ruin", "The Sorceress of the Valley", "Land in the Sky", "Sealed Ambition", and "The Sacred Sword". In "The Armies of Ruins", a small group of Bokoblins drops boulders in front of the Mine Entrance, attempting to trap Link inside.

Most Bokoblins are regular foot soldiers that carry large blades. Artillery troops also occasionally appear in smaller groups and fight by shooting Arrows. Summoner Bokoblins also appear as an uncommon variant that summons reinforcements, and wear skull masks and carry staves. Unit troops are led by Bokoblin Captains, which wear helmets and carry metal shields. The same type of Captain also appears as a variant that guards Keeps and Outposts. Bokoblin Captains occasionally drop Old Rags when defeated.

As one of Ghirahim's attacks with the Demon Blade, he can summon a small group of Bokoblins to charge forward.

My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

The twenty-sixth puzzle in the Picross series and the thirty-fifth puzzle in the Mega Picross series depict a Bokoblin.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Bokoblin — Spirit Battle Information
No. 244
Team Power Neutral | 1400 Rank ★ NOVICE Fighter(s)
Stage Guar Plain (Battlefield) Theme "Kass's Theme" Tiny King K. Rool Team
King K. Rool x4
Rule(s) Hazard(s)
 • The enemy starts the battle with an Ore Club The Other 3 King K. Rool's Wield Killing Edges
Bokoblin — Spirit Information

No. 244
Lv. 1
Type NEUTRAL Strength 406
Rank ★ NOVICE Defense 319
Slot(s) ⎔⎔ Power 754
Trait Battering Items Power 🠅
Slightly increases the power of battering items.

A Bokoblin appears as a Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with its Breath of the Wild Artwork. It attains the ability, Battering Items Power Up, which raises a Fighters attack when using a battering item such as an Ore Club.

Cadence of Hyrule

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Red Bokoblins appear as enemies in Cadence of Hyrule. They behave like the skeleton enemies in Crypt of the NecroDancer, moving onto an adjacent tile on every other beat of the music in pursuit of Cadence, Link, Yves, or Zelda. Before moving, they put their arms up for one beat before moving on the following beat.[9]

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

In Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Bokoblins are divided into various sizes that dictate their role; small Bokoblins act as standard troops and large Bokoblins act as Captains. Bokoblins captains can use different Weapons giving them different attacks. All Bokoblins are shown to have a ranged attack via throwing their Weapons and then procuring a duplicate, as well as charge en masse with their Boko Spears.


Names in Other Regions
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Bokoblin (BotWBreath of the Wild) 
ボコブリン (Bokoburin) (TWWThe Wind Waker | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | SSBUSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate)[15][16]Same as English.
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
波克布林 (Bōkèbùlín) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | SSBUSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate) 
The People's Republic of China
波克布林 (Bōkèbùlín) (TWWHDThe Wind Waker HD | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | SSBUSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate)[17] 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Bokoblin (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[22] 
The French Republic
Bokoblin (TWWThe Wind Waker | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[12][13][14] 
Bokoblin (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | HWAoCHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)[23] 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Bokblin (TWWThe Wind Waker | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[19][20] 
The Italian Republic
Boblin (TWWThe Wind Waker | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[10][11] 
The Republic of Korea
보코블린 (Bokobeullin) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Russian Federation
Бокоблин (Bokoblin) (BotWBreath of the Wild)[18] 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Bokoblin (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[21] 
The Kingdom of Spain
Bokoblin (TWWThe Wind Waker | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[24][25] 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. At the Earth Spring, Zelda was captured by Ghirahim’s henchmen, the Bokoblins, but saved by Impa, of the Sheikah tribe, whose responsibility was to protect the reincarnated goddess. (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 74)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 168 (TWWThe Wind Waker | TPTwilight Princess | SSSkyward Sword)
  3. Bokoblin — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Bokoblin — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  5. Defeat the Bokoblins! — Battle Log (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  6. Grrr... Those creeps just shimmied on in and took over our territory. — Tyto (Skyward Sword HD)
  7. This variety of Bokoblin enjoys dark places, such as caves. Its sunlight-deficient lifestyle has turned its skin a stomach-turning shade of green. — Fi (Skyward Sword)
  8. None of them are intelligent by any definition of the word. Curiously, they seem to have a mysterious obsession with fashionable undergarments. — Fi (Skyward Sword HD)
  9. This monster has a very simple pattern, too. He moves every second beat and puts his arms up before he jumps! — Trill (Cadence of Hyrule)
  10. Boblin
    Habitat: Fortezza dei Demoni.
    Possiede: Portafelicità.
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  11. 103 Boblin — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  12. Bokoblin
    Lieu de Résidence: Forteresse Maudite.
    Butin: Pendentif du Bonheur.
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  13. Bokoblin — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom, European French version)
  14. 103 Bokoblin — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  15. ボコブリン
    生息(せいそく)場所(ばしょ) 魔獣島(まじゅうとう)
    獲物(えもの) (しあわ)せのペンダント
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  16. 103 ボコブリン — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  17. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 168
  18. 103 Бокоблин — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  19. Bokblin
    Heimat: Die Verwunschene Bastion
    Beute: Glücksamulett
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  20. 103 Bokblin — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  21. Bokoblin — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom, Latin American Spanish version)
  22. Keese — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  23. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity pour Nintendo Switch - Détails du jeu Nintendo ,, retrieved September 8, 2020.
  24. Bokoblin
    Hábitat: Isla del Diablo
    Trofeo: Collar de la felicidad
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  25. Bokoblin — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom, European Spanish version)
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