Review: 75933 T. rex Transport

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75933 T. rex Transport is the latest in a line of LEGO vehicles designed for transporting Tyrannosaurus rex around.

The two released before LEGO had secured the Jurassic Park/World license were helicopters (7298 Dino Air Tracker and 5886 T-Rex Hunter) and were both woefully inadequate for the job.

75918 T-Rex Tracker, the Jurassic World set from 2015, also looks incapable of incarcerating a 9-tonne carnivore for very long. Thankfully the one released today, 75933 T. rex Transport, appears to be far more suitable. Let's see how it fares...


The 609-piece set, which will set you back £59.99/$69.99/69.99€, contains three minifigures. Two guards and Zia.

Guard number 1 is equipped with a electric lance for keeping the dinos under control.

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The dark blue torso and legs are finely printed with belt, pockets and a utility vest. The detailing continues onto the back.

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Guard number 2 is identically attired save for the addition of a bandana, and is armed with a stud shooter.

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Zia Rodriguez (played by Daniella Pineda) is a member of the Dinosaur Protection Group and its in-house paleo-veterinarian. [Source]

She's wearing a cool dinosaur shirt under her olive green jacket, grey trousers and red boots, portrayed by bi-coloured plastic legs.

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Again, there's a good level of detail on the torso which extends onto the back. She's equipped with a syringe.

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The set provides two, although you might miss the baby velociraptor when perusing the box and official pictures.

It's well decorated and very cute, but to be honest it's a bit out of place in this set given there are no adults of the species in it, or anywhere to house or transport it.

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I hadn't noticed until it was pointed ont in the comments that there's a misprint on its eyes: there should be a yellow background to them but it's been printed too high on the head.

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The star of the set is, of course, the Tyrannosaurus rex. It's identical to those which appeared in the 2012 Dino and 2015 Jurassic World sets although it is cast in a new colour plastic and sports new markings: enough reasons to add it to your collection even if you have the others.

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Here it is with relatives from 5887 Dino Defense HQ (green) and 5886 T-Rex Hunter (brown). I'm sure I have the fourth variant from 75918 T-Rex Tracker but it wasn't in my drawer marked 'Carnivores' when I checked yesterday :)

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I could complain about it being much the same as previous versions but to be honest it's pretty much perfect and doesn't need improving, so I don't need to.

Mobile laboratory

This mobile laboratory provides Zia with the tools of her trade to use out in the field. It looks as if she's DNA sequencing or something, judging by the sticker that forms the display.

The ends of the flexible wires can be unclipped and presumably used for heart rate monitoring or something like that.

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The sides fold up for easier transportation but it's still too big for a minifig to haul around and unfortunately there's no space on the truck to stow it.

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T. rex Transport

The vehicles in dino-themed sets always seem to be totally inadequate and unrealistic but that not the case here. It looks perfectly suited to the job in hand, and robust enough to keep the T. rex restrained.

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The tractor unit is not bad at all, and doesn't suffer from wheels sticking out too far from the wheel arches/fenders, as is too often the case.

The black parts on the cab. look out of place, though, and it's unfortunate that the required dark blue parts were not available.

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The trailer can be detached from the tractor unit and a leg is provided to allow it to be balanced when standalone.

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The bars at the top can be hinged opened to facilitate unloading...

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..and the sides lowered...

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...resulting in the inevitable mishap once the carnivore is free...

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I think the designers have done a great job of producing something that looks believable this time, which could not be said of their last effort (75918 T-Rex Tracker).

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I don't think the outside of the vehicle is shown in any of the film's trailers so it remains to be seen how close to the source material it is.

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If I have one complaint it's that the dinosaur can't be loaded in from the back, as there's a bar in the way and the aperture is too small for it to fit through, but then I don't suppose you can load a T. rex onto a trailer like you can a horse...

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There's a lot to like about this set. A great- and believable-looking truck, a superb dinosaur and three great minifigs. Zia is, I believe, unique to this set, so if you're after a full cast of characters you'll need to buy it for her.

The mobile lab seems a bit superfluous, and the baby dino certainly is, but they are welcome additions nevertheless and of course add to the play value.

It looks to be one of the better Jurassic World sets and I suppose the price (£59.99/$69.99/69.99€) is not outrageous, unlike that for some of the others in the range.

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Now I'm off to swap out the black pieces in the cab with dark blue...

Thanks to LEGO for providing this set for review, which is an expression of my own opinions.

37 comments on this article

By in United States,

Lol "inevitable mishap"

Looks good. Stronger range overall than 2015.

By in United States,

Looks great, but I'm a little iffy for 70 bucks.

By in United Kingdom,

There's a third set designed to haul a T-Rex as well, the 5975 T-Rex Transport from Adventurers' 2000 wave.

By in United States,

Works so much better as a transport vehicle than the JW one (and I liked that set!). Also really happy the T-Rex has a new color scheme (figured it would anyway). Even more incentive to buy this.
Not to mention the Zia minifig. First time I've seen the figure, and she looks great!
This is definitely bought once I see it.

By in Bulgaria,

I am jealous of your drawer marked 'carnivores'!

By in France,

I think it's one of the better jurassic world set. It looks really good for what it should be, looks believable, superb minifig, baby blue, and a perfect ppr considering it contains 600 with a Trex for the price of 75€ (and also a licensed set) . I'll maybe fall for this one.

By in United States,

I really need to get some dinosaurs! (Lego dinosaurs that is)

By in United Kingdom,

This is a perfect example of a good set from the new wave. The previous sets were all very 'fire missiles from ridiculous trapper vehicles at dinosaurs' and could have been from any dinosaur related theme honestly. This looks a lot more Jurassic Park and is easily the first set I'll be picking up. I just wish they weren't all so dang expensive.

Also Huw, your baby Blue seems to have a misprint on the eyes, I really hope that isn't a widespread issue.

By in Puerto Rico,

I love this set but thankfully my wallet will rest easy in my case for this set, the other sets I have mentioned however...

By in United States,

I really wish Zia's glasses were black instead of red. But it's understandable for accuracy

By in Portugal,

Nice review! The truck definitely looks good and also for me it's the first time I saw the female minifig - and it looks really good! Still hesitant about getting into JW2 sets, but I have to be honest, they all look pretty good.

@Huw - not afraid about the escaped T-rex? It might be some of your minifigs are missing soon.

By in United Kingdom,

@Razzanator234, you are right, I hadn't noticed! Hopefully not a widespread issue.

By in United States,

I really like this set. LEGO must be thrilled that the plot for JW2 actually has vehicles capturing dinosaurs because that's what ever LEGO dino theme is about anyways.

The set is decent, the vehicle is nice, really nice in fact. Very detailed. Zia Rodriguez minifigure is one of the best this year. Never buy it for $70 but maybe on sale for $40-$45.

Also with the way the sets are numbered, are there three store exclusives in the USA? 75931-33 are numbered weirdly.

And if the baby dino is misprinted just think of it as getting at least one free because I'd make LEGO replace it.

By in United Kingdom,

Love your Carnivores draw but where do you put the Triceratops?

By in United States,

This is so frustrating to me because I feel like LEGO has stopped using the dual-molded legs as much as they should. The Zia boots are a prime example of using dual-molding to it's fullest extent. I need black boots over gray pants or brown boots over blue pants and just more variety. Sure it may be expensive but the price-per-piece ratio should compensate more than enough for more dual-molding.

By in United States,

This set looks pretty good, but I'd obviously add dark blue to the cab and maybe add another set of wheels to it. The trailer needs to be lowered and lengthened by maybe 6 studs. It still looks a little too cartoonish.

By in United Kingdom,

Absolutely fantastic review: honest, humourous, and doesn't go into excruciating detail.
Thanks for your work!
(This theme offers a refrain from me that I'm sure will be familiar to others: love the sets, want the sets, don't have the time\space\money for the sets, will regret not buying the sets when they're gone...)

By in United Kingdom,

^^ There is certainly room for improvement. Dropping it down a brick would be a good start.

^ Thank you!

By in United States,

Good review, good set, good range overall.

I hate the new head for Owen though, makes him look like a old man.

By in Australia,

$100 still seems over priced. I know it's a licensed set but still... $20 for the licence, $20 for the T-Rex and then $60 for the truck? And yet, I know I'll end up forking out for it...

By in United States,

Lego is looking less and less like Lego. At first glance this looks like a Mattel or Fisher-Price toy that should go for $19.99.

By in Australia,

I too am jealous of your drawer marked 'Carnivores'. I've only got one of the Tyrannosaurs, but like six raptors and a Dilophosaurus. I'm looking forward to the Carnotaurus coming out, put it that way.

Shame about the mis-printing on the baby raptor. That seems a little worrying.

Also shame about the price. This set's $100 in Australia. That seems ridiculous to me, even with the awesome dinosaur.

By in United States,

Why can’t we get more figs? I get that the Dino is expensive to make but 3 figs with 2 generic ones seems low for a $70 set

By in United States,

This set actually looks pretty good. I've been wanting a T-Rex for a while but I haven't taken the plunge because the other included elements of past sets haven't been very interesting to me. The T-Rex tracker for example has a behemoth vehicle that can't really be used for anything else. But this set has an actual vehicle that looks like it could reasonably fit in a City street. So I'm going to keep an eye out for this one in the coming months and see if I can nab it for $50 or less.

By in Australia,

$90AUD would have done this for me easily. If the new film is any good I might get this at a discount.

By in United States,

Was hoping this would be an easy skip, looking to be very wrong.

By in United States,

I'm really wanting some of these JW sets, but those prices are holding me back!

By in Germany,

Am I the only one to think that even this vehicle doesn't look very suitable to transport a T-Rex at all?
I mean, the centre of gravity is just freakishly high. One gust of wind (or a little movement by the T-Rex) and the whole trailer topples over, destroying the vehicle and freeing the dino. Perhaps that's the whole point and will be how the animal escapes in the movie (if it does at all that is).

By in Germany,

AustinPowers I think the same. The T-Rex is standing to high. I think it wouldn't only make the vehicle more stable but also look better if the cage would be lower.

By in United States,

@David1985 I noticed 75931 & 75932 seem to be a wal-mart exclusive in the U.S. As for 75933, I can only find it on I'm kinda worried that 75933 might have been the toysrus exclusive, and with them out of business Lego is keeping that one as a a Lego store exclusive. Which means you'll never get it on sale.

By in United States,

^The truck isn't even look close to the one in the movie. The Trex was supposed to be completely enclosed inside the container laying down.

By in Germany,

^That's what I was thinking. Haven't seen the film, but I would imagine the best position to transport a large and heavy animal is sedated and laying/tied-down. In case of a T-Rex I would imagine a reinforced flatbed type vehicle would be ideal.

By in United States,

I think I’ll get a T-Rex and also save a few bucks by getting the new Juniors set.

By in Norway,

I actually like this t-rex design better! I'll definitely buy this when there's a massive discount!

By in Finland,

Zia minifig is great

By in United States,

you should call it the CarniDrawer

By in France,

I do think £60 is outrageous TBH. It's expensive at £40.

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