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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 44
Volume 44, Number 1, 1999
- Stefano Battilotti
Robust stabilization of nonlinear systems with pointwise norm-bounded uncertainties: a control Lyapunov function approach. 3-17 - Riccardo Marino
, Patrizio Tomei:
Nonlinear output feedback tracking with almost disturbance decoupling. 18-28 - Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, S. E. Posner:
Nonparametric output prediction for nonlinear fading memory systems. 29-37 - Fernando Paganini:
Frequency domain conditions for robust H2 performance. 38-49 - André L. Tits, V. Balakrishnan
, Li Lee:
Robustness under bounded uncertainty with phase information. 50-65 - Seung-Jean Kim, In-Joong Ha:
A state-space approach to analysis of almost periodic nonlinear systems with sector nonlinearities. 66-70 - Giorgio Bartolini, Antonella Ferrara
On the parameter convergence properties of a combined VS/adaptive control scheme during sliding motion. 70-76 - Eliichi Muramatsu, Masao Ikeda, Naoki Hoshii:
An interpolated controller for stabilization of a plant with variable operating conditions. 76-81 - Kirsten A. Morris:
Justification of input-output methods for systems with unbounded control and observation. 81-85 - Fabrizio Caccavale
, Pasquale Chiacchio
, Stefano Chiaverini
Stability analysis of a joint space control law for a two-manipulator system. 85-88 - Jung-Shan Lin, Ioannis Kanellakopoulos:
Nonlinearities enhance parameter convergence in strict feedback systems. 89-94 - Loo Hay Lee, Tak Wing Edward Lau, Yu-Chi Ho:
Explanation of goal softening in ordinal optimization. 94-99 - Jordan M. Berg, Anthony J. Yezzi, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Curve evolution models for real-time identification with application to plasma etching. 99-102 - George A. Rovithakis:
Robustifying nonlinear systems using high-order neural network controllers. 102-108 - Peng Shi, Shyh-Pyng Shue:
Robust H∞ control for linear discrete-time systems with norm-bounded nonlinear uncertainties. 108-111 - Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen
, Olav Egeland
Time-varying exponential stabilization of the position and attitude of an underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle. 112-115 - A. Nazli Gündes, M. Güntekin Kabuli:
Parametrization of stabilizing controllers with integral action. 116-119 - Youping Zhang, Petros A. Ioannou:
Robustness of nonlinear control systems with respect to unmodeled dynamics. 119-124 - Ravi R. Mazumdar
, Arunabha Bagchi:
A representation result for nonlinear filter maps in a white noise framework. 124-129 - Steven R. Weller:
Limiting zeros of decouplable MIMO systems. 129-134 - Marian J. Blachuta
Discrete-time modeling of sampled-data control systems with direct feedthrough. 134-139 - M. Diab, Victor Sreeram
, Wanquan Liu
Frequency-weighted model reduction via quasi-Kalman decomposition. 139-144 - David A. Castañón, Simon Streltsov, Pirooz Vakili:
Optimality of index policies for a sequential sampling problem. 145-148 - Dianhui Wang, Cheong-Boon Soh:
On regularizing singular systems by decentralized output feedback. 148-152 - Zoltán Szabó, Jozsef Bokor
, Ferenc Schipp:
Identification of rational approximate models in H∞ using generalized orthonormal basis. 153-158 - Ming Hou, Peter C. Müller:
Causal observability of descriptor systems. 158-163 - Ming Hou, Peter C. Müller:
Observer design for descriptor systems. 164-169 - Allan L. White:
Two matrix norm conditions for asymptotic stability in the presence of controller disturbances. 169-172 - Ramavarapu S. Sreenivas:
On supervisory policies that enforce liveness in a class of completely controlled Petri nets obtained via refinement. 173-177 - Donato Borrelli, A. Stephen Morse, Edoardo Mosca:
Discrete-time supervisory control of families of two-degrees-of-freedom linear set-point controllers. 178-181 - Er-Wei Bai, Yinyu Ye:
Constrained logarithmic least squares in parameter estimation. 182-186 - Gang Tao:
A robust adaptive law for l1+α modeling errors. 186-190 - Vincent Dumas:
Diverging paths in FIFO fluid networks. 191-194 - Chien-Shu Hsieh, Fu-Chuang Chen:
Optimal solution of the two-stage Kalman estimator. 194-199 - Rachid Outbib, Jean-Claude Vivalda:
On feedback stabilization of smooth nonlinear systems. 200-202 - Konrad Reif, Frank Sonnemann, Rolf Unbehauen:
Nonlinear state observation using H∞-filtering Riccati design. 203-208 - Igor Podlubny
Fractional-order systems and PIλDμ-controllers. 208-214 - Michael K. Tippett
, Dan Marchesin:
Bounds for solutions of the discrete algebraic Lyapunov equation. 214-218 - Min-Shin Chen, Yong-Zhi Chen:
Static output feedback control for periodically time-varying systems. 218-222 - Sergio Bittanti, Patrizio Colaneri
, Marco Fabio Mongiovi:
From singular to nonsingular filtering of periodic systems: filling the gap with the spectral interactor matrix. 222-227 - Sy-Kang Shen, Bor-Chyun Wang, Tsu-Tian Lee:
An improved algorithm for computing the boundary of parametric rational functions. 227-231 - Payman Sadegh, James C. Spall:
Correction to "Optimal random perturbations for stochastic approximation using a simultaneous perturbation gradient approximation". 231-232
Volume 44, Number 2, 1999
- Christos G. Cassandras:
Electronic Submissions Now Accepted. 238 - Fernando Paganini:
Convex methods for robust H2 analysis of continuous-time systems. 239-252 - Jeff S. Shamma, Kuang-Yang Tu:
Set-valued observers and optimal disturbance rejection. 253-264 - Zhong-Ping Jiang, Henk Nijmeijer:
A recursive technique for tracking control of nonholonomic systems in chained form. 265-279 - Vijay Kumar Garg, Ratnesh Kumar, Steven I. Marcus:
A probabilistic language formalism for stochastic discrete-event systems. 280-293 - Antonio Tornambè
Modeling and control of impact in mechanical systems: theory and experimental results. 294-309 - Jayaramanan Sreedhar, Paul Van Dooren:
Periodic descriptor systems: solvability and conditionability. 310-313 - Hisashi Tanizaki:
On the nonlinear and nonnormal filter using rejection sampling. 314-319 - Robert Lipset, Robert P. Van Til, Sankar Sengupta:
Steady-state performance analysis of serial transfer lines subject to machine and buffer failure. 319-325 - Alexander P. Molchanov, Peter H. Bauer:
Robust stability of linear time-varying delta-operator formulated discrete-time systems. 325-327 - Hua Deng, Miroslav Krstic
Output-feedback stochastic nonlinear stabilization. 328-333 - Chunhai Hou, Jixin Qian:
Remarks on quantitative analysis for a family of scalar delay differential inequalities. 334-336 - Steven X. Ding, Limin Guo, Torsten Jeinsch
A characterization of parity space and its application to robust fault detection. 337-343 - Johan Schoukens, Gerd Vandersteen, Rik Pintelon
, Patrick Guillaume
Frequency-domain identification of linear systems using arbitrary excitations and a nonparametric noise model. 343-347 - Christian Commault, Jean-Michel Dion, M. Benahcène:
Decoupling of structured systems by parameter-independent precompensation and state feedback. 348-352 - Akira Kojima, Shintaro Ishijima:
LQ preview synthesis: optimal control and worst case analysis. 352-357 - Ming Liu:
Decentralized control of robot manipulators: nonlinear and adaptive approaches. 357-363 - Pablo A. Parrilo
, Ricardo S. Sánchez Peña
, Mario Sznaier:
A parametric extension of mixed time/frequency robust identification. 364-369 - Amos E. Gera:
The relationship between the Z-transform and the discrete-time Fourier transform. 370-371 - YangQuan Chen
, Changyun Wen
, Zhiming Gong, Mingxuan Sun:
An iterative learning controller with initial state learning. 371-376 - José Eduardo Ribeiro Cury, Bruce H. Krogh:
Robustness of supervisors for discrete-event systems. 376-379 - Xin-Zhen Yu, Wen-Zhong Song:
Further properties of optimal hedging points in a class of manufacturing systems. 379-382 - Ming Hou, A. Clive Pugh, Peter C. Müller:
Disturbance decoupled functional observers. 382-386 - Fotis N. Koumboulis
, Vladimír Kucera
Partial model matching via static feedback (the multivariable case). 386-392 - Kisaburo Hayakawa, Kenichiro Matsumoto, Masashi Yamashita, Yoshiaki Suzuki, Kazuo Fujimori, Hidenori Kimura:
Robust H∞-output feedback control of decoupled automobile active suspension systems. 392-396 - Maria Elena Valcher
State observers for discrete-time linear systems with unknown inputs. 397-401 - Anjali M. Diwekar, Rama K. Yedavalli:
Robust controller design for matrix second-order systems with structured uncertainty. 401-405 - Delin Chu, Daniel W. C. Ho
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the output feedback regularization of descriptor systems. 405-412 - N. Sureshbabu, Jay A. Farrell
Wavelet-based system identification for nonlinear control. 412-417 - Lihua Xie, Wei-Yong Yan, Yeng Chai Soh:
Parametrization and optimization of reduced-order filters. 418-422 - Stéphane Ploix
, Stéphane Giuliani, José Ragot
A unifying approach of LTI discrete-time state observers by means of complementary matrices. 422-426 - Tyrone E. Duncan, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, Qing Zhang:
Adaptive control of stochastic manufacturing systems with hidden Markovian demands and small noise. 427-430 - Murat Zeren, Hitay Özbay
On the synthesis of stable 𝒽∞ controllers. 431-435
Volume 44, Number 3, 1999
- Hyungbo Shim
, Jijoon Byun, Jin Heon Seo:
Comments on "Observers for nonlinear systems in steady state". - Han-Fu Chen, Tyrone E. Duncan, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan:
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz algorithm with randomized differences. 442-453 - Tibor Boros, Ali H. Sayed, Thomas Kailath:
A recursive method for solving unconstrained tangential interpolation problems. 454-470 - Yun-Chung Chu, Keith Glover:
Bounds of the induced norm and model reduction errors for systems with repeated scalar nonlinearities. 471-483 - Yun-Chung Chu, Keith Glover:
Stabilization and performance synthesis for systems with repeated scalar nonlinearities. 484-496 - Didier Henrion
, Michael Sebek
Reliable numerical methods for polynomial matrix triangularization. 497-508 - Tyrone L. Vincent, Pramod P. Khargonekar
A class of nonlinear filtering problems arising from drifting sensor gains. 509-520 - Harry L. Trentelman, Jan C. Willems:
H∞ control in a behavioral context: the full information case. 521-536 - Li Qin
, Tongwen Chen
Multirate sampled-data systems: all H∞ suboptimal controllers and the minimum entropy controller. 537-550 - Bruce H. Wilson, Bora Eryilmaz, Bahram Shafai:
An adaptive angular sweep algorithm for value set construction. 551-555 - Gerhard Freiling, Seung-Rae Lee, Gerhard Jank:
Coupled matrix Riccati equations in minimal cost variance control problems. 556-560 - Chia-Chi Tsui:
High-performance state feedback, robust, and output feedback stabilizing control-a systematic design algorithm. 560-563 - Steven Ching-Yei Chung, Chun-Liang Lin:
A transformed Lure problem for sliding mode control and chattering reduction. 563-568 - C.-H. Huang, Petros A. Ioannou, John Maroulas, Michael G. Safonov:
Design of strictly positive real systems using constant output feedback. 569-573 - Kevin L. Burgess, Kevin M. Passino:
Path-clearing policies for flexible manufacturing systems. 573-578 - Guang-Hong Yang, Jianliang Wang
, Cheong-Boon Soh, James Lam:
Decentralized H∞-controller design for nonlinear systems. 578-583 - Venkat Anantharam, Takis Konstantopoulos:
A methodology for the design of optimal traffic shapers in communication networks. 583-586 - Alexandre S. Bazanella
, Petar V. Kokotovic, Aguinaldo S. e Silva:
A dynamic extension for LgV controllers. 588-592 - Qing-Guo Wang, Tong Heng Lee, Jian-Bo He:
Internal stability of interconnected systems. 593-596 - Manuel de la Sen
On the robust adaptive stabilization of a class of nominally first-order hybrid systems. 597-602 - Kwanghee Nam, Min-Jea Tahk:
A second-order stochastic filter involving coordinate transformation. 603-608 - Zoubir Benzaid:
On the constrained controllability of linear time-varying discrete systems. 608-612 - Aleksandar I. Zecevic, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
Parallel solutions of very large sparse Lyapunov equations by balanced BBD decompositions. 612-618 - Dongping Song
, Youxian Sun:
Optimal control structure of an unreliable manufacturing system with random demands. 619-622 - Robert Patton Leland:
An approximate-predictor approach to reduced-order models and controllers for distributed-parameter systems. 623-627 - Eugene A. Feinberg, Adam Shwartz
Constrained dynamic programming with two discount factors: applications and an algorithm. 628-631 - Tryphon T. Georgiou
The interpolation problem with a degree constraint. 631-635 - Qingsheng Zheng, Evanghelos Zafiriou:
A local form of small gain theorem and analysis of feedback Volterra systems. 635-640 - Franco Blanchini
, Stefano Miani:
A new class of universal Lyapunov functions for the control of uncertain linear systems. 641-647 - Pierre O. M. Scokaert, David Q. Mayne, James B. Rawlings:
Suboptimal model predictive control (feasibility implies stability). 648-654 - Patrizio Tomei:
Robust adaptive control of robots with arbitrary transient performance and disturbance attenuation. 654-658 - I. Emre Köse, Faryar Jabbari
Control of LPV systems with partly measured parameters. 658-663
Volume 44, Number 4, 1999
- Rayadurgam Ravikanth, Sean P. Meyn:
Bounds on achievable performance in the identification and adaptive control of time-varying systems. 670-682 - Stéphane Gaubert, Jean Mairesse:
Modeling and analysis of timed Petri nets using heaps of pieces. 683-697 - Liu Hsu
, Romeo Ortega, Gilney Damm
A globally convergent frequency estimator. 698-713 - Konrad Reif, Stefan Günther, Edwin E. Yaz, Rolf Unbehauen:
Stochastic stability of the discrete-time extended Kalman filter. 714-728 - Héctor Rotstein, Shalom Raz:
Gabor transform of time-varying systems: exact representation and approximation. 729-741 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Petros A. Ioannou:
A switching adaptive controller for feedback linearizable systems. 742-750 - Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa, Clyde F. Martin:
A Converse Lyapunov Theorem for a Class of Dynamical Systems which Undergo Switching. 751-760 - Dragan Nesic
, Iven M. Y. Mareels
Controllability of structured polynomial systems. 761-764 - Bo Hu, Anthony N. Michel:
Some qualitative properties of multirate digital control systems. 765-770 - Johan A. K. Suykens
, Joos Vandewalle, Bart De Moor:
Lur'e systems with multilayer perceptron and recurrent neural networks: absolute stability and dissipativity. 770-774 - Stefano Battilotti
Noninteracting control via static measurement feedback for nonlinear systems with relative degree. 774-779 - Michael H. Veatch, Michael C. Caramanis:
Optimal average cost manufacturing flow controllers: convexity and differentiability. 779-783 - Tetsuya Iwasaki:
The dual iteration for fixed-order control. 783-788 - Giorgio Bartolini, Antonella Ferrara
, Alexander A. Stotsky:
Robustness and performance of an indirect adaptive control scheme in presence of bounded disturbances. 789-793 - Jamie S. Evans
, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Exact filters for doubly stochastic AR models with conditionally Poisson observations. 794-798 - Luigi Villani
, Carlos Canudas de Wit
, Bernard Brogliato:
An exponentially stable adaptive control for force and position tracking of robot manipulators. 798-802 - Franco Blanchini
, Alexandre Megretski:
Robust state feedback control of LTV systems: nonlinear is better than linear. 802-807 - Zhong-Ping Jiang, Iven M. Y. Mareels
, David J. Hill:
Robust control of uncertain nonlinear systems via measurement feedback. 807-812 - Yvonne Ilke Yaz, Edwin E. Yaz:
On LMI formulations of some problems arising in nonlinear stochastic system analysis. 813-816 - David Angeli, Edoardo Mosca:
Command governors for constrained nonlinear systems. 816-820 - Rolf Ergon:
On primary output estimation by use of secondary measurements as input signals in system identification. 821-825 - Yu-Hong Zhou, John C. Allwright:
The solution of an affine problem and its application in control. 826-829 - María M. Seron
, Julio H. Braslavsky
, Petar V. Kokotovic, David Q. Mayne:
Feedback limitations in nonlinear systems: from Bode integrals to cheap control. 829-833 - Leonid Mirkin
, Zalman J. Palmor:
A new representation of the parameters of lifted systems. 833-840 - Ioan Doré Landau, Alireza Karimi
A recursive algorithm for ARMAX model identification in closed loop. 840-843 - Ulf T. Jönsson:
A Popov criterion for systems with slowly time-varying parameters. 844-846 - Guoxiang Gu, Jie Chen
, E. Bruce Lee:
Parametric H∞ loopshaping and weighted mixed sensitivity minimization. 846-852 - Thanh Huu Nguyen, Faryar Jabbari
Disturbance attenuation for systems with input saturation: An LMI approach. 852-857 - P. O. Arambel, Gilead Tadmor:
Decomposition and approximation of periodic systems. 858-863 - Hayriye Ayhan, Martin A. Wortman
Job flow control in assembly operations. 864-868 - Dragan Nesic
, Efstratios Skafidas
, Iven M. Y. Mareels
, Robin J. Evans
Minimum phase properties for input nonaffine nonlinear systems. 868-872 - Zikuan Liu, Fengsheng Tu:
Single sample path-based sensitivity analysis of Markov processes using uniformization. 872-875 - PooGyeon Park
A delay-dependent stability criterion for systems with uncertain time-invariant delays. 876-877 - Dominique Sauter, Frédéric Hamelin:
Frequency-domain optimization for robust fault detection and isolation in dynamic systems. 878-882 - Y. N. Rosenvasser, Konstantin Yu. Polyakov, Bernhard P. Lampe:
Application of Laplace transformation for digital redesign of continuous control systems. 883-886 - Corrections to "A Method for the Synthesis of Controllers to Handle Safety, Liveness, and Real-Time Constraints" and "Tracking in Clutter with Strongest Neighbor Measurements - Part I: Theoretical Analysis". 886
- Ronald A. Hess:
Advances in Aircraft Flight Control [Book Review]. 887-889
Volume 44, Number 5, 1999
- László Gerencsér:
Convergence rate of moments in stochastic approximation with simultaneous perturbation gradient approximation and resetting. 894-905 - Yung-Shan Chou, André L. Tits, V. Balakrishnan
Stability multipliers and μ upper bounds: connections and implications for numerical verification of frequency domain conditions. 906-913 - Michael H. Veatch, Michael C. Caramanis:
Optimal manufacturing flow controllers: zero-inventory policies and control switching sets. 914-921 - Michel Fliess, Jean Lévine, Philippe Martin
, Pierre Rouchon:
A Lie-Backlund approach to equivalence and flatness of nonlinear systems. 922-937 - Robert J. Elliott, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
New finite-dimensional filters for parameter estimation of discrete-time linear Gaussian models. 938-951 - Tze Leung Lai, Jerry Z. Shan:
Efficient recursive algorithms for detection of abrupt changes in signals and control systems. 952-966 - Riccardo Marino
, Sergei Peresada
, Patrizio Tomei:
Global adaptive output feedback control of induction motors with uncertain rotor resistance. 967-983 - Vladimir Kolmanovskii, Jean-Pierre Richard
Stability of some linear systems with delays. 984-989 - Weizhou Su, Carlos E. de Souza, Lihua Xie:
H∞ control for asymptotically stable nonlinear systems. 989-993 - Phillip A. Regalia, Mamadou Mboup, Mehdi Ashari:
Existence of stationary points for pseudo-linear regression identification algorithms. 994-998 - Chun-Bo Feng, Shumin Fei:
A unified approach for stability analysis of a class of time-varying nonlinear systems. 998-1002 - André Laurindo Maitelli
, Takashi Yoneyama
A multistage suboptimal dual controller using optimal predictors. 1002-1008 - Vladimir V. Monov:
On the spectrum of convex sets of matrices. 1009-1012 - Margreta Kuijper
Partial realization and the Euclidean algorithm. 1013-1016 - Xiaoping Liu:
Input-output decoupling of linear time-varying singular systems. 1016-1021 - Gerhard Kreisselmeier:
On sampling without loss of observability/controllability. 1021-1025 - Kwanghee Nam:
Stabilization of feedback linearizable systems using a radial basis function network. 1026-1031 - Catharina Carlemalm, Susanne Halvarsson, Torbjörn Wigren
, Bo Wahlberg
Algorithms for time delay estimation using a low complexity exhaustive search. 1031-1037 - Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
Weak robust controllability and observability of uncertain linear systems. 1037-1041 - Miroslav Krstic
, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
Inverse optimal stabilization of a rigid spacecraft. 1042-1049 - Wing Shing Wong, Roger W. Brockett:
Systems with finite communication bandwidth constraints. II. Stabilization with limited information feedback. 1049-1053 - César A. R. Crusius, Alexandre Trofino
Sufficient LMI conditions for output feedback control problems. 1053-1057 - George Bitsoris, Eliana Gravalou:
Design techniques for the control of discrete-time systems subject to state and control constraints. 1057-1061 - Zidong Wang
, Heinz Unbehauen:
Robust H2/H∞-state estimation for systems with error variance constraints: the continuous-time case. 1061-1065 - Marc A. Peters, Pablo A. Iglesias
The relationship between minimum entropy control and risk-sensitive control for time-varying systems. 1065-1069 - Soracha Nananukul, Wei-Bo Gong:
Rational interpolation for stochastic DESs: convergence issues. 1070-1073 - Rik Pintelon
, Johan Schoukens, Gerd Vandersteen, Yves Rolain:
Identification of invariants of (over)parameterized models: finite sample results. 1073-1077 - François Desbouvries, Philippe Loubaton:
On the identification of certain rational transfer functions from truncated autocovariance sequences. 1078-1081 - Tao Yang:
Impulsive control. 1081-1083 - Carlos Canudas de Wit
, José Miguel Ramírez Scarpetta:
Optimal torque control for current-fed induction motors. 1084-1089 - Mehmet E. Alpay, Molly H. Shor:
Multiple solutions to the l1-optimal control problem and its dual linear programming problem. 1089-1093 - Daniel Hernández-Hernández, Steven I. Marcus, Pedram Jaefari Fard:
Analysis of a risk-sensitive control problem for hidden Markov chains. 1093-1100 - Efim N. Rosenwasser, Rafael M. Yusupov:
Theory of sensitivity in dynamic systems, an introduction [Book Review]. 1101-1103
Volume 44, Number 6, 1999
- Er-Wei Bai, Yinyu Ye, Roberto Tempo:
Bounded error parameter estimation: a sequential analytic center approach. 1107-1117 - Dietmar Bauer
, Manfred Deistler:
Balanced canonical forms for system identification. 1118-1131 - Daniel E. Davison, Pierre T. Kabamba, Semyon M. Meerkov:
Limitations of disturbance rejection in feedback systems with finite bandwidth. 1132-1144 - Raffaello D'Andrea:
Generalized l2 synthesis. 1145-1156 - Wouter Favoreel, Bart De Moor, Peter Van Overschee:
Subspace identification of bilinear systems subject to white inputs. 1157-1165 - David D. Yao, Shaohui Zheng
Coordinated quality control in a two-stage system. 1166-1179 - Ian Fialho, Tryphon T. Georgiou
Worst case analysis of nonlinear systems. 1180-1196 - Ettore Fornasini, Maria Elena Valcher
Stability properties and periodic evolutions of bilinear systems in input-output form. 1197-1202 - Joseph A. Ball
, Pushkin Kachroo, Arthur J. Krener:
H∞ tracking control for a class of nonlinear systems. 1202-1206 - Kevin M. Lynch:
Controllability of a planar body with unilateral thrusters. 1206-1211 - Leopoldo Jetto:
Strong stabilization over polytopes. 1211-1216 - Linzhang Lu, Wen-Wei Lin, Charles E. M. Pearce:
An efficient algorithm for the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation. 1216-1220 - Ramavarapu S. Sreenivas:
On supervisory policies that enforce liveness in completely controlled Petri nets with directed cut-places and cut-transitions. 1221-1225 - Daniel J. Stilwell, Wilson J. Rugh:
Interpolation of observer state feedback controllers for gain scheduling. 1225-1229 - Marian J. Blachuta
On zeros of pulse transfer functions. 1229-1234 - Subhrakanti Dey
, John B. Moore:
Finite-dimensional risk-sensitive filters and smoothers for discrete-time nonlinear systems. 1234-1239 - Héctor Rotstein, Ben Zion Shklyar:
Optimal solution and approximation to the l1/H∞ control problem. 1240-1243 - Tarek Ahmed-Ali, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
Sliding observer-controller design for uncertain triangular nonlinear systems. 1244-1249 - Hiroshi Ito:
Local stability and performance robustness of nonlinear systems with structured uncertainty. 1250-1254 - Germain Garcia, Sophie Tarbouriech, Rodolfo Suárez, Jose Alvarez-Ramirez:
Nonlinear bounded control for norm-bounded uncertain systems. 1254-1258 - Bertrand Cottenceau, Laurent Hardouin, Jean-Louis Boimond, Jean-Louis Ferrier:
Synthesis of greatest linear feedback for timed-event graphs in dioid. 1258-1262 - Georges Bastin, F. Jarachi, Iven M. Y. Mareels
Output deadbeat control of nonlinear discrete-time systems with one-dimensional zero dynamics: global stability conditions. 1262-1266 - Gerd Vandersteen, Johan Schoukens:
Measurement and identification of nonlinear systems consisting of linear dynamic blocks and one static nonlinearity. 1266-1271 - Vincent Besson, Andrew Thomas Shenton:
An interactive parameter space method for robust performance in mixed sensitivity problems. 1272-1276 - Yong-Yan Cao, Youxian Sun, James Lam:
Simultaneous stabilization via static output feedback and state feedback. 1277-1282 - Shuning Wang, Jianshe Dai, Masahiro Tanaka:
A parametric approach for l1 robust identification. 1282-1286 - Francesco Carravetta, Gabriella Mavelli:
Minimax quadratic filtering of uncertain linear stochastic systems with partial fourth-order information. 1287-1292 - Zeljko M. Durovic
, Branko D. Kovacevic:
Robust estimation with unknown noise statistics. 1292-1296 - Marina Indri, Antonio Tornambè
Impact model and control of two multi-DOF cooperating manipulators. 1297-1303 - Xiaoming Hu
, Clyde F. Martin:
Linear reachability versus global stabilization. 1303-1305 - Augusto Ferrante, Antonio M. Lepschy, Umberto Viaro
A simple proof of the Routh test. 1306-1309 - Hao Lu, Huajing Fang, Xinhan Huang:
Comments on "A weighted mixed-sensitivity H∞-control design for irrational transfer matrices". 1309-1310 - Moisés Bonilla Estrada
, Michel Malabre:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for disturbance decoupling with stability using PID control laws. 1311-1315 - Hartmut Logemann, Eugene P. Ryan, Stuart Townley:
Integral control of linear systems with actuator nonlinearities: lower bounds for the maximal regulating gain. 1315-1319 - Theodore E. Djaferis:
Linear systems [Book Review]. 1320-1321
Volume 44, Number 7, 1999
- Lang Hong:
Multirate interacting multiple model filtering for target tracking using multirate models. 1326-1340 - Wei-Yong Yan, James Lam:
An approximate approach to H2 optimal model reduction. 1341-1358 - Andrew E. B. Lim, Xun Yu Zhou:
Stochastic optimal LQR control with integral quadratic constraints and indefinite control weights. 1359-1369 - Erik Weyer
, Robert C. Williamson, Iven M. Y. Mareels
Finite sample properties of linear model identification. 1370-1383 - Brett Ninness
, Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Fredrik Gustafsson:
The fundamental role of general orthonormal bases in system identification. 1384-1406 - Antonio Loría
, Elena Panteley:
Force/motion control of constrained manipulators without velocity measurements. 1407-1412 - A. W. Pila, Uri Shaked, Carlos E. de Souza
𝒽∞ filtering for continuous-time linear systems with delay. 1412-1417 - A. Jafari Koshkouei, Alan Solon Ivor Zinober:
Comments on "Linear quadratic regulators with eigenvalue placement in a vertical strip". 1417-1419 - Santosh Devasia:
Approximated stable inversion for nonlinear systems with nonhyperbolic internal dynamics. 1419-1425 - Xiaohua Xia, Claude H. Moog:
Disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback for SISO nonlinear systems. 1425-1429 - Didier Georges
, Carlos Canudas de Wit
, José Miguel Ramírez Scarpetta:
Nonlinear H2 and H∞ optimal controllers for current-fed induction motors. 1430-1435 - Demin Xu, Zhang Ren, Guoxiang Gu, Jie Chen
LFT uncertain model validation with time- and frequency-domain measurements. 1435-1441 - Shigemasa Takai
Minimizing the set of local supervisors in fully decentralized supervision. 1441-1444 - L. C. Westphal:
Lessons from an example in "On the stability of discrete-time sliding mode control systems". 1444-1445 - F. Leonard:
First-order optimal reduced-delay sample-data holds. 1446-1449 - José Claudio Geromel
, Jacques Bernussou, Maurício Carvalho de Oliveira
H2-norm optimization with constrained dynamic output feedback controllers: decentralized and reliable control. 1449-1454 - Demetrios G. Lainiotis, Paraskevas Papaparaskeva:
Efficient algorithms of clustering adaptive nonlinear filters. 1454-1459 - Stelios Kotsios:
Transformation of finite degree discrete Volterra systems with cross products to finite input-output forms. 1460-1464 - Changyun Wen
, Yeng Chai Soh:
Decentralized model reference adaptive control without restriction on subsystem relative degrees. 1464-1469 - Xiao D. Ji, Babajide O. Familoni
A diagonal recurrent neural network-based hybrid direct adaptive SPSA control system. 1469-1473 - Said Oucheriah:
Robust tracking and model following of uncertain dynamic delay systems by memoryless linear controllers. 1473-1477 - Abdellah Benzaouia, Atmane Baddou:
Piecewise linear constrained control for continuous-time systems. 1477-1481 - G. P. Rao:
Adaptive prediction and predictive control [Book Reviews]. 1482-1483
Volume 44, Number 8, 1999
- Hwan Il Kang:
Comments on "Robust stability of linear systems with delayed perturbations". - Magdi Sadek Mahmoud, Mohamed Zribi:
Comments on "Stabilization and estimation for perturbed discrete time-delay large scale systems. - Geir E. Dullerud, Sanjay Lall:
A new approach for analysis and synthesis of time-varying systems. 1486-1497 - Guoxiang Gu:
Modeling of normalized coprime factors with ν-metric uncertainty. 1498-1511 - Catherine Bonnet, Jonathan R. Partington
Bezout factors and L1-optimal controllers for delay systems using a two-parameter compensator scheme. 1512-1521 - Durga Malladi, Jason L. Speyer:
A generalized Shiryayev sequential probability ratio test for change detection and isolation. 1522-1534 - Alberto Isidori, Ben Schwartz, Tzyh Jong Tarn:
Semiglobal L2 performance bounds for disturbance attenuation in nonlinear systems. 1535-1545 - Luigi Glielmo
, Roberto Setola
, Francesco Vasca:
An interlaced extended Kalman filter. 1546-1549 - Mohamed Boutayeb, Didier Aubry:
A strong tracking extended Kalman observer for nonlinear discrete-time systems. 1550-1556 - Daniel E. Davison, Pierre T. Kabamba, Semyon M. Meerkov:
Robustness with respect to disturbance model uncertainty-analysis and design. 1556-1559 - Rachid Chabour, Abdelhak Ferfera:
Singularity for static-state feedback linearizable bilinear systems. 1559-1564 - Paolo Bolzern, Massimo Maroni:
New conditions for the convergence of H∞ filters and predictors. 1564-1568 - Alberto Cavallo
, Giuseppe De Maria, Paolo Nistri:
Robust control design with integral action and limited rate control. 1569-1572 - Tomomichi Hagiwara
, Yoshikazu Miyake, Eiko Furutani, Mituhiko Araki:
Stability condition of a class of nonlinear feedback systems: reduction to a convex problem. 1573-1577 - Álvaro Giusto, Fernando Paganini:
Robust synthesis of feedforward compensators. 1578-1582 - Tatsushi Ooba, Yasuyuki Funahashi:
Comments on "Robust stability of linear systems with delayed perturbations" [with reply]. 1582-1583 - Dye-Jyun Ma, Armand M. Makowski:
Steering policies for controlled Markov chains under a recurrence condition. 1583-1587 - Ger Koole
On the static assignment to parallel servers. 1588-1592 - Peng Shi, El Kébir Boukas, Ramesh K. Agarwal
Kalman filtering for continuous-time uncertain systems with Markovian jumping parameters. 1592-1597 - Julio E. Normey-Rico
, Eduardo F. Camacho
Robust tuning of dead-time compensators for processes with an integrator and long dead-time. 1597-1603 - Miroslav R. Matausek, Aleksandar Micic
On the modified Smith predictor for controlling a process with an integrator and long dead-time. 1603-1606 - Cishen Zhang, Jingxin Zhang
Performance of periodically time-varying controllers for sampled data control. 1607-1611 - Hwan Il Kang:
Some discrete-time counterparts to extreme point results for robust stability of a diamond of polynomials. 1613-1615 - Koji Shiomi, Naohisa Otsuka, Hiroshi Inaba:
Robust disturbance-rejection problems for linear ω-periodic discrete-time systems. 1615-1620 - Pushkin Kachroo:
Existence of solutions to a class of nonlinear convergent chattering-free sliding mode control systems. 1620-1624 - Jean Assan, Jean-François Lafay, Anna Maria Perdon
On feedback invariance properties for systems over a principal ideal domain. 1624-1628 - Joseph L. Hibey, Charalambos D. Charalambous
Performance analysis for a changepoint problem. 1628-1632 - Yong-Yan Cao, Youxian Sun, James Lam:
Correction to "Simultaneous stabilization via static output feedback and state feedback". 1632
Volume 44, Number 9, 1999
- Ai Poh Loh
, Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Fredrik P. Skantze:
Adaptation in the presence of a general nonlinear parameterization: an error model approach. 1634-1652 - Tyrone E. Duncan, Lei Guo, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan:
Adaptive continuous-time linear quadratic Gaussian control. 1653-1662 - Mahmut Reyhanoglu
, Arjan van der Schaft, N. Harris McClamroch, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
Dynamics and control of a class of underactuated mechanical systems. 1663-1671 - Ahmad N. Atassi, Hassan K. Khalil:
A separation principle for the stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems. 1672-1687 - Anders Lindquist
, Vladimir A. Yakubovich:
Universal regulators for optimal tracking in discrete-time systems affected by harmonic disturbances. 1688-1704 - Zhong-Ping Jiang, David J. Hill:
A robust adaptive backstepping scheme for nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics. 1705-1711 - Mohamed Darouach, Philippe Pierrot, Edouard Richard:
Design of reduced-order observers without internal delays. 1711-1713 - Robert Patton Leland:
Reduced-order models and controllers for continuous-time stochastic systems: an information theory approach. 1714-1719 - Qian-Yu Tang, El Kébir Boukas:
Adaptive control for manufacturing systems using infinitesimal perturbation analysis. 1719-1725 - Chen Wei, Lei Guo:
Prediction-based discrete-time adaptive nonlinear stochastic control. 1725-1729 - Jean-Pierre Barbot, Salvatore Monaco
, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot:
Discrete-time approximated linearization of SISO systems under output feedback. 1729-1733 - Guo-Qing Wang, Victor Sreeram
, Wanquan Liu
A new frequency-weighted balanced truncation method and an error bound. 1734-1737 - Peng Shi, Vasile Dragan:
Asymptotic H∞ control of singularly perturbed systems with parametric uncertainties. 1738-1742 - Min-Shin Chen, Jia-Yush Yen
Application of the least squares algorithm to the observer design for linear time-varying systems. 1742-1745 - Dimitrios P. Iracleous, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
A simple solution to the optimal eigenvalue assignment problem. 1746-1749 - Keck Voon Ling
, Khiang Wee Lim:
Receding horizon recursive state estimation. 1750-1753 - Charalambos D. Charalambous
, Robert J. Elliott:
Finite-dimensional nonlinear output feedback dynamic games and bounds for sector nonlinearities. 1753-1759 - Ryszard S. Gessing:
Word length of pulse transfer function for small sampling periods. 1760-1764 - Gang Feng
Analysis of a new algorithm for continuous-time robust adaptive control. 1764-1768 - Chong Lin, Jian Liang Wang
, Guang-Hong Yang, Cheong Boon Soh:
Robust C-controllability and/or C-observability for uncertain descriptor systems with interval perturbations in all matrices. 1768-1773 - Anjali M. Diwekar, Rama K. Yedavalli:
Stability of matrix second-order systems: new conditions and perspectives. 1773-1777 - Liang-Liang Xie, Lei Guo:
Fundamental limitations of discrete-time adaptive nonlinear control. 1777-1782 - Chyi Hwang, Shih-Feng Yang:
Comments on the computation of interval Routh approximants. 1782-1787 - Wook Hyun Kwon, Pyung Soo Kim
, PooGyeon Park
A receding horizon Kalman FIR filter for discrete time-invariant systems. 1787-1791 - Trevor Williams, Xiao Cheng:
Degrees of controllability and observability for close modes of flexible space structures. 1791-1795 - Frédéric Mazenc, Rodolphe Sepulchre, Mrdjan Jankovic:
Lyapunov functions for stable cascades and applications to global stabilization. 1795-1800
Volume 44, Number 10, 1999
- Carolyn L. Beck, John C. Doyle:
A necessary and sufficient minimality condition for uncertain systems. 1802-1813 - Lin Lin, Le Yi Wang, George Zames:
Time complexity and model complexity of fast identification of continuous-time LTI systems. 1814-1828 - Ramine Nikoukhah, Stephen L. Campbell
, François Delebecque:
Kalman filtering for general discrete-time linear systems. 1829-1839 - John N. Tsitsiklis, Benjamin Van Roy:
Optimal stopping of Markov processes: Hilbert space theory, approximation algorithms, and an application to pricing high-dimensional financial derivatives. 1840-1851 - Domenico D'Alessandro, Mohammed Dahleh, Igor Mezic
Control of mixing in fluid flow: a maximum entropy approach. 1852-1863 - Mark A. Shayman, Ratnesh Kumar:
Process objects/masked composition: an object-oriented approach for modeling and control of discrete-event systems. 1864-1869 - Jun Wu, Jian Chu:
Approximation methods of scalar mixed H2/l1 problems for discrete-time systems. 1869-1874 - Wayne W. Lu, Gary J. Balas, E. Bruce Lee:
A variational approach to H∞ control with transients. 1875-1879 - Hassan Hammouri, Michel Kinnaert, El Hassane El Yaagoubi
Observer-based approach to fault detection and isolation for nonlinear systems. 1879-1884 - Jiafi-Xin Xu, Tao Zhu:
Dual-scale direct learning control of trajectory tracking for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems. 1884-1888 - Zidong Wang
, Heinz Unbehauen:
Model reduction based on regional pole and covariance equivalent realizations. 1889-1893 - Peter Dorato, Domenico Famularo
, Chaouki T. Abdallah:
Analytic phase margin design. 1894-1900 - Roy S. Smith
, Andrew K. Packard:
Correction to "Optimal control of perturbed linear static systems". 1900-1901 - Chi-Jo Wang:
Controllability and observability of linear time varying singular systems. 1901-1905 - Fazil A. Aliev, Levent Özbek
Evaluation of convergence rate in the central limit theorem for the Kalman filter. 1905-1909 - Karl Henrik Johansson
, Anders Rantzer:
Decentralized control of sequentially minimum phase systems. 1909-1913 - Torbjörn Wigren
, Anders E. Nordsjö:
Compensation of the RLS algorithm for output nonlinearities. 1913-1918 - Dohyoung Chung, Chan Gook Park, Jang Gyu Lee:
Robustness of controllability and observability of continuous linear time-varying systems with parameter perturbations. 1919-1923 - Jong-Lick Lin, Shin-Ju Chen:
Robustness analysis of uncertain linear singular systems with output feedback control. 1924-1929 - Robert J. Elliott, Vikram Krishnamurthy, H. Vincent Poor:
Exact filters for certain moments and stochastic integrals of the state of systems with Benes nonlinearity. 1929-1933 - Tzuu-Hseng S. Li, Juing-Shian Chiou, Fan-Chu Kung:
Stability bounds of singularly perturbed discrete systems. 1934-1938 - Tingshu Hu
, James Lam:
Improvement of parametric stability margin under pole assignment. 1938-1942 - Fabrizio Caccavale
, Bruno Siciliano
, Luigi Villani
Robot impedance control with nondiagonal stiffness. 1943-1946 - Hamilton M. Silveira:
A stability theorem for identification and adaptive control. 1947-1950 - Zhiping Lin:
Feedback stabilization of MIMO 3-D linear systems. 1950-1955 - Shin Ichi Aihara, Arunabha Bagchi:
On the Mortensen equation for maximum likelihood state estimation. 1955-1961 - Achim Ilchmann, Stuart Townley:
Adaptive sampling control of high-gain stabilizable systems. 1961-1966 - Jean-Bernard Lasserre
Sample-path average optimality for Markov control processes. 1966-1971 - Yonghua Li, Feng Lin, Zheng-Hui Lin:
Supervisory control of probabilistic discrete-event systems with recovery. 1971-1975 - Gildas Besançon
On output transformations for state linearization up to output injection. 1975-1981 - Henri Bourlès, Bogdan Marinescu:
Poles and zeros at infinity of linear time-varying systems. 1981-1985
Volume 44, Number 11, 1999
- Edwin K. P. Chong
, Stefen Hui, Stanislaw H. Zak:
An analysis of a class of neural networks for solving linear programming problems. 1995-2006 - João B. D. Cabrera, Kumpati S. Narendra:
Issues in the application of neural networks for tracking based on inverse control. 2007-2027 - Angelo Alessandri
, Marco Baglietto
, Thomas Parisini, Riccardo Zoppoli:
A neural state estimator with bounded errors for nonlinear systems. 2028-2042 - Ajit T. Dingankar:
The unreasonable effectiveness of neural network approximation. 2043-2044 - Giuseppe De Nicolao, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
Consistent identification of NARX models via regularization networks. 2045-2049 - Jeffrey T. Spooner, Kevin M. Passino:
Decentralized adaptive control of nonlinear systems using radial basis neural networks. 2050-2057 - Chee-Fai Yung, Chi-Ming Yang:
H∞ control for linear time-varying systems: controller parameterization. 2058-2062 - Marian J. Blachuta
On approximate pulse transfer functions. 2062-2067 - Dragan Nesic
, Georges Bastin:
Stabilizability and dead-beat controllers for two classes of Wiener-Hammerstein models. 2068-2071 - Xudong Ye:
Decentralized adaptive regulation with unknown high-frequency-gain signs. 2072-2076 - Boris T. Polyak, Mark E. Halpern
Robust stability and design of linear discrete-time SISO systems under l1 uncertainties. 2076-2080 - João Manoel Gomes da Silva
, Sophie Tarbouriech:
Polyhedral regions of local stability for linear discrete-time systems with saturating controls. 2081-2085 - Seung-Jean Kim, In-Joong Ha:
On the existence of Caratheodory solutions in mechanical systems with friction. 2086-2089 - Chun-Yi Su, Yury Stepanenko:
Adaptive variable structure set-point control of underactuated robots. 2090-2093 - Lennart Andersson, Anders Rantzer:
Frequency-dependent error bounds for uncertain linear models. 2094-2098 - Krishna Busawon, Mehrdad Saif
A state observer for nonlinear systems. 2098-2103 - Hong Wang
Robust control of the output probability density functions for multivariable stochastic systems with guaranteed stability. 2103-2107 - Shoudong Huang
, James Lam, Guang-Hong Yang, Si-Ying Zhang:
Fault tolerant decentralized H∞ control for symmetric composite systems. 2108-2114 - Wook Hyun Kwon, Pyung Soo Kim
, PooGyeon Park
A receding horizon Kalman FIR filter for linear continuous-time systems. 2115-2120 - Tyrone E. Duncan, Petr Mandl, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan:
A note on sampling and parameter estimation in linear stochastic systems. 2120-2125 - Michael J. Grimble:
Stochastic control of discrete systems: a separation principle for Wiener and polynomial systems. 2125-2130 - Aniruddha Datta, Lei Xing:
Adaptive internal model control: H∞ optimization for stable plants. 2130-2134 - Liqian Zhang, James Lam, Qingling Zhang:
Lyapunov and Riccati equations of discrete-time descriptor systems. 2134-2139 - Peng Shi, El Kébir Boukas, Ramesh K. Agarwal
Control of Markovian jump discrete-time systems with norm bounded uncertainty and unknown delay. 2139-2144 - Jozef Vörös:
Iterative algorithm for parameter identification of Hammerstein systems with two-segment nonlinearities. 2145-2149 - Sheng Chen
, Jun Wu, Robert S. H. Istepanian, Jian Chu:
Optimizing stability bounds of finite-precision PID controller structures. 2149-2153 - Huanshui Zhang, Lihua Xie, Yeng Chai Soh:
Optimal recursive filtering, prediction, and smoothing for singular stochastic discrete-time systems. 2154-2158 - Vlad Ionescu:
Time-varying discrete Riccati equation: l2-invertibility, dichotomy, and disconjugacy. 2158-2163 - Joseph L. Hibey, Charalambos D. Charalambous
Conditional densities for continuous-time nonlinear hybrid systems with applications to fault detection. 2164-2169 - Andrew R. Teel:
Asymptotic convergence from Lp stability. 2169-2170 - Guillermo Fernández-Anaya
Preservation of SPR functions and stabilization by substitutions in SISO plants. 2171-2174 - Xudong Ye:
Logic-based switching adaptive stabilization of feedforward nonlinear systems. 2174-2178 - John Tsinias, Iasson Karafyllis:
ISS property for time-varying systems and application to partial-static feedback stabilization and asymptotic tracking. 2179-2184 - V. Balakrishnan
, Fan Wang:
Efficient computation of a guaranteed lower bound on the robust stability margin for a class of uncertain systems. 2185-2190 - Riccardo Marino, Patrizio Tomei:
An adaptive output feedback control for a class of nonlinear systems with time-varying parameters. 2190-2194 - Naohisa Otsuka:
Generalized (C, A, B)-pairs and parameter insensitive disturbance-rejection problems with dynamic compensator. 2195-2200 - Laurian Dinca, Tunc Aldemir, Giorgio Rizzoni
A model-based probabilistic approach for fault detection and identification with application to the diagnosis of automotive engines. 2200-2205 - Lennart Ljung
, Urban Forssell:
An alternative motivation for the indirect approach to closed-loop identification. 2206-2209 - Dimitrie C. Popescu, Zoran Gajic:
Singular perturbation analysis of cheap control problem for sampled data systems. 2209-2214 - Ricardo H. C. Takahashi, Pedro Luis Dias Peres
H2 guaranteed cost-switching surface design for sliding modes with nonmatching disturbances. 2214-2218 - Jan C. Willems, Roberto Tempo:
The Kharitonov theorem with degree drop. 2218-2220 - Marc Bodson
A discussion of Chaplin and Smith's patent for the cancellation of repetitive vibrations. 2221-2225 - Alessandro Casavola, Monica Giannelli, Edoardo Mosca:
Global predictive regulation of null-controllable input-saturated linear systems. 2226-2230 - Didier Henrion
, Sophie Tarbouriech, Germain Garcia:
Output feedback robust stabilization of uncertain linear systems with saturating controls: an LMI approach. 2230-2237 - Stuart Townley:
An example of a globally stabilizing adaptive controller with a generically destabilizing parameter estimate. 2238-2241
Volume 44, Number 12, 1999
- Ulf T. Jönsson:
Duality in multiplier-based robustness analysis. 2246-2256 - Mahmoud Chilali, Pascal Gahinet, Pierre Apkarian:
Robust pole placement in LMI regions. 2257-2270 - Qing Zhang, Gang George Yin:
On nearly optimal controls of hybrid LQG problems. 2271-2282 - Harold J. Kushner:
Consistency issues for numerical methods for variance control, with applications to optimization in finance. 2283-2296 - Maria Elena Valcher
, Jan C. Willems:
Observer synthesis in the behavioral approach. 2297-2307 - Dimitrios Dimogianopoulos, Rogelio Lozano, Amit Ailon:
Indirect adaptive periodic control. 2308-2312 - Stephen S.-T. Yau, Amid Rasoulian:
Classification of four-dimensional estimation algebras. 2312-2318 - Rogelio Lozano, Joaquin Collado, Angel Herrera:
Semiglobal stabilization of continuous-time systems with bounded inputs. 2318-2320 - Keith Godfrey:
Identification of parametric models from experimental data [Book Review]. 2321-2322
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