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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 47
Volume 47, Number 1, 2002
- Jiro Hodoshima
, Kai-ching Chu:
Comments on "Estimation and decision for linear systems with elliptical random processes" [with reply]. - Jean-Pierre Aubin, John Lygeros, Marc Quincampoix
, Shankar Sastry, Nicolas Seube:
Impulse differential inclusions: a viability approach to hybrid systems. 2-20 - Chunjiang Qian
, Wei Lin:
Practical output tracking of nonlinear systems with uncontrollable unstable linearization. 21-36 - Paul Hubbard, Peter E. Caines:
Dynamical consistency in hierarchical supervisory control. 37-52 - Jan C. Willems, Harry L. Trentelman:
Synthesis of dissipative systems using quadratic differential forms: Part I. 53-69 - Harry L. Trentelman, Jan C. Willems:
Synthesis of dissipative systems using quadratic differential forms: part II. 70-86 - Domenico D'Alessandro:
The optimal control problem on SO(4) and its applications to quantum control. 87-92 - Eitan Altman, Tamer Basar, Tania Jiménez, Nahum Shimkin:
Competitive routing in networks with polynomial costs. 92-96 - Alfredo Germani, Costanzo Manes
, Pierdomenico Pepe
A new approach to state observation of nonlinear systems with delayed output. 96-101 - Giovanni Marro, Domenico Prattichizzo
, Elena Zattoni
Geometric insight into discrete-time cheap and singular linear quadratic Riccati (LQR) problems. 102-107 - Wei Lin, Radom Pongvuthithum
, Chunjiang Qian
Control of high-order nonholonomic systems in power chained form using discontinuous feedback. 108-115 - Zhihua Qu:
Robust control of nonlinear systems by estimating time variant uncertainties. 115-121 - Ming Hou, Pavel Zítek, Ron J. Patton:
An observer design for linear time-delay systems. 121-125 - K. Tsumura, M. Kitamura:
Structural analysis of robust control systems. 125-132 - Shigemasa Takai
Synthesis of maximally permissive and robust supervisors for prefix-closed language specifications. 132-136 - Jens Kalkkuhl, Tor Arne Johansen, Jens Lüdemann:
Improved transient performance of nonlinear adaptive backstepping using estimator resetting based on multiple models. 136-140 - Yong-Yan Cao, Zongli Lin, David G. Ward:
An antiwindup approach to enlarging domain of attraction for linear systems subject to actuator saturation. 140-145 - Avinash Taware, Gang Tao, Carole Teolis:
Design and analysis of a hybrid control scheme for sandwich nonsmooth nonlinear systems. 145-150 - Hayriye Ayhan, Dong Won Seo:
Tail probability of transient and stationary waiting times in (max, +)-linear systems. 151-157 - Ramine Nikoukhah, Stephen L. Campbell
, Kirk G. Horton, François Delebecque:
Auxiliary signal design for robust multimodel identification. 158-164 - Tingshu Hu
, Zongli Lin:
Exact characterization of invariant ellipsoids for single input linear systems subject to actuator saturation. 164-169 - Jae-Hyuk Oh:
Solving a nonlinear output regulation problem: zero miss distance of pure PNG. 169-173 - Vishwesh V. Kulkarni, Michael G. Safonov:
Incremental positivity nonpreservation by stability multipliers. 173-177 - Zhengguo Li, Changyun Wen
, Yeng Chai Soh, Wenxiang Xie:
Generalized matrix measure of switched nonlinear systems. 178-183 - Jozef Vörös:
Modeling and parameter identification of systems with multisegment piecewise-linear characteristics. 184-188 - Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
, George C. Verghese:
Encoded dynamics for fault tolerance in linear finite-state machines. 189-192 - Yoram Halevi:
Approximated gramians and balanced realization of lightly damped flexible structures. 193-198 - Kueiming Lo, Qiang Lu, Wook Hyun Kwon:
Comments on "Optimal solution of the two-stage Kalman estimator. 198-199 - Kai-ching Chu:
Author's reply. 200 - Yoshimichi Ito, Tomomichi Hagiwara
, Hajime Maeda, Mituhiko Araki:
Corrections to "bisection algorithm for computing the frequency response gain of sampled-data systems - infinite-dimensional congruent transformation approach". 201 - Tong Zhou:
Correction to "quality evaluation for a coprime factor perturbed model set based on frequency-domain data". 202 - Gene F. Franklin:
Control system design [Book Review]. 203-204
Volume 47, Number 2, 2002
- Jiaxiang Zhao, Ioannis Kanellakopoulos:
Active identification for discrete-time nonlinear control. I. Output-feedback systems. 210-224 - Jiaxiang Zhao, Ioannis Kanellakopoulos:
Active identification for discrete-time nonlinear control. II. Strict-feedback systems. 225-240 - Guillermo J. Silva, Aniruddha Datta, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
New results on the synthesis of PID controllers. 241-252 - Emilia Fridman
, Uri Shaked:
A descriptor system approach to H∞ control of linear time-delay systems. 253-270 - Gang Shen, Peter E. Caines:
Hierarchically accelerated dynamic programming for finite-state machines. 271-283 - Paul Hriljac:
Learning curves for LMS and regular Gaussian processes. 284-289 - Eugene Khmelnitsky, Yigal Gerchak:
Optimal control approach to production systems with inventory-level-dependent demand. 289-292 - Jun Zhou, Tomomichi Hagiwara
, Mituhiko Araki:
Stability analysis of continuous-time periodic systems via the harmonic analysis. 292-298 - Julio E. Normey-Rico
, Eduardo F. Camacho
A unified approach to design dead-time compensators for stable and integrative processes with dead-time. 299-305 - Reza Olfati-Saber:
Normal forms for underactuated mechanical systems with symmetry. 305-308 - PooGyeon Park
Stability criteria of sector- and slope-restricted Lur'e systems. 308-313 - Michael Heymann, Feng Lin, George Meyer:
Multiuser discrete-event control with active events. 314-318 - Joon-Young Choi, Miroslav Krstic
, Kartik B. Ariyur, Jin Soo Lee:
Extremum seeking control for discrete-time systems. 318-323 - Agamirza E. Bashirov
, Sevin Ugural:
Analyzing wide-band noise processes with application to control and filtering. 323-327 - Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
Lyapunov equation for the stability of linear delay systems of retarded and neutral type. 327-335 - Xiaoping Liu, Daniel W. C. Ho
Disturbance decoupling of linear time-varying singular systems. 335-341 - Sheldon H. Jacobson
, Enver Yücesan:
Common issues in discrete optimization and discrete-event simulation. 341-345 - Li Chai, Li Qiu
Model validation of multirate systems from time-domain experimental data. 346-351 - Timo Hämäläinen, Seppo Pohjolainen
On the asymptotically optimal tuning of robust controllers for systems in the CD-algebra. 351-358 - Zhengtao Ding
, Xudong Ye:
A flat-zone modification for robust adaptive control of nonlinear output feedback systems with unknown high-frequency gains. 358-363 - Abdul-Wahid A. Saif
, Da-Wei Gu, Davout Kavranoglu, Ian Postlethwaite:
Simultaneous stabilization of MIMO systems via robustly stabilizing a central plant. 363-369 - Luca Benvenuti
, Lorenzo Farina
Positive and compartmental systems. 370-373 - Shuo Liu, Lawrence E. Holloway:
Active sensing policies for stochastic systems. 373-377 - Hoang Duong Tuan, Pierre Apkarian:
Monotonic relaxations for robust control: new characterizations. 378-384 - Hao Ye, Steven X. Ding, Guizeng Wang:
Integrated design of fault detection systems in time-frequency domain. 384-390 - Kumpati S. Narendra, Nicholas O. Oleng:
Exact output tracking in decentralized adaptive control systems. 390-395 - Fredrik Tjärnström, Lennart Ljung
Using the bootstrap to estimate the variance in the case of undermodeling. 395-398 - Hong Wang
Minimum entropy control of non-Gaussian dynamic stochastic systems. 398-403 - Aniruddha Pant, Peter J. Seiler
, J. Karl Hedrick:
Mesh stability of look-ahead interconnected systems. 403-407 - Dong Yue, Sangchul Won:
An improvement on "Delay and its time-derivative dependent robust stability of time-delayed linear systems with uncertainty". 407-408
Volume 47, Number 3, 2002
- David Angeli:
A Lyapunov approach to incremental stability properties. 410-421 - Daniel Liberzon, A. Stephen Morse, Eduardo D. Sontag:
Output-input stability and minimum-phase nonlinear systems. 422-436 - Richard J. La, Venkat Anantharam:
Optimal routing control: repeated game approach. 437-450 - René K. Boel, Matthew R. James
, Ian R. Petersen:
Robustness and risk-sensitive filtering. 451-461 - Bijoy K. Ghosh, Clyde F. Martin:
Homogeneous dynamical systems theory. 462-472 - Shuhao Chen, Gang Tao, Suresh M. Joshi:
On matching conditions for adaptive state tracking control of systems with actuator failures. 473-478 - Zidong Wang
, James Lam, Keith J. Burnham:
Stability analysis and observer design for neutral delay systems. 478-483 - Jeng-Tze Huang:
An adaptive compensator for a class of linearly parameterized systems. 483-486 - Guoxiang Gu:
Remarks on validation of uncertainty models using frequency response data. 486-490 - Jianbo Lu
, Robert E. Skelton:
Mean-square small gain theorem for stochastic control: discrete-time case. 490-494 - Aman Behal, Darren M. Dawson, Warren E. Dixon
, Yongchun Fang:
Tracking and regulation control of an underactuated surface vessel with nonintegrable dynamics. 495-500 - David Angeli, Edoardo Mosca:
Lyapunov-based switching supervisory control of nonlinear uncertain systems. 500-505 - Gang Tao, Shuhao Chen, Suresh M. Joshi:
An adaptive actuator failure compensation controller using output feedback. 506-511 - Aydin Aybar, Altug Iftar:
Overlapping decompositions and expansions of Petri nets. 511-515 - El Kébir Boukas, Abdellah Benzaouia:
Stability of discrete-time linear systems with Markovian jumping parameters and constrained control. 516-521 - Rodolphe Sepulchre, Murat Arcak, Andrew R. Teel:
Trading the stability of finite zeros for global stabilization of nonlinear cascade systems. 521-525 - Qinghua Zhang:
Adaptive observer for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) linear time-varying systems. 525-529 - Srdjan S. Stankovic, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
Model abstraction and inclusion principle: a comparison. 529-532 - A. Bülent Özgüler, Karim Saadaoui
Local convex directions for Hurwitz stable polynomials. 532-537 - David G. Taylor, Song Li:
Stable inversion of continuous-time nonlinear systems by finite-difference methods. 537-542
Volume 47, Number 4, 2002
- Antonio Bicchi, Alessia Marigo, Benedetto Piccoli
On the reachability of quantized control systems. 546-563 - Hong Chen, Heng-Qing Ye
Piecewise linear Lyapunov function for the stability of multiclass priority fluid networks. 564-575 - Xiaodong Zhang, Marios M. Polycarpou, Thomas Parisini:
A robust detection and isolation scheme for abrupt and incipient faults in nonlinear systems. 576-593 - Nicolas Petit
, Pierre Rouchon:
Dynamics and solutions to some control problems for water-tank systems. 594-609 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Petros A. Ioannou:
Robust switching adaptive control of multi-input nonlinear systems. 610-624 - Chyi Hwang, Jeng-Fan Leu, Sun-Yuan Tsay:
A note on time-domain simulation of feedback fractional-order systems. 625-631 - Andrey Ghulchak, Anders Rantzer:
Robust control under parametric uncertainty via primal-dual convex analysis. 632-636 - Jörg Mareczek, Martin Buss, Mark W. Spong:
Invariance control for a class of cascade nonlinear systems. 636-640 - Zidong Wang
, Hong Qiao, Keith J. Burnham:
On stabilization of bilinear uncertain time-delay stochastic systems with Markovian jumping parameters. 640-646 - Huijin Fan, Changyun Wen
A sufficient condition on the exponential stability of two-dimensional (2-D) shift-variant systems. 647-655 - Seong-Jin Park, Jong-Tae Lim:
Robust and nonblocking supervisory control of nondeterministic discrete event systems using trajectory models. 655-658 - Xinkai Chen
, Hiroyuki Kano:
A new state observer for perspective systems. 658-663 - Emilia Fridman
, Uri Shaked:
On delay-dependent passivity. 664-669 - Mark French:
An analytical comparison between the nonsingular quadratic performance of robust and adaptive backstepping designs. 670-675 - Domingos C. W. Ramos, Pedro L. D. Peres
An LMI condition for the robust stability of uncertain continuous-time linear systems. 675-678 - Bei Hu
, Arno Linnemann:
Toward infinite-horizon optimality in nonlinear model predictive control. 679-682 - Vincent Lampaert, Jan Swevers, Farid Al-Bender:
Modification of the Leuven integrated friction model structure. 683-687 - Yanxia Zhang, Lei Guo:
A limit to the capability of feedback. 687-692 - Bao-Zhu Guo, Yue-Hu Luo:
Riesz basis property of a second-order hyperbolic system with collocated scalar input-output. 693-698 - Miroslav Simandl, Jakub Královec, Torsten Söderström:
Anticipative grid design in point-mass approach to nonlinear state estimation. 699-702 - Pasquale Lucibello:
Comments on "An iterative learning controller with initial state learning". 703-704 - Eduardo D. Sontag:
Correction to "structure and stability of certain chemical networks and applications to the kinetic proofreading model of T-cell receptor signal transduction". 705 - Jeffrey S. Rosenthal:
Introduction to mathematical systems theory. a behavioral approach [Book Review]. 706-708
Volume 47, Number 5, 2002
- Michael Cantoni, Glenn Vinnicombe:
Linear feedback systems and the graph topology. 710-719 - Fan Wang, Venkataramanan Balakrishnan
Improved stability analysis and gain-scheduled controller synthesis for parameter-dependent systems. 720-734 - Madhu N. Belur, Harry L. Trentelman:
Stabilization, pole placement, and regular implementability. 735-744 - George J. Pappas
, Slobodan Simic:
Consistent abstractions of affine control systems. 745-756 - Wei Lin, Chunjiang Qian
Adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems: a nonsmooth feedback framework. 757-774 - Hayco H. J. Bloemen, Mark Cannon
, Basil Kouvaritakis:
An interpolation strategy for discrete-time bilinear MPC problems. 775-778 - Baris Tan
Production control of a pull system with production and demand uncertainty. 779-783 - Noël Tanguy
, Riwal Morvan, Pierre Vilbé, Léon-Claude Calvez:
Pertinent choice of parameters for discrete Kautz approximation. 783-787 - Pierre E. Dupont
, Vincent Hayward
, Brian Armstrong, Friedhelm Altpeter:
Single state elastoplastic friction models. 787-792 - Nejat Olgaç
, Rifat Sipahi
An exact method for the stability analysis of time-delayed linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. 793-797 - Ti-Chung Lee, Bor-Sen Chen:
A general stability criterion for time-varying systems using a modified detectability condition. 797-802 - Sanqing Hu, Jun Wang
Global asymptotic stability and global exponential stability of continuous-time recurrent neural networks. 802-807 - Zhiyong Chen, Jie Huang:
Solution of output regulation of singular nonlinear systems by normal output feedback. 808-813 - Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami
, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Global output feedback tracking for nonlinear systems in generalized output-feedback canonical form. 814-819 - B. Ross Barmish, Pavel S. Shcherbakov
On avoiding vertexization of robustness problems: the approximate feasibility concept. 819-824 - Wen-Jun Cao, Jian-Xin Xu:
On functional approximation of the equivalent control using learning variable structure control. 824-830 - Jayati Ghosh, Brad Paden:
A pseudoinverse-based iterative learning control. 831-837 - Alain Oustaloup, Patrick Lanusse, François Levron:
Frequency-domain synthesis of a filter using Viete root functions. 837-841 - Antonio Loría
, Khoder Melhem:
Position feedback global tracking control of EL systems: a state transformation approach. 841-847 - Yusheng Liu, Xing-Yuan Li:
Decentralized robust adaptive control of nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics. 848-856 - Guillermo Obregon-Pulido, Bernardino Castillo-Toledo, Alexander G. Loukianov:
A globally convergent estimator for n-frequencies. 857-863 - Alberto Bemporad, W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Bart De Schutter
On hybrid systems and closed-loop MPC systems. 863-869 - Athanasios A. Rontogiannis, Nicholas Kalouptsidis:
Adaptive digital filters [Book Review]. 870-871
Volume 47, Number 6, 2002
- Weibo Gong, Tamer Basar:
Guest editorial: special issue of the IEEE transactions on automatic control on systems and control methods for communication networks. 877-879 - Srisankar S. Kunniyur, Rayadurgam Srikant:
A time-scale decomposition approach to adaptive explicit congestion notification (ECN) marking. 882-894 - Laurent Massoulié:
Stability of distributed congestion control with heterogeneous feedback delays. 895-902 - Thomas Boulogne, Eitan Altman, Hisao Kameda, Odile Pourtallier:
Mixed equilibrium (ME) for multiclass routing games. 903-916 - Eitan Altman, Tamer Basar, Rayadurgam Srikant:
Nash equilibria for combined flow control and routing in networks: asymptotic behavior for a large number of users. 917-930 - Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas:
Fair allocation of utilities in multirate multicast networks: a framework for unifying diverse fairness objectives. 931-944 - Christopher V. Hollot, Vishal Misra, Donald F. Towsley
, Weibo Gong:
Analysis and design of controllers for AQM routers supporting TCP flows. 945-959 - Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Charles E. Rohrs, Panos J. Antsaklis:
A practical controller for explicit rate congestion control. 960-978 - Gang Wu, Edwin K. P. Chong
, Robert Givan:
Burst-level congestion control using hindsight optimization. 979-991 - Robert Buche, Harold J. Kushner:
Control of mobile communications with time-varying channels in heavy traffic. 992-1003 - Kagan Gokbayrak
, Christos G. Cassandras:
Adaptive call admission control in circuit-switched networks. 1004-1015 - Richard J. Gibbens, Frank P. Kelly:
On packet marking at priority queues. 1016-1020 - Juan Alvarez, Bruce E. Hajek:
On the use of packet classes in communication networks to enhance congestion pricing based on marks. 1020-1026 - Srihari Nelakuditi, Srivatsan Varadarajan, Zhi-Li Zhang:
On localized control in QoS routing. 1026-1032 - Jeffrey E. Wieselthier, Gam D. Nguyen, Anthony Ephremides, Craig M. Barnhart:
Application of optimization techniques to a nonlinear problem of communication network design with nonlinear constraints. 1033-1038
Volume 47, Number 7, 2002
- Kevin X. He, Michael D. Lemmon:
Liveness-enforcing supervision of bounded ordinary Petri nets using partial order methods. 1042-1055 - Tryphon T. Georgiou
The structure of state covariances and its relation to the power spectrum of the input. 1056-1066 - Er-Wei Bai, Hyonyong Cho, Roberto Tempo, Yinyu Ye:
Optimization with few violated constraints for linear bounded error parameter estimation. 1067-1077 - Robin D. Hill
, Andrew C. Eberhard
, Robert Bruno Wenczel, Mark E. Halpern
Fundamental limitations on the time-domain shaping of response to a fixed input. 1078-1090 - Bassam Bamieh
, Fernando Paganini, Munther A. Dahleh:
Distributed control of spatially invariant systems. 1091-1107 - Gang Feng
Stability analysis of piecewise discrete-time linear systems. 1108-1112 - Bernd Heidergott
, Xi-Ren Cao:
A note on the relation between weak derivatives and perturbation realization. 1112-1115 - Konstantin Avrachenkov
, Jean B. Lasserre
Analytic perturbation of Sylvester matrix equations. 1116-1119 - Hanzhong Wu, Xun Yu Zhou:
Characterizing all optimal controls for an indefinite stochastic linear quadratic control problem. 1119-1122 - Shengyuan Xu, Paul Van Dooren, Radu Stefan, James Lam:
Robust stability and stabilization for singular systems with state delay and parameter uncertainty. 1122-1128 - Jiandong Zhu, Shuping Ma, Zhaolin Cheng:
Singular LQ problem for nonregular descriptor systems. 1128-1133 - David S. Kim, Devadatta M. Kulkarni, Feng Lin:
An upper bound for carriers in a three-workstation closed serial production system operating under production blocking. 1134-1138 - Adam Czornik
, Andrzej Swierniak
On the sensitivity of the coupled continuous-time Lyapunov equation. 1138-1142 - Wei Xing Zheng:
A bias correction method for identification of linear dynamic errors-in-variables models. 1142-1147 - Alessandro Casavola, Domenico Famularo
, Giuseppe Franzè:
A feedback min-max MPC algorithm for LPV systems subject to bounded rates of change of parameters. 1147-1153 - Dragan Nesic
, Dina Shona Laila
A note on input-to-state stabilization for nonlinear sampled-data systems. 1153-1158 - Hsu-Chun Yen:
Sequential versus concurrent languages of labeled conflict-free Petri nets. 1158-1162 - Delin Chu, Daniel W. C. Ho
A new algorithm for an eigenvalue assignment problem from singular control theory. 1163-1167 - Youyi Feng, Baichun Xiao:
Optimal threshold control in discrete failure-prone manufacturing systems. 1167-1174 - Daniel E. Davison:
A curve-shaping approach for determining bounds on H∞ performance under hard constraints. 1174-1178 - Fuwen Yang
, Zidong Wang
, Y. S. Hung:
Robust Kalman filtering for discrete time-varying uncertain systems with multiplicative noises. 1179-1183 - Mazen Alamir
, Luis Antonio Calvillo-Corona:
Further results on nonlinear receding-horizon observers. 1184-1188 - Xiaohua Xia:
Global frequency estimation using adaptive identifiers. 1188-1193 - Tingshu Hu
, Zongli Lin:
On semiglobal stabilizability of antistable systems by saturated linear feedback. 1193-1198 - Marco A. Arteaga
, Yu Tang:
Adaptive control of robots with an improved transient performance. 1198-1202 - Robert Engel, Gerhard Kreisselmeier:
A continuous-time observer which converges in finite time. 1202-1204 - Yuguang Fang
, Kenneth A. Loparo
Stochastic stability of jump linear systems. 1204-1208 - Vishwesh V. Kulkarni, Michael G. Safonov:
All multipliers for repeated monotone nonlinearities. 1209-1212 - Lixin Gao
, Anke Xue, Youxian Sun, Han Ho Choi:
Comments on "Upper matrix bounds for the discrete algebraic Riccati matrix equation" [with author's reply]. 1212-1213 - Han Ho Choi:
Author's reply. 1213
Volume 47, Number 8, 2002
- Romeo Ortega, Mark W. Spong, Fabio Gómez-Estern, Guido Blankenstein:
Stabilization of a class of underactuated mechanical systems via interconnection and damping assignment. 1218-1233 - Christos G. Cassandras, Yorai Wardi, Benjamin Melamed, Gang Sun, Christos G. Panayiotou
Perturbation analysis for online control and optimization of stochastic fluid models. 1234-1248 - Wei Lin, Chunjiang Qian
Adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems: the smooth feedback case. 1249-1266 - Yanfeng Wang, James R. Perkins, Anil Khurana:
Optimal resource allocation in new product development projects: a control-theoretic approach. 1267-1276 - James S. Welsh
, Graham C. Goodwin:
Finite sample properties of indirect nonparametric closed-loop identification. 1277-1292 - Yuri Orlov, Denis Dochain
Discontinuous feedback stabilization of minimum-phase semilinear infinite-dimensional systems with application to chemical tubular reactor. 1293-1304 - Alec Bateman, Zongli Lin:
An analysis and design method for discrete-time linear systems under nested saturation. 1305-1310 - Naira Hovakimyan, Flavio Nardi, Anthony J. Calise:
A novel error observer-based adaptive output feedback approach for control of uncertain systems. 1310-1314 - Julio H. Braslavsky
, Richard H. Middleton
, James S. Freudenberg
Cheap control performance of a class of nonright-invertible nonlinear systems. 1314-1319 - Yury Orlov, Lotfi Belkoura
, Jean-Pierre Richard
, Michel Dambrine
On identifiability of linear time-delay systems. 1319-1324 - Riccardo Marino
, Patrizio Tomei:
Global estimation of n unknown frequencies. 1324-1328 - Marco C. Campi, Erik Weyer
Finite sample properties of system identification methods. 1329-1334 - Antonella Ferrara
, Lorenza Magnani, Riccardo Scattolini
A globally stabilizing hybrid variable structure control strategy. 1334-1337 - Frédéric Mazenc, Samuel Bowong:
Tracking trajectories of feedforward systems. 1338-1342 - Konstantin Kogan
, Sheldon X. C. Lou, Avi Herbon:
Optimal control of a resource-sharing multiprocessor with periodic maintenance. 1342-1346 - Swaroop Darbha, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
Controller synthesis for sign-invariant impulse response. 1346-1351 - Oswaldo L. V. Costa
, Susset Guerra Jiménez:
Stationary filter for linear minimum mean square error estimator of discrete-time Markovian jump systems. 1351-1356 - Wei Lin, Radom Pongvuthithum
Global stabilization of cascade systems by C0 partial-state feedback. 1356-1362 - Cishen Zhang, Lihua Xie:
Periodic stabilization of look-ahead filters in VLSI implementation. 1362-1366 - Roman Leibov:
Aircraft turbofan engine linear model with uncertain eigenvalues. 1367-1369 - Zhihua Qu, Jianxin Xu:
Asymptotic learning control for a class of cascaded nonlinear uncertain systems. 1369-1376 - Krzysztof Tchon:
Repeatability of inverse kinematics algorithms for mobile manipulators. 1376-1380 - Richard Rebarber, Stuart Townley:
Nonrobustness of closed-loop stability for infinite-dimensional systems under sample and hold. 1381-1385 - Alfredo Germani, Gabriella Mavelli:
The polynomial approach to the LQ non-Gaussian regulator problem. 1385-1391 - Satoru Takahashi, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Motion and shape identification with vision and range. 1392-1396 - Jorge Cortés
, Sonia Martínez, Francesco Bullo
On nonlinear controllability and series expansions for Lagrangian systems with dissipative forces. 1396-1401 - Guangming Xie, Dazhong Zheng, Long Wang
Controllability of switched linear systems. 1401-1405 - Tine Lefebvre, Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutter
Comment on "A new method for the nonlinear transformation of means and covariances in filters and estimators" [with authors' reply]. 1406-1409 - Simon J. Julier, Jeffrey K. Uhlmann:
Comment on "A new method for the nonlinear transformation of means and covariances in filters and estimators" [with authors' reply]. 1408-1409
Volume 47, Number 9, 2002
- Karl Henrik Johansson
, Andrey Barabanov, Karl Johan Åström:
Limit cycles with chattering in relay feedback systems. 1414-1423 - Alessandro Giua
, Carla Seatzu:
Observability of place/transition nets. 1424-1437 - Shengbing Jiang, Ratnesh Kumar:
Supervisory control of nondeterministic discrete-event systems with driven events via masked prioritized synchronization. 1438-1449 - Brian D. O. Anderson, Thomas S. Brinsmead
, Franky De Bruyne:
The Vinnicombe metric for nonlinear operators. 1450-1465 - Venkataramanan Balakrishnan
Lyapunov functionals in complex μ analysis. 1466-1479 - Ju-Il Lee, In-Joong Ha:
A novel approach to control of nonminimum-phase nonlinear systems. 1480-1486 - Delin Chu, Michel Malabre:
On the quadratic controllability and quadratic feedback minimality. 1487-1491 - Tae-Sic Yoo
, Stéphane Lafortune
Polynomial-time verification of diagnosability of partially observed discrete-event systems. 1491-1495 - Tae-Sic Yoo
, Stéphane Lafortune
NP-completeness of sensor selection problems arising in partially observed discrete-event systems. 1495-1499 - Lars Grüne:
Input-to-state dynamical stability and its Lyapunov function characterization. 1499-1504 - Leonid Mirkin
, Zalman J. Palmor:
Computation of the frequency-response gain of sampled-data systems via projection in the lifted domain. 1505-1510 - Zhiping Lin, Jiang Qian Ying, Li Xu:
An algebraic approach to strong stabilizability of linear nD MIMO systems. 1510-1514 - Toru Asai:
Constantly scaled H∞ control problems for pseudofull information problems. 1514-1519 - Ricardo Riaza
On the singularity-induced bifurcation theorem. 1520-1523 - Bernard Bercu, Bruno Portier:
Adaptive control of parametric nonlinear autoregressive models via a new martingale approach. 1524-1528 - Khac Duc Do
, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Jie Pan:
Underactuated ship global tracking under relaxed conditions. 1529-1536 - Sven Hedlund, Anders Rantzer:
Convex dynamic programming for hybrid systems. 1536-1540 - Matthew C. Turner, Ian Postlethwaite:
Output violation compensation for systems with output constraints. 1540-1546 - Theodore E. Djaferis, David L. Pepyne, David M. Cushing:
A new parameterization of stable polynomials. 1546-1550 - Claudio Altafini
Following a path of varying curvature as an output regulation problem. 1551-1556 - Yuguang Fang
, Kenneth A. Loparo
On the relationship between the sample path and moment lyapunov exponents for jump linear systems. 1556-1560 - Oded Yaniv, Per Olof Gutman:
Crossover frequency limitations in MIMO nonminimum phase feedback systems. 1560-1564 - Yacine Chitour:
Time-varying high-gain observers for numerical differentiation. 1565-1569 - Tingshu Hu
, Zongli Lin:
On improving the performance with bounded continuous feedback laws. 1570-1575 - Daniel Ferreira Coutinho
, Alexandre Trofino
, Minyue Fu
Guaranteed cost control of uncertain nonlinear systems via polynomial lyapunov functions. 1575-1580 - Hakan Yazarel, Chien-Chern Cheah
Task-space adaptive control of robotic manipulators with uncertainties in gravity regressor matrix and kinematics. 1580-1585 - Emilia Fridman
, Uri Shaked:
Correction to "Finite horizon H∞ state-feedback control of continuous-time systems with state delays". 1585 - Shaosheng Zhou, Gang Feng
, Sing Kiong Nguang
Comments on "Robust stabilization of a class time-delay nonlinear systems". 1586 - Book Review. 1587
Volume 47, Number 10, 2002
- Ki Baek Kim:
Comments on "Exponential stability of constrained receding horizon control with terminal ellipsoid constraints". - Scanning the issue. 1589
- Yuguang Fang
, Kenneth A. Loparo
Stabilization of continuous-time jump linear systems. 1590-1603 - Xuerong Mao
Exponential stability of stochastic delay interval systems with Markovian switching. 1604-1612 - Angela Di Febbraro, Riccardo Minciardi, Simona Sacone
Optimal control laws for lot-sizing and timing of jobs on a single production facility. 1613-1623 - Dirk Ormoneit, Peter W. Glynn:
Kernel-based reinforcement learning in average-cost problems. 1624-1636 - Thomas I. Seidman, Lawrence E. Holloway:
Stability of pull production control methods for systems with significant setups. 1637-1647 - Malcolm C. Smith:
Synthesis of mechanical networks: the inerter. 1648-1662 - Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
, Domenico Mignone, Manfred Morari:
Moving horizon estimation for hybrid systems. 1663-1676 - Min-Shin Chen, Yean-Ren Hwang, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
A state-dependent boundary layer design for sliding mode control. 1677-1681 - Mario Milanese, Michele Taragna:
Optimality, approximation, and complexity in set membership H∞ identification. 1682-1690 - Nusret Tan
Computation of the frequency response of multilinear affine systems. 1691-1696 - Ronald M. Hirschorn:
Incremental sliding mode control of the ball and beam. 1696-1700 - Bo Lincoln, Bo Bernhardsson
LQR optimization of linear system switching. 1701-1705 - Francesco Martinelli, Paolo Valigi
Impact of finite buffers on the optimal scheduling of a single-machine two-part-type manufacturing system. 1705-1710 - Chunjiang Qian
, Wei Lin:
Output feedback control of a class of nonlinear systems: a nonseparation principle paradigm. 1710-1715 - Xiaohua Xia:
Well posedness of piecewise-linear systems with multiple modes and multiple criteria. 1716-1720 - Yixin Chen, John E. McInroy:
Estimation of symmetric positive-definite matrices from imperfect measurements. 1721-1725 - Alfredo Germani, Costanzo Manes
, Pasquale Palumbo
Linear filtering for bilinear stochastic differential systems with unknown inputs. 1726-1730 - Martin Guay:
Observer linearization by output-dependent time-scale transformations. 1730-1735 - Ping Zhang, Christos G. Cassandras:
An improved forward algorithm for optimal control of a class of hybrid systems. 1735-1739 - Michele Basso
, Roberto Genesio, Alberto Tesi
An LMI-based controller synthesis for periodic trajectories in a class of nonlinear systems. 1740-1744 - Hansheng Wu:
Decentralized adaptive robust control for a class of large-scale systems including delayed state perturbations in the interconnections. 1745-1751 - Fanglai Zhu, Zhengzhi Han:
A note on observers for Lipschitz nonlinear systems. 1751-1754 - Gürdal Arslan, Tamer Basar:
Risk-sensitive adaptive trackers for strict-feedback systems with output measurements. 1754-1758 - Frédéric Mazenc, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen
, Henk Nijmeijer:
Global uniform asymptotic stabilization of an underactuated surface vessel. 1759-1762 - Kazuyoshi Mori:
Parameterization of stabilizing controllers with either right- or left-coprime factorization. 1763-1767 - Takehiro Mori, Hideki Kokame:
On solution bounds for three types of Lyapunov matrix equations: continuous, discrete and unified equations. 1767-1770 - Gang Chen, Jie Chen
, Rick Middleton
Optimal tracking performance for SIMO systems. 1770-1775 - Paulo J. de Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira, Pedro L. D. Peres
A new LMI condition for robust stability of polynomial matrix polytopes. 1775-1779 - Kiam Tian Seow:
Existence characterizations of temporal-safety supervisors. 1779-1783
Volume 47, Number 11, 2002
- Soo Hee Han, Wook Hyun Kwon, Pyung Soo Kim
Quasi-deadbeat minimax filters for deterministic state~space models. 1904-1908 - Jie Zhou, Yunmin Zhu, Wallace E. Larimore:
Comment on "Order-recursive factorization of the pseudoinverse of a covariance matrix" [with reply]. 1952-1957 - Wallace E. Larimore:
Author's reply. 1953-1957 - Theodore E. Djaferis, David L. Pepyne, David M. Cushing:
Correction to "a new parameterization of stable polynomials". 1957 - Book Review. 1958
- Scanning the issue. 1785
- Rodéric R. Moitié, Marc Quincampoix
, Vladimir M. Veliov
Optimal control of discrete-time uncertain systems with imperfect measurement. 1909-1914 - Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng:
Ultimate periodicity of orbits for min-max systems. 1937-1940 - Myungsoo Jun
, Michael G. Safonov:
Rational multiplier IQCs for uncertain time-delays and LMI stability conditions. 1871-1875 - Delin Chu, Xinmin Liu, Roger C. E. Tan:
On the numerical computation of a structural decomposition in systems and control. 1786-1799 - Jamal Daafouz, Pierre Riedinger
, Claude Iung:
Stability analysis and control synthesis for switched systems: a switched Lyapunov function approach. 1883-1887 - Guoxiang Gu:
Inner-outer factorization for strictly proper transfer matrices. 1915-1919 - Luc Jaulin, Eric Walter:
Guaranteed robust nonlinear minimax estimation. 1857-1864 - Jian-Xin Xu, Ying Tan
A composite energy function-based learning control approach for nonlinear systems with time-varying parametric uncertainties. 1940-1945 - Ulf T. Jönsson, Chung-Yao Kao, Alexandre Megretski:
Robustness of periodic trajectories. 1842-1856 - Graziano Chesi
Complete characterization of the spherical spectral set. 1875-1879 - Wlodzimierz Greblicki
Stochastic approximation in nonparametric identification of Hammerstein systems. 1800-1810 - João Yoshiyuki Ishihara
, Marco Henrique Terra
On the Lyapunov theorem for singular systems. 1926-1930 - Shlomo Engelberg:
Limitations of the describing function for limit cycle prediction. 1887-1890 - Vikram Krishnamurthy, Robert J. Elliott:
Robust continuous-time smoothers without two-sided stochastic integrals. 1824-1841 - Runyi Yu, Dianhui Wang:
Algebraic properties of singular systems subject to decentralized output feedback. 1898-1903 - He-Sheng Wang, Chee-Fai Yung, Fan-Ren Chang:
H∞ control for nonlinear descriptor systems. 1919-1925 - György Michaletzky
, László Gerencsér:
BIBO stability of linear switching systems. 1895-1898 - James T. Lo, Thomas Wanner
Existence and uniqueness of risk-sensitive estimates. 1945-1948 - Lingji Chen, Pablo O. Arambel, Raman K. Mehra:
Estimation under unknown correlation: covariance intersection revisited. 1879-1882 - Tryphon T. Georgiou
Spectral analysis based on the state covariance: the maximum entropy spectrum and linear fractional parametrization. 1811-1823 - Santosh Devasia:
Should model-based inverse inputs be used as feedforward under plant uncertainty? 1865-1871 - Emilia Fridman
, Uri Shaked:
An improved stabilization method for linear time-delay systems. 1931-1937 - Reza Olfati-Saber:
Global configuration stabilization for the VTOL aircraft with strong input coupling. 1949-1952 - Gjerrit Meinsma, Leonid Mirkin
, Qing-Chang Zhong:
Control of systems with I/O delay via reduction to a one-block problem. 1890-1895
Volume 47, Number 12, 2002
- Hideaki Ishii, Bruce A. Francis:
Stabilizing a linear system by switching control with dwell time. 1962-1973 - Alberto Bemporad, Francesco Borrelli
, Manfred Morari:
Model predictive control based on linear programming~the explicit solution. 1974-1985 - Daniel E. Miller, Tongwen Chen
Simultaneous stabilization with near-optimal H∞ performance. 1986-1998 - Vahid Reza Ramezani, Steven I. Marcus:
Estimation of hidden markov models: risk-sensitive filter banks and qualitative analysis of their sample paths. 1999-2009 - Duan Li
, Fucai Qian, Peilin Fu:
Variance minimization approach for a class of dual control problems. 2010-2020 - Grazyna Badowski, Gang George Yin:
Stability of hybrid dynamic systems containing singularly perturbed random processes. 2021-2032 - Dragan Nesic
, David Angeli:
Integral versions of iss for sampled-data nonlinear systems via their approximate discrete-time models. 2033-2037 - Alessandro Astolfi
, Patrizio Colaneri
A hamilton-jacobi setup for the static output feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems. 2038-2041 - Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Tatiana L. Maizenberg:
Optimal containment control for a class of stochastic systems perturbed by poisson and wiener processes. 2041-2046 - Andrea Garulli
, Laura Giarré
, Giovanni Zappa:
Identification of approximated hammerstein models in a worst-case setting. 2046-2050 - Hiroaki Mukaidani
, Tetsu Shimomura, Hua Xu
Near-optimal control of linear multiparameter singularly perturbed systems. 2051-2057 - Damien Koenig, Saïd Mammar:
Design of proportional-integral observer for unknown input descriptor systems. 2057-2062 - Jorge M. Gonçalves
λ2-Gain of double integrators with saturation nonlinearity. 2063-2068 - Chunjiang Qian
, Wei Lin:
Smooth output feedback stabilization of planar systems without controllable/observable linearization. 2068-2073 - Christian Commault, Jean-Michel Dion, Olivier Sename
, Reza Motyeian:
Observer-based fault detection and isolation for structured systems. 2074-2079 - Leonid M. Fridman
Singularly perturbed analysis of chattering in relay control systems. 2079-2084 - A. Nazli Gündes, A. Bülent Özgüler:
Two-channel decentralized integral-action controller design. 2084-2088 - Shengyuan Xu, Tongwen Chen
Robust H∞ control for uncertain stochastic systems with state delay. 2089-2094 - Vu Ngoc Phat:
New stabilization criteria for linear time-varying systems with state delay and norm-bounded uncertainties. 2095-2098 - Bernardo A. León de la Barra, Francisco J. Salazar:
Discrete-time systems with monotonic step responses and complex conjugate poles and zeros. 2098-2101 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Giuseppe Orlando
A switching controller for the output feedback stabilization of uncertain interval plants via sliding modes. 2101-2107 - Patrizio Colaneri
, Augusto Ferrante:
A -spectral factorization approach for H∞ estimation problems in discrete time. 2108-2113 - Onur Toker:
Conservatism of randomized structured singular value. 2113-2116 - Augusto Ferrante, Wieslaw Krajewski, Antonio M. Lepschy, Umberto Viaro
Analytic stability margin design for unstable and nonminimum-phase plants. 2117-2121 - Guang-Hong Yang, Li Qiu
Optimal symmetric H2 controllers for systems with collocated sensors and actuators. 2121-2125
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