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See you at the new I HAVE CAT!

As Animal Planet’s Must Love Cats wraps up their first season, I HAVE CAT sat down with popular host John Fulton (albeit virtually) for an exclusive interview. And yes, we asked the one question on every unmarried cat lady’s mind.

John’s not only a talented and handsome cat lover, he also has a great sense of humor (at least we hope that’s what it is).  While we wait to hear if Must Love Cats has been picked up for a second season, be sure to follow John on Twitter @johnfulron.


In your travels have you found that the crazy cat lady stereo type is a reality? Crazy cat lady? never heard the term!

Are there any stereotypes about cats you find true or untrue? A common stereotype is that a cat chooses you and I found that out to be mostly true. A lot of the stories I heard started with “so this cat just walked into my life.”

Everyone loves to say cats are “independent” and that’s not always true cause certain types of cats love to be with people and they certainly depend on their owner for love and especially food.

Must Love Cats interview photo

Live shot during interview with IHC (is that a slanket he's sporting?)

What about stereotypes of cat people? Of course the “crazy cat lady” is a common theme but the women I met who had a lot of cats weren’t crazy at all, they just really love animals. Also, the few places I visited that had hundreds of cats were outside and the cats were very well taken care of and they adopted out many cats.

So, is the most famous cat loving guy a free agent, or is he taken? Continue Reading »

Win a set of Bamboleo wine cork cat toys for your favorite kitty (s). Just post your comment below with the names of my three cats and you’re entered to win!

Well, that and let us know which color combo you’d like for your kitty – – Raspberry Chocotini, Blue Lagoon,or Tequila Sunrise (retail value of $9.50). Continue Reading »

Wine and cats, cats and wine. I often enjoy them both as I unwind after a long day at work.

"Hmmm.....is there catnip in there?!"

Kate, the lady behind the well-loved website ModernCat, must have had me in mind when she started selling these ingenious cat toys made from repurposed wine corks. Continue Reading »

I Am…Dog?

Somewhere in Beverly Hills

“I know you like cats, “said my client P___, “but you’re actually more dog-like.” She made this observation from the kitchen of a gaudy Beverly Hills mansion. We were on a commercial shoot.

“You’re so energetic and social,” she went on. I heard myself add “eager to please and A.D.H. D.” to the list.

I couldn’t argue with her, but secretly I was hurt. A dog? Something about being likened to a dog was insulting. Even coming from my dog-obsessed client.

I am a crazy sexy cat lady hear me ROAR! (Photographer: JEROME JAKUBIEC)

Now you dog lovers out there hold your horses before you start sending me nasty-grams. It’s because of my cats that I’ve developed an appreciation of the animal kingdom – dogs included.

Cats and dogs are different. One is not better than the other. But let’s face it, dogs are indiscriminate and needy. Dogs are goofy, drool, and – on occasion – eat their own shit. Continue Reading »

Single White Feline

“I understand why some of my friends are single but I just don’t get why I am.”

This statement is made by Jane, an attractive, seemingly well-adjusted 29 year old Brit who is the subject of the hysterical BBC mockumentary “Single White Feline” (did anyone else know the BBC did comedy?).

It’s a statement all single women of a certain age have privately pondered at some point. In Jane’s case it quickly becomes clear what her problem is.

Watch the video and find out (yes, there’s a feline involved).

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Continue Reading »

Unexpected Valentine

Skinny Petie and Kip look alikes (love this photo but don't know who took it)

Ah, it’s that time of year again. The time when restaurants overcharge love birds and single women either stay in drinking vats of wine or go out in large groups to “take back the night.”

Last year, because of my New Years resolution to meet a non-furry two-legged single straight male, I dipped my toe into the world of online dating. Specifically sites that were more geared to the pet lover.

It wasn’t promising.  Continue Reading »

Three lucky IHC readers have won a severed leg for their cat (s).  They are: Continue Reading »

“Nothing tells kitty you love her more than a severed leg.” I had to smile when I read this on the Life With Tigers website.  I’ve long believed cats are the coolest pets exactly because they are pygmy tigers.

A pile of severed leg catnip toys

Life With Tigers was founded Karen Brazell, a fellow New Yorker and cat lover (with 3 cats), who started her business crafting cat dolls for humans.  One day a doll leg went missing Continue Reading »

Hatching Cats

I’d like to think that being a good cat Mom doesn’t necessitate a living room furnished with beige or light blue carpeted cat condos.  As I’ve said in the past, I’d like my apartment to read “sophisticated single woman with cat (s)” not “crazy cat lady.”  So I’m always on a quest for cat accessories that both the cats and I love.

dThe moment I saw Pei Pods I knew that I my cats must have one.  There’s just something about their Easter-Egg-like shape and colors that make them irresistible. Plus, it’s a cat bed that easily doubles as modern art.

The quote from the company website says it all.  “We love our pets. We love our homes too. Not as much as we love our pets, but you get the idea.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

I presented the kitties with their egg a few days before Christmas. Originally I worried about Petie’s ability to fit and lounge comfortably (the website says it can accommodate up to 13lbs). Continue Reading »

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