The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Doctor Who - 10th Anniversary of NuWho: Dalek Review
Doctor Who:
By Robert Shearman
“You would make a good Dalek.”
The Doctor and Rose have arrived in an underground bunker near Salt Lake City Utah in the year 2012 where The Doctor discovers that they are in the middle of a museum that has tons of alien artifacts including a Cybermen head. They are soon captured by the guard and taken to Henry van Statten for questioning. During questionng The Doctor discovers that van Statten isn’t interested in the uniqueness of the artifacts but to exploit them and keep them for his collection. It appears he also has a live specimen and The Doctor finds out that he too will be a part of his collection as he is an alien and the last of his race.
Doctor Who - Peter Davison on If The Five(ish) Doctors Will Have A Sequel
Peter Davison was talking to Digital Spy and the question came up about a sequel for The Five(ish) Doctors. He had quite a bit to say but did not rule out a sequel which hopefully does happen sooner rather than later. Here is what he had to say about a potential sequel for The Five(ish) Doctors.
“There are two problems, really, in my head. I wouldn’t want to do [a sequel] if it was half-hearted and nowhere near as good as the other one, so it would have to be a good enough idea. The other problem – and it’s a fairly major one – is we had probably the best cast you can imagine. Literally everyone said yes – with one exception – and it’s very difficult to imagine getting that cast together again… and not paying them! I couldn’t really ring up people and ask them to do a day for no money at all – their patience might run out! So if I did come up with a good enough idea, I’d then have to figure out a way of actually paying them some money! All these things are not impossible, but I wouldn’t even want to go down that road unless I thought it could be better!”
Doctor Who - Big Finish Novel Adaptions Vol 2 Trailer
Big Finish released a trailer for its upcoming box set and single release for their Novel Adaptions series. The two new adaptions is Gareth Roberts 4th Doctor story The Well - Mannered War and Russell T. Davies 7th Doctor story Damaged Goods.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Doctor Who - Steven Moffat on Peter Capaldi and Series 9
Digital Spy conducted an interview with Steven Moffat at the BAFTA's this past weekend in which he talks about the Series Nine, Peter Capaldi's Doctor and Jenna Coleman's Clara. As usual he does not give anything away so this interview is spoiler free.
New Comic Book Checklist For April 29th
Conan: The Avenger 13
Conan/Red Sonja 4
Order of the Forge 1
Pastaways 2
Resident Alien: Sam Hain Mystery 0
Batman (2) 40
Batman (2):TPB: 5-Zero Year Dark City
Batman:THC: 6-The Graveyard Shift
Convergence 4
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Doctor Who - The English Way of Death Review
Doctor Who:
The English Way of Death
By Gareth Roberts
Adapted By John Dorney
Starring Tom Baker, Lalla Ward and John Leeson
The Doctor has bypassed the Randomizer on the TARDIS to return a couple of library books back to London in 1930. But all is not what it seems as a biscuit millionaire is hiring assassins and a sea side hut holds a secret that is beyond strange. The Doctor’s plans might be forced to change as trace of time pollution is detected. There is also a strange smell in the air a smell The Doctor deuces could mean the death of everyone on Earth.
Doctor Who - Cover For Doctor Who Magazine 486
The new issue is out this Thursday April 30th in the UK and features an interview with Russell T. Davies on his 7th Doctor story Damaged Goods.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Doctor Who Wins SFX BAFTA
Series 8 of Doctor Who has won a BAFTA and they won it for having great SFX. They took home the trophy for the Special, Visual and Graphic Effects and it is the second year in a row that the SFX companies Milk VFX and Real SFX has won one. The effects that helped secure the BAFTA are the T- Rex in the Thames and the creature hatching out of the moon.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
'Ex Machina' Review: I Robot, You Jane?
A pretty face (Alicia Vikander as Ava) is only part of the story in "Ex Machina." |
If you've been overwhelmed by the publicity and rumors surrounding "Avengers: Age of Ultron," "Mad Max: Fury Road," "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," "Terminator: Genisys," "Tomorrowland," "Fantastic Four," "Ant-Man" and a certain superhero movie that doesn't come out for nearly another year (we're looking at you, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne), you may have missed the artistic and critical success that is "Ex Machina."
No, the future of all humanity is not at risk (not yet, anyway).
No, you're not going to witness spandex-clad heroes battling armies of high-tech warriors (although artificial intelligence is the centerpiece of the plot).
Instead, "Ex Machinia" is smartly written, well-acted and edgy. In other words, it's an actual Movie rather than an Event.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Doctor Who - Doctor Who UK Comic Issue 3 Cover and Trailer
Out now in the UK is the third issue of the Doctor Who comic magazine which continues the three stories for the 10th, 11th and 12th Doctors. Below is a trailer for the comic book.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Doctor Who - The Darkness of Glass Review
Doctor Who:
The Darkness of Glass
By Justin Richards
Starring Tom Baker and Louise Jameson
The year is 1907 and The Doctor and Leela are cut off from the TARDIS when the path they are walking on is covered up by the ocean when the tide came in. Stranded on a small island The Doctor and Leela find sanctuary in a castle where members of the Caversham Society have gathered to on the 100th Anniversary of the death of Mannering Caversham who was the greatest Magic Lanternist who ever lived.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Eye on Sci-Fi - Star Wars, Orphan Black, Mad Max
Late April 2015
by Ken Parker
With a slew of high profile sci-fi
movies coming out this year like The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Mad
Max: Fury Road, Terminator: Genisys and Jurassic World, one can be
excused to forget about the biggest release of the year, mostly
because it is still many months away from coming out. But we won't
be forgetting about Star Wars from now on. Expect an ever increasing
level of promotion and coverage about Star Wars from now on.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens –
Obviously the big news for this was the release of the trailer.
Doctor Who - Series 9 Filming Pics (Spoilerish)
Here is the next batch of filming pics from the Official Doctor Who Instagram site. There are two images that are spoilerish so don't say you weren't warned.
New Comic Book Checklist For April 22
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer: Season 10: 14
Creepy Comics 20
Crimnial Macabre:TPB: Third Child
Frankenstein: Underground 2
Grindhouse: Drive In Bleed Out 4
Halo: Escalation 17
Mind MGMT 32
Mister X: Razed 3
Strain:THC: 2-The Fall
Tomb Raider 15
Witchfinder:TPB: 3-Mysteries of Unland
Batman 66: 22
Batman 66:THC: 3
Batman 66:TPB: 2
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Doctor Who - Lethbridge Stewart: The Forgotten Son Reviewed By @BlackAdder345
Lethbridge Stewart:
The Forgotten Son Review
By Will Barber – Taylor
When Colonel Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart of the Scots Guard is recalled from Libya to help combat the Yeti incursion in London, he finds himself on the frontline fighting robotic soldiers of an alien entity known as the Great Intelligence. With the British Government still reeling at this proof of alien life, what connects these events to the events to the seemingly quiet Cornish village of Bledoe? And what has all of this to do with Lethbridge-Stewart?
The Forgotten Son is a unique book. It captures the tone of modern Doctor Who novels but also mixes in a nostalgic feel comparable to the Target novelizations of old.
Doctor Who - David Schofield Cast For Series Nine (Possible Spoiler)
Some Series Nine news. Den of Geek is reporting that David Schofield has been cast in Series Nine of Doctor Who. Now for those who do not want to know who they think he will be playing do not read any futher.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Doctor Who - Death Match Synopsis
This months 4th Doctor audio sees The Doctor and Leela going up against The Master yet again as they find out he is very much alive following their last encounter with him last month. You can order this release from the Big Finish website.
The Death-Match is under new management. The Hunt Master's Champion has been installed. All regular players are welcomed back to the Pursuit Lounge to observe the contest in luxurious surroundings. Privacy is assured. For this reason we ask our elite guests to abide by the strict security protocols. Please note, the house has no limits.
In the Gallery, your combatants can be observed on the orbiting Quarry Station. A purpose-built environment filled with deadly traps and hidden dangers. Prizes are offered for every kill, with bonuses for rogue elements. Only an elite hunter can survive the End-Game. Do you have a worthy champion? Kill or be killed: the only rule of the Death-Match...
Written By: Matt Fitton
Directed By: Nicholas Briggs
Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), John Leeson (K9), Geoffrey Beevers (The Master), Susan Brown (Kastrella), Andy Secombe (Vargrave)
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor John Dorney
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Bloody 'Daredevil:' A Dark Knight for the Marvel Universe
"Does this hurt? I hope so." |
Mission accomplished, Marvel.
Based on the first two episodes (Netflix has released 13 for streaming), "Daredevil" easily stands on its own as an outstanding superhero crime series, thanks largely to star Charlie Cox. "Superhero" is used loosely because he possesses none of the usual comic book powers (strength, flying, speed). When young Matt Murdock is blinded in an accident, he gains heightened senses that make him keenly aware of his surroundings. By night, Murdock becomes a masked vigilante. By day, he and Foggy Nelson (portrayed by Elden Hanson) are partners in a small law firm struggling to make ends meet.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Doctor Who - The First Doctor Companion Chronicles Box Set Synopsis
Big Finish has released the details for its upcoming 1st Doctor box set which is a continuation of the popular Companions Chronicles. It features four companions from the 1st Doctor era and is out in June. You can preorder this box set from the Big Finish website.
A new four-disc release featuring four tales from readers associated with the First Doctor era, and a second actor.
The Sleeping Blood by Martin Day
When the Doctor falls ill, Susan is forced to leave the safety of the TARDIS behind. Exploring a disused research centre in search of medical supplies, she becomes embroiled in the deadly plans of a terrorist holding an entire world to ransom – and the soldier sent to stop him.
The Unwinding World by Ian Potter
Office life is tough, the commute is a grind, nothing works quite as well as you'd like. Vicki seems to remember things being better once, before the little flat. It’s time she put some excitement back in her life. It’s just a shame the Doctor can’t help.
The Founding Fathers by Simon Guerrier
The TARDIS lands in Leicester Square in the summer of 1762. When the Doctor, Steven and Vicki find themselves locked out of the TARDIS, only one man can possibly help them. But the American, Benjamin Franklin, has problems of his own...
The Locked Room by Simon Guerrier
Steven Taylor left the Doctor and the TARDIS to become king of an alien world. But it's now many years since he gave up the throne and went to live in a cell in the mountains, out of sight of his people. He's not escaping his past – quite the opposite, in fact. As his granddaughter, Sida, is about to discover...
Written By: Martin Day, Simon Guerrier, Ian Potter
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Carole Ann Ford, Maureen O'Brien, Peter Purves, Alix Dunmore, Alice Haig, Darren Strange
Doctor Who - LI Who 3 Adds Jemma Redgrave To Their Guest List
LI Who has added Jemma Redgrave who plays Kate Stewart in Doctor Who. She was in series 8 and will be in series 9 and it should be interesting to hear what she has to say about acting with four Doctors. You can get your tickets at the LI Who website.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Doctor Who - 10th Anniversary of NuWho: Aliens of London/World War 3 Review
Doctor Who:
Aliens of London/World War 3
By Russell T. Davies
“If aliens fake an alien crash and an alien pilot, what do they get? Us. They get us. It's not a diversion, it's a trap.”
The Doctor returns Rose home in which he believes she has been gone for 12 hours which it turns out to be 12 months instead and it caused quite the furor. Jackie was livid as she thought Rose was kidnapped and even went as far as accusing Mickey of murdering her. Needless to say this was not the homecoming that Rose had expected and it was another goof by The Doctor that resulted in all this.
Then all of a sudden an alien ship crashed to Earth hitting Big Ben before crashing into the Thames. This has gotten The Doctor’s spirits up as he now has something to investigate and to get away from the domestics. What he finds is a pig. A normal pig that someone has augmented his mind to make people think it is an alien.
Doctor Who To Premiere On Disney XD May 9th
Doctor Who will be airing on Disney XD in the US and I think this is a good way to get a younger generation into watching the show and hopefully the continue with it and seek out the show on BBC America. It is also a good move as BBC America is a premium channel and now the show can gain a larger audience. Lets hope they add Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi episodes in the future. Below is the press release.
-- Starring David Tennant, Seasons Two Through Four of the Global Family Action Adventure Hit to Air on Disney XD --
BBC's world-renowned science fiction drama "Doctor Who" will premiere on Disney XD beginning SATURDAY, MAY 9 (9:00 p.m., ET/PT). Disney XD, home to other top-rated action adventure programming including Lucasfilm's "Star Wars Rebels" and Marvel Television's animated series, has picked up seasons two through four of the global sci-fi hit. The landmark series depicts the adventures of the Doctor (played by David Tennant), a Time Lord who travels through space and time in his TARDIS combatting various enemies to save civilizations around the universe.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Doctor Who - The Defectors Synopsis
Out now is part one of three that will be part of the celebration to Big Finish's 200th main range release. This month sees the 7th Doctor teaming up with Jo Grant. You can order it from the Big Finish website.
Jo Grant is shocked to find most of her colleagues are missing. Then she discovers that the Doctor has inexplicably changed.
But there’s no time to worry about it, as she and her misplaced Time Lord friend are whisked to the mysterious Delphin Isle on a matter of national security. There, they encounter a disturbingly odd form of local hospitality and learn of a highly classified incident that took place during the Cold War.
Why exactly have they been brought here? And what is the truth concerning the bodies in the harbour and the vast project being undertaken beneath a cloak of secrecy?
Written By: Nicholas Briggs
Directed By: Nicholas Briggs
Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Richard Franklin (Captain Yates), Neil Roberts (Captain Cornelius), Barnaby Edwards (Commander Wingford), David Graham (Shedgerton), Rachel Bavidge (Europan Leader), Jez Fielder (Europan)
Doctor Who - First Pics of David Tennant As The Purple Man From AKA Jessica Jones
One of the next Netflix Marvel series AKA Jessica Jones has started filming and we now have pics of former Doctor David Tennant as The Purple Man. My question is why David Tennant is not purple.
Doctor Who - Doctor Who Magazine Special: The Art of Doctor Who
A new special coming from Doctor Who Magazine exploring the art of Doctor Who from the 60's to today. This looks like a nice one to get.
New Comic Book Checklist For April 15th
Archie vs. Predator 1
Bandette:THC: 2-Stealers Keepers
BPRD: Hell on Earth 130 (Part 21)
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer: Season 10:TPB: 2-I Wish
Crime Does Not Pay:THC: Archives 9
Dark Horse Presents (2014) 9
Ei8ht 3
Groo: Friends And Foes 4
Halo: Escalation:TPB: 2
He-Man:HC: Art Of He-Man And the Masters of the Universe
Prometheus: Fire + Stone:TPB:
Shaper 2
Strain: Night Eternal 8
100 Bullets:TPB: Book 2
American Vampire: Second Cycle 7
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Doctor Who - The Tenth Doctor Issue Nine Preview and Synopsis
The third Doctor Who comic book coming out this Wednesday is the Tenth Doctor issue nine and so far this is the best storyline going on in the four Doctor Who comic book series. Issue nine sees the conclusion to the World War One Weeping Angel story.
Trapped in No Man’s Land. Surrounded by Weeping Angels on all sides. Bombarded by artillery both British and German. No weapons of any use. No protection against the cold. Tired, hungry, and walking wounded.
Doctor Who - More Set Pics For Series Nine
The Doctor Who Instagram page has released a couple more mysterious pics for us the ponder over. These are pretty easy to figure out.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Marvel Vs. DC - Daredevil, Hawkgirl and Superhero Fight Club
April 2015
By Ken Parker
By Ken Parker
The opening episode has a great story
and pace with incredible visuals (I love the color scheme). This
series, all 13 episodes are available on Netflix now, from what I can
tell, is as good as any of the other Marvel series and that is
Doctor Who - The Twelfth Doctor Issue Seven Preview and Synopsis
Out this Wednesday is the second of three Doctor Who comic books and this one sees the 12th Doctor and Clara taking on the Fractures.
The Fractures’ Part 2
On our Earth, UNIT scientist John Foster was killed in an accident… but in a parallel universe, his wife and daughter were killed, while that world’s John Foster survived. One thought kept that John going through his grief – somewhere out there, in some other reality, his wife and daughter still lived.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Doctor Who - The Eleventh Doctor Issue 11 Preview and Synopsis
Out this Wednesday will be three Titan Doctor Who comic books and today we will preview the 11th Doctor Who comic Book.
The Doctor, Alice and Jones were getting used to having ARC around. A shapeshifter whose origins are shrouded in mystery, ARC still saved their lives time after time.
Doctor Who - LI Geek Adds Dalek Writer To Guest List
For those attending LI Geek this year you will be able to meet the writer of one of the best Dalek stories of NuWho Robert Sherman. Robert Sherman will be attending on Sunday only and it should be interesting to hear him talk about writing for Doctor this year which celebrates 10 years since his story Dalek aired. The Press release is below and you can get your tickets at LI Who website.
Rob Shearman is making his first Long Island Convention Appearance at LI Geek (Sunday only).
Robert Shearman has written for television, radio and the stage. His award-winning plays include Fool to Yourself, which premiered at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in 1997 and won the inaugural Sophie Winter Memorial Trust Award. Easy Laughter, which was produced in Los Angeles by Francis Ford Coppola’s American Zoetrope group and won the Sunday Times Playwriting Award. His play Coupling won the World Drama Trust Award and Binary Dreamers was given the Guinness Award for Theatre Ingenuity, in association with the Royal National Theatre. He has written many radio plays for the BBC, and his interactive drama series for them, The Chain Gang, ran for three seasons and won two Sony Awards. He has written five short story collections, and collectively they have won the World Fantasy Award, the Shirley Jackson Award, and three British Fantasy Awards. He is best known as a writer for the television series Doctor Who, reintroducing fan-favorite villains the Daleks to the screen in its BAFTA winning first series in an episode nominated for a Hugo Award.
Rob comes to us via the Dirt [contained] Theatre Company who are presenting the New York premiere of EASY LAUGHTER, the Sunday Times Award-winning play written by Robert Shearman, a Shirley Jackson and World Fantasy award winning author and Hugo-nominated writer for the hit BBC series Doctor Who. The controversial satire, directed by Stephen Massaro, will open on April 30 at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory on 104 West 14th Street in Manhattan and run through May 10. Dirt [contained] co-founders Tana Sirois and Maria Swisher said EASY LAUGHTER was perhaps “more relevant today than when it was written: boldly confront ing xenophobia, extremism, state surveillance and government control.” Tickets are available at: and for more information visit:
Friday, April 10, 2015
Doctor Who - The Rani Elite Reviewed By @BlackAdder345
Doctor Who:
The Rani Elite
Reviewed By Will Barber – Taylor
The TARDIS arrives in the CAGE – not a trap, but the College of Advanced Galactic Education, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in colonised space.
Not a trap. Or is it?
The Doctor’s here to receive an honorary degree in Moral Philosophy. But there’s something rotten at the heart of the Medical Facility. Someone is operating on the students. Someone without a conscience. Someone with access to a Sidelian Brain Scanner – a technology that hasn’t been invented yet.
That someone is the ruthless Time Lord scientist known as the Rani – in her new incarnation. But will the Doctor and Peri recognise the Rani’s hand before her trap is sprung?
Doctor Who - Early Release For Big Finish Novel Adaptions
Big Finish will be releasing the next batch of Novel Adaptions on download only a little bit earlier than their May release. They will be releasing The Well - Mannered War and Damaged Goods on Monday April 13th exclusively through the Big Finish website. The harcopies will be released on the original release date and they will keep the preorder price till the original release date. For more information check out the press release on the Big Finsh website.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Doctor Who - 10th Anniversary of NuWho: The Unquiet Dead Review
Doctor Who:
The Unquiet Dead
By Mark Gatiss
“You're from London. I've seen London in drawings, but never like that. All those people rushing about half naked, for shame. And the noise, and the metal boxes racing past, and the birds in the sky, no, they're metal as well. Metal birds with people in them. People are flying. And you, you've flown so far. Further than anyone. The things you've seen. The darkness, the big bad wolf. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, miss.”
The Unquiet Dead was a Christmas themed Doctor Who adventure that has all the charm of the recent Christmas stories. Even though it wasn’t aired on Christmas Day it sure would have been at home if it was. The story takes place on Christmas Day in Cardiff to the dismay of The Doctor and Rose as they were hoping for Naples instead.
Doctor Who - More Series Nine Set Pics
The Doctor Who Instragram page has released another set of cryptic behind the scenes filming pics. You'll have to use your imagination to see what they could be for but a couple are pretty easy to figure out.
Eye On Sci-Fi - The X-Files, Twin Peaks and Star Trek
April 2015
By Ken Parker
My memories of The X-Files are
mostly good memories. My wife and I have been watching the series
over the past couple of summers and have enjoyed the good and the
bad. I personally felt the conspiracy surrounding UFOs and the
government went too far in the series. It would build up to a reveal
and that would end up being false and that would repeat every season. I felt
the show was better in the stand alone stories.
Keep reading for news on Humans, Star Trek- Renegades, Fear the Walking Dead and more
Keep reading for news on Humans, Star Trek- Renegades, Fear the Walking Dead and more
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Footage Used In Doctor Who - The Faceless Ones
The Gallifreyan Gazette Blog - 4th Anniversary
Doctor Who - Jago and Litefoot Series Nine Synopsis
The Nineth Series for the popular characters that have spun out of The Talons of Weing Chiang and this time there is four new adventures in this new box set that will be released this month. You can get it at the Big Finish website.
The Flying Frenchmen (by Jonathan Morris)
Jago and Litefoot embark on a cruise. It’s supposed to be a relaxing break, but what terrors lurk in the mysterious fog? And what about the other ships that seem trapped along with the Fata Morgana – are they friend or foe? Or something much more frightening?
The Devil’s Dicemen (by Justin Richards)
Arriving at Monte Carlo, Jago is keen to try his luck at the famous casino. But if he’s not careful he could lose a lot more than just money. While Litefoot makes a new friend, Jago and ship’s purser Aubrey find themselves playing for high stakes at the Clandestine Dark Casino.
Island of Death (by Simon Barnard & Paul Morris)
Arriving at a beautiful island, Jago and Litefoot discover evidence of a missing expedition. Can they discover what happened to the ship’s crew – before it happens to them? And will they be able to avoid the amorous advances of the formidable Lady Danvers?
Return of the Nightmare (by Justin Richards)
There is a murderer loose aboard the ship. If Jago and Litefoot can solve the mystery of the strange fog and return to London, will that make matters better, or far worse? The answers lie deep in the past, and they soon learn that not everyone is who – or what – they might seem.
Written By: Jonathan Morris, Justin Richards, Simon Barnard, Paul Morris
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Trevor Baxter (Professor George Litefoot), Christopher Benjamin (Henry Gordon Jago), Conrad Asquith (Inspector Quick), Lisa Bowerman (Ellie), Jamie Newall (Aubrey), David Charles (Captain Mercer), Sarah Badel (Lady Isobelle Danvers), David Warner (Dr Luke Betterman), Miranda Raison (Madame Diabolique), Dan Starkey (Neville Tibbs), Anthony Howell (Victor Bataille), Jonathan Coy (Fowler)
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Justin Richards
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Comic Book Checklist For April 8th
Abe Sapien 22
Itty Bitty Comics: Grimmiss Island 2
Rebels 1
X 24
Arrow: Season 2.5: 7
Astro City 22
Astro City:TPB: Family Album (New Print)
Batman: Arkham Knight 2
Coffin Hill 17
Convergence 1
Convergence: Atom 1
Convergence: Batgirl 1
Convergence: Batman + Robin 1
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Doctor Who - Listen Nominated For A Hugo Award
Listen written by Steven Moffat has been nominated for a Hugo Award. The series eight story is nominated in the Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form category. The winners will be
announced Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the 2015 Worldcon. The other nominees that Listen is up against is below and Game of Thrones has won this catagory the last two years.
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
Doctor Who: “Listen”, written by Steven Moffat, directed by Douglas Mackinnon (BBC Television)
The Flash: “Pilot”, teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns, story by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns, directed by David Nutter (The CW) (Berlanti Productions, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television)
Game of Thrones: “The Mountain and the Viper”, written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss, directed by Alex Graves ((HBO Entertainment in association with Bighead, Littlehead; Television 360; Startling Television and Generator Productions)
Grimm: “Once We Were Gods”, written by Alan DiFiore, directed by Steven DePaul (NBC) (GK Productions, Hazy Mills Productions, Universal TV)
Orphan Black: “By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried”, ” written by Graham Manson, directed by John Fawcett (Temple Street Productions, Space/BBC America)
Doctor Who - Karen Gillan To Return For Guardians of the Galaxy 2
James Gunn the director for Guardians of the Galaxy and its sequel has revealed in a livestream interview that Karen Gillan will be back as the villanious Nebula who is one of many daughters of Thanos. He also revealed that they might have come up with a way for her to play the part without her having to cut her hair off. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is slated for a May 2017 release.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Doctor Who - Synopsis For Big Finish Short Trips "The Ghost Trap"
It's the 4th Doctor's turn to be featured in Big Finish's Short Trips series. This story sees the 4th Doctor being joined by Leela and their adventure takes place on a spaceship and is a ghost story. The Ghost Trap is narrated by Louise Jameson and is available now in digital download only.
Responding to a salvage team’s distress call, the Doctor and Leela arrive on a crippled space ship. Its owners, the Dihmokk, are a secretive race of space mariners whose navigation skills make them the envy of the galaxy. The salvage team are long dead, but their last log entries speak of a spectre stalking the ship’s halls, picking them off one by one. When the pair become separated, Leela must fight for survival whilst the Doctor seeks to understand the nature of the ghost...
Producer Michael Stevens
Script Editor Michael Stevens
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Written By: Nick Wallace
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Louise Jameson (Narrator)
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Thunderbirds Are Go – New TV series - Review of Ring of Fire
By Ken Parker
A bit of a background. I am a fan of
Thunderbirds but only got into it initially because I grew up
with Space: 1999 and UFO. I did not watch Thunderbirds
until I was in my 20's, in the 80's. Thunderbirds was probably
my favorite of the Supermarionation series and always felt that a
remake would be prime material for a successful new venture.
Obviously the new remake would have to handled properly and while I
think the 2004 movie version missed the mark, the new Thunderbirds
Are Go series was near perfect in its execution.
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