The Gallifreyan Gazette Pages
Monday, November 30, 2015
Doctor Who - Is Peter Jackson Directing A Doctor Who Episode????
An interesting video surfaced on Peter Jackson's Facebook page where it appears he might be directing an episode of Doctor Who. Nothing is confirmed but this tongue and cheek video sure does suggest it and it also features Peter Capaldi delivering a contract. Well we'll just have to wait and see if this becomes a reality for Series 10.
Home InvasionThis was an interesting weekend...
Posted by Peter Jackson on Sunday, November 29, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Doctor Who – Heaven Sent Review (Spoilers)
Ken Parker.
Doctor Who - Heaven Sent Review (Spoilers)
Doctor Who:
Heaven Sent
By Steven Moffat
“I am The Doctor. I’m coming to find you and I’ll never ever stop.”
After last week’s emotion story Face the Raven we are given a story that is absolutely different and something we haven’t seen in Doctor Who for sometime a companionless story. Well this story could be called Doctor Who meets Groundhogs Day because that’s how it felt towards the end when it became repetitive and dragged out a bit too long watching him punch the diamond wall over and over again. The normal 45 minutes would have sufficed and some of the Groundhog Day sequences could have been cut down a bit. That’s my opinion and it seems I’m in the minority here as lots of thought it was great. But I did get what they were doing and what tale they were referencing if you Google How Long is Eternity? you’ll have the source for why The Doctor was punching the diamond and why it took 2 million years which was pretty clever in a way but I still thought that it was way to reminiscent of Groundhog Day instead of a fable but the fable is where it comes from.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Into The Time Vortex Interview with Carole Ann Ford
This is an interview with Carole Ann Ford, who played Susan in Doctor Who. This interview was taken November 13, 2015 at the Long Island Doctor Who convention. Check out our other interviews and podcast episodes.
Thanks to Andre Tessier
Friday, November 27, 2015
Doctor Who - Torchwood The Conspiracy Review (Major Spoilers)
The Conspiracy
By David Llewellyn
Starring John
Captain Jack is suspicious of a group called The Committee. The Committee is a group that is run by aliens and they seem to have a hand in the events of the world throughout history. When renowned conspiracy theorist arrives in Cardiff and is talking about The Committee Captain Jack couldn’t waste a moment to talk to George Wilson to find out what he knows about The Committee. What Jack finds out is that most of what George Wilson has been talking about is made up but how was he right about half of the stuff he was talking about in his lectures. Only when a blogger who got to close ends up dead does Jack fear the worst and that The Committee is now after him.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Doctor Who - Synopsis For Torchwood Forgotten Lives
Out now is the third Torchwood audio adventure and this month Eve Myles and Kai Owen reprise their roles in Forgotten Lives which takes place 4 years after Miracle Day. You can order this audio adventure from the Big Finish website.
It has been four years since the Miracle, and Gwen and Rhys's lives have gone back to normal, very normal. They're raising their daughter (they've got pictures they'd be only too happy to show you), they're living in a nice house, and they're almost on top of the laundry.
Captain Jack Harkness has been missing from the world and their lives for a long time. But late one night the phone rings, and they're summoned to an isolated part of North Wales. The Bryn Offa Nursing Home contains a dark secret, an alien threat, and someone who really shouldn't be there.
Gwen and Rhys are about to discover that Torchwood stays with you for the rest of your life.
Written By: Emma Reeves
Directed By: Scott Handcock
Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper), Kai Owen (Rhys Williams), Philip Bond (Griffith), Valmai Jones (Elunedd), Seán Carlsen (Gary), Emma Reeves (Ceri/Nurse Bevan)
Produced by James Goss
Script edited by Steve Tribe
doctor who,
Eve Myles,
Forgotten Lives,
Kai Owen,
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Doctor Who Comic Book Cover Music Variants: Blondie, David Bowie and Bob Dylan
Out now and in February and March are three Doctor Who comic book cover variants that pay homage to some classic rock album covers. These are pretty cool and my favorite is The Blondie one. Keep your eye out for these variant covers.
PRICE: $3.99
Chaos descends on the private Scottish school of Ravenscaur, as secrets sunk at the bottom of the bay are dragged into the light! As the Doctor investigates reports of a Tunguska-style event that shook the heavens decades previous, Clara unravels an establishment conspiracy that cuts to the country’s heart!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Into The Time Vortex Episode 2 - Doctor Who Season 9 - Under the Lake and Before the Flood
Doctor Who - New Christmas Special Promo Pic and Synopsis
The BBC have released a promo pic and a synopsis for this years Christmas Special which airs surprisingly enough on Christmas Day but of course no air time given by the BBC.
It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from Christmas Carols and Comedy Antlers. But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy.
King Hydroflax (Greg Davies) is furious, and his giant Robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole (Matt Lucas) survive? And when will River Song work out who the Doctor is?
All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Doctor Who – Face The Raven – Review (spoilers)
By Ken Parker
Doctor Who - Face the Raven Review (Spoilers)
Doctor Who:
Face the Raven
By Sarah Dollard
“Let me be brave.”
Well they finally did something that I didn’t think they had the courage to do. Even though the clues were there with Clara being so reckless I didn’t think Steven Moffat would actually go ahead and kill of Clara. Yes he has killed a version of Clara before but this is was the death of an actual companion since 1982’s Earthshock. Since Adric’s death came as a surprise and no one knew what was coming as social network did not exist back then there were a lot of rumors that Clara would meet her demise. I have to say they kept the secret pretty good and most fans did not realize that it would be in episode 10. There were leaks about her leaving and it was spoiled on radio and on some sites but most did not know that she would be killed off. But the clues were there and I was one to put two and two together.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Doctor Who - LI Who 3 This Year With More Velvet and Fun
Yet again November is upon us and yet again it is time for Doctor Who fans from New England, Long Island, and the Mid-Atlantic States or well from around the US and the world to come to Long Island New York and attend the third Long Island Who convention. This year’s convention took place on the weekend of the 13th to the 15th of November and had more guest than last year with Paul McGann, Carole Ann Ford, Janet Fielding, Katy Manning, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Noel Clarke, Camille Coduri and Derek Sherwin to name just a few.
Doctor Who - Synopsis For The Other Woman
Out now for download only is a Third Doctor story narrated by Katy Manning. This story featuring Jo Grant and UNIT sees the Doctor being charmed by a dimension jumping woman who might not be what she appears. You can order this release from the Big Finish website.
UNIT is called in when an alien escape pod brings a woman to the Kent countryside. The Doctor offers to repair her stricken, dimension-hopping ship, seeing an opportunity to escape his exile. But while Callandra charms the Doctor and the other men of UNIT, Jo is less trusting. Are her suspicions well-founded or is there another green-eyed monster at work?
Producer Michael Stevens
Script Editor Michael Stevens
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Written By: Philip Lawrence
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Katy Manning (Narrator)
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Doctor Who - Sleep No More - Review - Spoilers
By Ken Parker
Oh, boy, where to begin. First off, I like when series try to do something different and usually found footage formats are entertaining. In this case the gimmick is wrapped up within the found footage. There is a reason for why we are seeing what we are seeing. The found footage concept is part of the plot and this is highly imaginative if not kind of "HUH?
Doctor Who - Synopsis For The Black Hole
This month's Early Adventures sees The Second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria on a research station near a black hole. You can order this release, which also stars Rufus Hound who was in The Woman Who Lived, from the Big Finish website.
On a research station near a black hole, time keeps standing still. Investigating the phenomenon, the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria discover a power far greater than any of the monsters that have challenged them on their travels... The Doctor's own people.
With the safety of thousands balancing out the need to flee, and a policeman from his home planet working at his side, the Doctor reluctantly finds himself involved in a race against time.
But nothing is ever as simple as it appears. And if you can use the Doctor's compassion against him, you have the makings of a perfect trap…
Written By: Simon Guerrier
Directed By: Lisa Bowerman
Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon/The Doctor), Deborah Watling (Victoria Waterfield), Rufus Hound (Constable Pavo), Janet Dibley (Commander Flail), Anthony Keetch (The Seeth). Narrated by David Warner.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor John Dorney
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Doctor Who - Extended Run Times For Episodes 11 and 12
The BBC have released the run times for the two part finale and they will be longer than normal. Heaven Sent which airs October 28th will be 55 minutes and Hell Bent which airs on December 5th will 65 minutes. Both episodes will air at 9pm on BBC America.
Doctor Who - Synopsis for Shield of the Jotunn
This month's main range release sees The Doctor and Constance in Arizona in the year 2029 where the subject of climate change takes center stage or does it. You can order this release from the Big Finish website.
2029 AD. In the desert of Arizona, billionaire philanthropist Dr Hugo Macht is trying to save the world from climate change. But his great project to "scrub the sky clean" with nanoatomic machines grinds to an unexpected halt when his diggers break into something unexpected: a Viking burial barrow containing eight corpses, a mysterious shield, an even more mysterious inscription... and a yet more mysterious traveller in time and space, known only as the Doctor.
And that's not even the strangest part of Dr Macht's day. Soon, it'll begin to snow. Soon, the Doctor and his Girl Friday, Mrs Constance Clarke, will come face-to-face with an ancient horror in the blizzard. A Frost Giant, in need of a new body. In need of flesh...
Written By: Ian Edginton
Directed By: Louise Jameson
Colin Baker (The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke), Michael J Shannon (Dr Hugo Macht), Nell Mooney (Professor Lisa Zetterling), James Caroll Jordan (Major Vincent Da Costa/Herger), Ryan Forde (Bryce/Talessh). Other Parts Played by the Cast.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Alan Barnes
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Into The Time Vortex Interview with Noel Clarke
Doctor Who's own Micky Smith, Noel Clarke was at the Long Island Doctor Who Convention and on November 13, 2015 we interviewed him.
Thanks to Andre Tessier
Doctor Who - Sleep No More Review (Some Spoilers)
Doctor Who:
Sleep No More
By Mark Gatiss
“You must not watch this.”
I can say I’m not a big fan of found footage movies or television shows. I hated the Blair Witch Project and wasn’t that fond of Cloverfield either. So when I heard they were doing a found footage episode of Doctor Who I had big reservations about it. Would it be good and would the scenes be jumping all over the place was one of my concerns but not that much of a worry as to who was writing it.
Doctor Who - Synopsis For Series 9 Finale Hell Bent (Spoilers)
The BBC have released the synopsis for the Series 9 finale Hell Bent which will air on BBC One and BBC America Saturday December 5th.
If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and broke both his far might the Doctor go?
Monday, November 16, 2015
Into The Time Vortex Episode 1 - Doctor Who Season 9 - The Magician's Apprentice and The Witch's Familiar
The following is a new podcast series with a group of fans from America. The series will include reviews of the Doctor Who episodes and discussion of various other topics. We also will have exclusive interviews with Doctor Who celebrities!
Enjoy the first episode as we discuss The Magician's Apprentice and The Witch's Familiar
Friday, November 13, 2015
Doctor Who - Terror of the Sontarans Review
Terror of the Sontarans
By John Dorney and
Dan Starkey
Starring Sylvester McCoy and Bonnie
The Doctor and Mel are responding to a distress signal on a hostile alien world to find that the base that the signal originated from is deserted. But they stumble upon a Sontaran that doesn’t seem all that mighty and appears to be afraid of something. Soon another group of Sontarans have arrived searching for the missing research team. The Doctor soon discovers that there is an evil on this planet that is more of a threat than a bunch of warmongering Sontarans something so evil that it drives humans and Sontarans mad that it eventually drives them to death. So it’s up to The Doctor and Mel to figure out a way to save everyone human and Sontaran without getting killed in the process.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Doctor Who - Christmas Special To Hit US Movie Theaters On December 28th and 29th
DENVER, CO – November 11, 2015 – BBC Worldwide North America and Fathom Events announce the return of the longest running sci-fi television series, Doctor Who, to the big screen with a special theatrical event of the 2015 Doctor Who Christmas Special starring Peter Capaldi and featuring the return of Alex Kingston as River Song. The event will be in theaters on December 28 & 29, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. local time and feature an exclusive interview with Alex Kingston, as well as a 15-minute behind-the-scenes “making of” featurette starring Peter Capaldi, Steven Moffat and more.
Tickets for the 2015 Doctor Who Christmas Special can be purchased online beginning Friday, November 13 by visiting or participating theater box offices. The event is expected to show in nearly 300 movie theaters through Fathom’s Digital Broadcast Network. For a complete list of theater locations visit the Fathom Events website (theaters and participants are subject to change).
It’s Christmas Day in the future and the TARDIS is parked on a snowy village street, covered in icicles, awaiting its next adventure. Time traveler River Song meets her husband’s new incarnation, in the form of Peter Capaldi, for the first time this Christmas. River Song made her first Doctor Who appearances in 2008 in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead and has appeared in 15 episodes to date.
“The return of River Song will be an incredible treat for Whovians heading to the theaters this December to celebrate the holiday season with their Doctor Who community,” said Soumya Sriraman, EVP Film, Home Entertainment and Licensing for BBC Worldwide North America.
“The Doctor Who fans always come out to movie theaters in full force and we expect nothing less for the first-ever big screen showing of the Christmas special. Experiencing this anniversary event as part of a community is the best kind of viewing party!” said Fathom Events CEO John Rubey.
The Doctor Who Christmas Special premieres on Friday, December 25, 2015 on BBC AMERICA.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Doctor Who - Titan Comics To Release A 4th Doctor Mini Series
The Fourth Doctor And Sarah Jane Smith Return
For An All-New Adventure!
(November 10, 2015, London/New York) Titan Comics and BBC Worldwide are pleased to announce a brand-new mini series starring the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith, as played by Tom Baker and the late Elisabeth Sladen.
This series expands Titan Comics’ hugely popular and critically acclaimed Doctor Who comics line, which already includes adventures from the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors.
Entitled ‘Gaze Of The Medusa’, the five-part series will hit stores in March 2016 and will be penned by Gordon Rennie (Missionary Man, Judge Dredd) and Emma Beeby (Witch Hunter, Judge Dredd) with art by Brian Williamson (The Twelfth Doctor, Spider-Man, X-Men).
The all-new adventure is set in Victorian England, where a mysterious woman commands a hidden army in a house of the blind. Scryclops stalk the streets...and something alien and terrible screams from prehistory – with a hunger that cannot be satisfied!
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
Doctor Who - The Underwater Menace DVD Review
Doctor Who:
The Underwater Menace
By Geoffrey Orme
“Nothing in the world can stop me now!”
The Doctor, Polly, Ben and new companion Jamie McCrimmon find themselves on a beach near a cave that looks somewhat mysterious and begs to be explored. Upon investigation they group ends up getting captured and finds themselves far underground in what is the missing city of Atlantis. There The Doctor finds himself in the crazy graces of Professor Zaroff. Zaroff’s dream is to destroy the world and plans on doing it with the Atlantian technology and their unwitting help. The Doctor is horrified that a man of science would want to blow the world up just for the sake of doing it and has devised a plan to try and stop him. But first he must get Ben and Jamie freed from the mine and prevents Polly from being turned into a fish person. It will be tough as Zaroff is just that type of crazy that will not be stopped from his destiny.
Doctor Who - Heaven Sent Synopsis
The BBC have released a synopsis for the penultimate episode of Series 9 and it sounds pretty interesting. Episode 11 Heaven Sent airs on November 28th.
Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives. One final test. And he must face it alone.
Pursued by the fearsome creature known only as the Veil, he must attempt the impossible. If he makes it through, Gallifrey is waiting…
Writer: Steven MoffatDirector: Rachel TalalayProducer: Peter Bennett
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Doctor Who - The Zygon Inversion Review (Spoilers)
By Ken Parker
The story itself is really a couple of
rehashes from the last couple of seasons. We are ultimately left
with yet another button dilemma. How many does that make now? This
is really a continuation of "The Day of the Doctor" but also a
retelling with both the button that the Doctor pushes to destroy
Gallifrey and the stand off between the Zygons and humans. This
similarity may not make this story that original but it does a pretty
good job dealing with the dilemma. This time we have multiple
buttons and multiple outcomes that ultimately are all fake. This is
Capaldi's Doctor doing his “Kill the Moon” schtick again with
giving the life forms control over their own destination, sort of.
Doctor Who - The Zygon Inversion Review (Spoilers)
Doctor Who:
The Zygon Inversion
By Peter Harness and Steven
“Five rounds rapid.”
The Zygon Inversion continues with the Zygon rebellion as we find out how The Doctor escapes from his plane being blown up by an air to ground missile and what evil Clara really is up to. I have to say I wasn’t expecting the solution to plane destruction. Well not the jumping out of the plane with parachutes but the fact that Clara was able to manipulate Bonnie and make her miss with the first missile but was not successful stopping the second which gave The Doctor and Osgood the chance to escape. Now this was an interesting turn of events and made the story a lot more interesting as we had the two Clara’s going back and forth with a mental struggle. I enjoyed the banter between Bonnie and Clara and I am really enjoying watching Jenna Coleman playing a villain also as it really added to the tension that this story was conveying.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
Eye on Sci-Fi - November 2015 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Remakes, Star Trek Series and Ash Vs. Evil Dead
November 2015
By Ken Parker
Star Wars is getting a bunch of press lately. I wonder why?
So we have a new trailer and movie posters.Doctor Who - The Yes Men Review (Some Spoilers)
Doctor Who:
The Yes Men
By Simon Gurrier
Starring Frazer Hines, Anneke Wills and
Elliot Chapman
The Doctor, Jamie, Polly and Ben have arrived in New Houston which is an Earth colony in the 4th sector. The Doctor has been there before in a previous incarnation as he tells his fellow travelers that he save this colony from an alien invasion. The Doctor has a friend at this colony named Meg Carvossa who he finds out has passed away. Upon learning this The Doctor wants to ay his last respects but finds out that he is not able to. This gets The Doctor thinking and he begins to investigate what is going on. Polly also notices that there is hardly any people walking around but there is quite a large number of robots instead. Things do not appear to be what they seem and The Doctor is worried that New Houston is in a lot of trouble.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Doctor Who - 8th Doctor and 11th Doctor Comic Books Covers and Synopsis
Out today are two Doctor Who comic books one for the 8th Doctor and one for the 11th Doctor. Fans of a certain Doctor Who Magazine comic book character will be happy to see him and his chainsaw sword return.
"I'M THE DOCTOR, AND I'D VERY MUCH LIKE TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING IN MY HOUSE..." Get ready for an all-new season of comics adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor, as played by Paul McGann in the Doctor Who movie, fan-favorite minisode Night of the Doctor... and over fourteen years (and counting!) of astounding Big Finish audio spectaculars!
Five amazing, interconnected new stories take the Doctor on a rollercoaster of threat and misadventure, as he investigates the mysteries surrounding his new companion Josie. Victorian magic shows, murderous trees, lost books, crystalline life-forms, barges in space crammed with the undead... and the grand journey all begins in a sleepy Welsh town... besieged by living paintings!
Buckle up for a wild ride that embraces all the Gothic Romance and interstellar terror of the Doctor's eighth incarnation!
• From George Mann, writer of the New York Times-bestselling Doctor Who novel Engines of War! • From Emma Vieceli, artist of Breaks, Alex Rider: Scorpia, Dead Boy Detectives, Vampire Academy, Manga Shakespeare, and more! • Launch cover by the incredible Alice X. Zhang!
The breathless chase through time and space continues, with the Doctor and Alice on the run over a crime committed by one of his previous incarnations! This issue - things get complicated, quick, as a chainsword-wielding freelancer boards the TARDIS. Is he friend, foe, or something even worse?! With only minutes left before the implant in Alice's head gives their location away to the transtemporal bounty hunters on their tail, the Doctor won't have time to weigh his options - and the consequences will be heavy!
Rob Williams Si Spurrier
Simon Fraser
Gary Caldwell
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
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